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Return to Godric's Hollow [Aug. 9th, 2008|04:51 pm]

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Who: Ginny Weasley and Mike Corner
What: A friendly arse-kicking check-in
Where: Godric's Hollow
When: Wednesday, 30 July
Why: Because Mike seems to have drawn a giant target on himself

Was that what Bellatrix had been trying to find? )
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Owlpost: Michael Corner [Jul. 16th, 2008|10:47 am]
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To:  Michael Corner, Godric's Hollow
From:  Marcus Belby, Fitzrovia

[in a hurried and shaky hand]


If you have some time I have a request for assistance that I hope you can provide.  It's a very personal matter, so I would like to discus it here at the lab when you get a chance.

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Owl Post [Jul. 10th, 2008|06:24 am]
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To: Neville Longbottom
From: Michael Corner

[Enclosed is an article for the Quibbler, already set for the printer. There are also three wizarding photographs. The first is of a gathering of the proto-Death Eaters from their days at Hogwarts. It includes Tom Riddle in the center, with his followers arrayed around him. The second is of Lord Voldemort, a photograph from his first reign of terror. The third is a "Morphic" - that takes a closeup of the face of Tom Riddle from the first picture and morphs it into the face of HWMNBN in the second. Lastly, there is a genealogical study of Tom Riddle Senior going back seven generations.]

His Name Is Mud

by Michael Corner

So who was He-Who-Must-Not-Be Named? If one were to scour the Great Book at Hogwarts (which I have), there is no entry for Voldemort, Lord. That name was a creation, an attempt to reinvent himself and rewrite history. But history and facts cannot be changed. Though the so-called Dark Lord did his level best to erase that history, the truth is that Lord Voldemort was born with the name Tom Marvolo Riddle.

[The words TOM MARVOLO RIDDLE rearrange into I AM LORD VOLDEMORT and back again.]

So who was Tom Riddle? Where did he come from? And why did Tom work so very hard to erase that history?

Tom Riddle's mother was Merope Gaunt. The Gaunts were once a powerful and respected family, famous for being direct descendants of Salazar Slytherin. However, by the time poor Merope came into the world, the Gaunts had fallen on hard times and were practically penniless.

Tom Riddle Senior, on the other hand, comes from a very wealthy family - a Muggle family. The Riddles were a wealthy family who lived near the Gaunts, and their son Tom was considered to be one of the most handsome men in the county. Soon after Merope's graduation from Hogwarts, she and Tom married and left for parts unknown. But a short time later, Tom Riddle returned to his family, and would not speak of his marriage. Some believe that Riddle was the subject of a love potion, but that is supposition, and not fact. The fact is that months after Tom Riddle Senior returned to his family, Merope Gaunt gave birth to Tom Marvolo Riddle, and died from complications of childbirth.

Now, some would tell you that Lord Voldemort's blood, like all of his Death Eaters, was pure, because so many wizarding families place such stock in blood purity. But the fact is, if you go back seven generations the Riddle family is 100% Muggle. (And the author would go farther back, but the Muggle records were not as complete as many Wizarding records go.)

So why did Voldemort place such high value on blood purity when he himself was a half-blood? Now we leave the safe arena of fact and enter the area of supposition. Facts tell us that Tom Riddle was half-blood, and facts confirm that he sorted into Slytherin, a house that places such value on blood purity. Perhaps he reinvented himself as the hero of the pure bloods because the pure bloods were the ones with power and money - both of which the penniless orphan craved. Perhaps he cynically understood that if he wanted power in the wizarding world, he needed to make himself like those with power. Or perhaps he was simply ashamed. Nobody of his generation speaks of Tom Riddle's time at Hogwarts. But one can only assume how children of privilege would initially treat a child who came from nothing. They would have called him a "Mudblood."

(byline: Michael Corner is currently in Godric's Hollow)

PS: Nev, I didn't have time to write this up, but here is a list of nine muggleborn wizards who went on to do great things, from Quidditch stars to dragon tamers. Hermione would make it a nice, even ten. [List enclosed]
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Man on a Mission, Part Deux [Jun. 24th, 2008|06:09 am]
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Who: Michael Corner and The Malfoys
What: Playing a gamble
Where: Casa Malfoy
When: Monday, June 23, after dark
Why: Because nothing else has worked so far

Step into their parlor )
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Been a long time [May. 31st, 2008|09:16 pm]
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Who: Granger & Corner
What: Because Corner's been hiding under a rock
Where: Hogwarts
When: Some evening when Hermione's at school
Why: Because he had to come out from under a rock eventually

been a long time - been a lonely lonely lonely lonely time )
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The War Council, with Muffins. [Apr. 21st, 2008|07:47 pm]
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Who: Members of the Order
Where: The Burrow, O. St. C.
When: Tuesday evening, 22 April
What: We're Putting the (War) Band Back Together
Why: The Ministry Has a Dark Wizard In It! (Lord Have Mercy On Our Souls)

It's not like last time, but it never is, is it?... )
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Birds, babies, and Bodleys [Apr. 12th, 2008|10:33 am]

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Who: Hermione Granger and Mike Corner
When: Late Friday afternoon, April 11
Where: The Eagle and Child pub, Oxford
What: News exchange
Why: Because Hermione won't believe he's alive until she sees it with her own eyes

Implet in the Corn and High / Terror me Motoris Bi )
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The Evident Doghouse [Mar. 6th, 2008|05:24 pm]
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Who: Marietta Edgecombe, Mike Corner and Alastor Moody
Where: 'The Doghouse', wherever that is (Marietta still doesn't know, and isn't inclined to find out).
When: February? March? Marietta has lost track of time
What: Because Moody and Mike have things to show Marietta
Why: Better understanding may lead to healing

The wandering mind finds its own refuge. Be suspect of this. )
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The Unexpected Visitor [Feb. 5th, 2008|04:28 pm]
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Who: Marietta Edgecombe, Ginny Weasley, Mike Corner and Marcus Belby
What: A visit to the Belby residence, and discreet snooping
Where: Belby residence, Fitzrovia, London
When: Thursday, 24 January, early-to-mid evening
Why: Because Mike knows things, and Marietta knows he knows. But does he know that Marietta knows that he knows? Who knows?

So Magical It Hurts )
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[Ginny/Mike/Marcus] A Visit to the Shut-In [Jan. 30th, 2008|08:37 pm]

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Who: Ginny Weasley, Mike Corner and Marcus Belby
What: A visit to the Belby residence, and a chat about what happened
Where: Belby residence, Fitzrovia, London
When: Thursday, 24 January
Why: Because Mike knows things

That was the way it worked in her mind, anyway. )
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[Jan. 23rd, 2008|08:41 pm]
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Who: Mike Corner, Marcus Belby
When: Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Where: Fitzrovia, London - Marcus' Place
What: More Explanation and a Roaring Headache

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Dementorgate - The Prologue [Jan. 3rd, 2008|10:17 pm]
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Who: Mike Corner, Marcus Belby, Others to Join Later
When: Thursday, January 10, 2008
Where: King's Cross, The Belby Estate, and Somewhere Between
What: It's The Investigator's Job to Get Knocked Around
Why: Because The Truth Must Prevail

What A Long Strange Trip It's Been )
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