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Apr. 2nd, 2008


"ur team sux n u suck 2" - Jared/Jensen - NC-17

Title: ur team sux n u suck 2
Rating: NC-17
Warning(s): RPS.
Word Count: 1,387 words
Disclaimer: Much as it pains me to admit, I'm not either of them, I don't know either of them and I don't own either of them. Sad but true. Therefore, this is just the fictional whim of an overly active imagination and not meant to imply anything or cause any harm.
Additional Notes: I promise the phone-speak is only at the beginning of the fic *g* This was inspired by these pictures of cranky!Jared and Sandy at a Lakers-Mavericks game on March 2 (courtesy of wendy). Thank you, juice817, for your mad beta skillz and your expert yielding of the Mighty Pointy Stick ♥♥♥

( ur team sux. this seat sux. u suck 2. )

X-posted to [info]cw_rps, [info]padackles_slash and a few communities on LJ.

Mar. 30th, 2008


When the World Ends (J2, NC-17) 3/?


Title: When the World Ends 3/?
Series: The J2 AU Chronicles – but can be read as stand-alone. This one is #3. But if you want to start at the beginning, it’s So Damn Lucky, here and also at [info]prettyfreckles.
Ratings/warnings: J2 Slash. NC-17 M warning. Schmoop, angst, and a kink (from the words to the song). But in the end, it’s all about the LOVE.
Pairing: Jared/Jensen.
Characters: J2. Jensen’s AU family, including a nephew. Another young man. And the Impala, who once again insisted on being invited to this party.
Location: Somewhere out there. Doesn’t matter
Length: 9,700 words
Timeframe: A week or so. It’s springtime.
Disclaimer: Not Mine. Not True. Alternate Universe, where none of us, including Jared or Jensen, live. It’s all in my dirty, dirty mind. Damnit.
Thanks to: [info]gestaltrose, [info]lila_blue_b, and [info]nomelon, lovely betas. Jason, for details on hunting and butchering wild boar. W & J, who raise some of the finest Angus stock in the entire country, and are some of the nicest, most intelligent people you’d ever want to know.

Author’s Notes: My prompt was #05, the song When the World Ends, by Dave Matthews Band. The comm challenge was for angst, smut, and end-of-world cataclysm. I think I got all that. Also, the love scene in front of the fireplace? That was just for [info]pkabyssinian.

Cross-posted at my LJ and on my website. This story is part of a series, but may be read as a stand-alone.

Mar. 23rd, 2008


Circumventing Potential Pseudo-Marital Boredom, Sam/Dean, NC-17

Title: "Circumventing Potential Pseudo-Marital Boredom"
Author: [info]snipervalentine
Rating: NC-17.
Pairings: Sam/Dean.
Warnings: Handballing. Toppy!Sam, and Dean is so not a good listener. Mention of some of the rarely-ever-mentioned-in-slash-fiction realities of anal sex.
Summary: Written for SpringKink on LiveJournal. Prompt: Supernatural, Sam/Dean: Forearm, hand!porn.

Disclaimer: "Supernatural" characters owned by Kripke and Co. Words are mine.

" You're a bright boy, Dean; you'll figure it out."

Mar. 19th, 2008


Fic: Whole Lotta Love, 1/1. Het, Sam/Dean pre-slash. NC-17

Title: Whole Lotta Love, 1/1
Author: [info]monster_of_hope
Characters: Sam/OFC, Dean/OFC
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Dean wasn't subtle. But a lot of women weren't looking for subtle. They were looking for Dean. Slightly cracked porny het, prompted by "She's got a sister!" from Tall Tales. Not quite a foursome. Sam/Dean pre-slash of the unsubtle variety. Stand-alone. Word count 3,959.
Disclaimer: Kripke made Supernatural. I made this story.

Read Whole Lotta Love

Mar. 17th, 2008


Fic: Devil Inside - Sam/Dean (1/1)

Title: Devil Inside
Author: Blue
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: ~5100
Note: Spoiler for 3.12, Jus in Bello. Accompanying illustration by [info]ponderosa121.

"Seriously," Sam says, a shadowy mountain of disapproval. "You forgot your key."

