TEH Daily Love

December 5th, 2008

December 5th, 2008

~shakes fandom~

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Ok, I just checked and there's 39 people watching this asylum so I expect 39 comments to this post.

Yep, I said it, everyone is required to comment here or I'll be forced to punish you...in a way you won't like. :P


Here's mine: I love the matching little smiles and how they are so lost in each other.

*cap by me

*so anyway, I don't love you*

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[info]happier_bunny made a call for fandom to tell one thing we love about TEH Love and I was a smart-ass in my answer and said that I loved everything.

I DO. At least I was honest. But I didn't give a specific answer, so here's one that's specific.

I'm not in love )

Teh QAF!! It's everywhere!!!

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Okay, so I'm watching The West Wing, S3. It's the re-election season, the gang is in some podunk town in New Hampshire, and while Toby and Charlie are playing 9 ball, the music being played is Evolution Revolution Love.

That would be the lovely tune we hear when Justin returns from Vermont and Brian's fucking some trick in the bed.

I knew I loved The West Wing for a reason.

So tell me, what show were you watching the last time you heard a QAF song being played? Share!!
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