Mar. 14th, 2008


"Seriously, Cupid?" | NC-17 | Sam/Dean

Title: Seriously, Cupid?
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Disclaimer: Sadly, they don't belong to me.
Word count: 1,030 words.
Additional Notes: This was written for tvm's Porn Meme. Prompt was "Sam/Dean, a (insert supernatural critter) made them do it, frantic, fuck-or-die sex". Originally posted here. Consider it to be spoilery up to episode 3.12.

( "Cupid?" )

X-posted to [info]spn_slash, [info]spn_fic and a few communities on LJ.

Mar. 2nd, 2008


Fic: Time Wastes Itself - Sam/Dean (1/1)

Title: Time Wastes Itself
Author: Blue
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: ~5000
Warnings/Notes: Dean has daddy issues; Sam's a control freak. Crossposted all over IJ like holy crap.

Dean is about as shocked to be slammed back against the rough brick wall as Sam is over putting him there. )

Feb. 28th, 2008


Two-Way Mirrors That Produce Uncanny Self-Portraits - nc17 - Dean/Henricksen/Sam

Title: Two-Way Mirrors That Produce Uncanny Self-Portraits
Rating: nc17
Pairing/Characters: Dean/Henricksen, voyeur!Sam
Notes/Disclaimers/Summary: Spoilers for 3x12 - Jus in Bello. There's wincest in this, though it isn't directly Sam/Dean. Voyeurism, masturbation, language and slash/All characters and recognizable settings/themes belong to Eric Kripke, the CW and others, I am in no way earning money or other profit from this fanfic/When Sam walks in on them he’s shocked dumb for a full minute and he forgets what side of the mirror he’s on as he just stands and stares and panic rises hot to his throat.

(Fake cut to my IJ)

Feb. 18th, 2008


Fic: To the Bone 1/1, SPN, Wincest, Sam/Dean, NC-17

Title: To The Bone 1/1
Author: TempestQuill/Cassie
Characters/Pairing: Sam/Dean, Wincest, Jo Harvelle, Ellen Harvelle, Ashe, various hunters
Rating/Warnings: NC-17, extreme gore, graphic violence, sexual themes, cannibalism, slash, non-con, incest, dark themes, strong language, blood play, knife play, food kink, sado-masochism, dom/sub, power play, angst, horror, drama, au, character death (minor), torture, psychological abuse, bondage. If this squicks you consider yourself warned.
Word Count: 9,008
Disclaimer: I don't own the boys, but I wouldn't mind renting them on occassion, alas I'm broke, but boys, Kripke, can we negotiate, seriously?
Summary: Dean's darkest fears are realized as he finds himself losing his brother to the darkness and becoming one of the things he's spent his whole life hunting. How does he fight a hunger that is devouring him from the inside out, stripping him down to the bone...
Notes: And may I present The Cannibal Project in all of it's glory. This goes out to my lil' sis Lissa, who said it couldn't be done, and to my late grandfather, Paw Paw Joe, who shared the stories of his people, particularly the story of the Wendigo, with his wife, my lovely Noni, who shared them with me. The poem found after the story is a poem that is from my actual hand written journal. I don't write entries, I write poetry. I'm seriously tweaked. Oh and this was beta'd by a stunned Lissa, because yeah, I really wrote Cannibal!Kink.

There is a subtle beauty in tearing someone apart, stripping away the flaws, flesh, blood, straight down to the bone.


Don't forget to review, because a review from you keeps Provenance happy, and a happy psychotic muse is more amusing and inspiring than a bitchy slavedriving one (though honestly... Provenance HARDLY knows the difference)!

Feb. 17th, 2008


Here's Your Future, NC-17, Sam/Dean

Title: Here's Your Future
Author: [info]blue_soaring
Pairing: Sam/Dean, underage.
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: ~7400.

This is the Dean he knows: no hesitation, no second-guessing.

Feb. 16th, 2008


OCD in the key of Sam, NC17, Dean/Sam

OCD in the key of Sam
by Maygra

Dean/Sam, NC17. sex and plot not in equal measure. also, tattoos with no explanation.

3220 words

Dean's a little obsessed with Sam, and that's not necessarily a bad thing.

with a nod to Stele3's, the world's a small child in the dark, which is neither prequel nor parallel to this but definitely inspired it.

I could save the world, Since the night your love saved me )


Climb into My Arms With Blood on Your Clothes, NC-17, Sam/Dean

Title: Climb into My Arms With Blood on Your Clothes
Author: [info]blue_soaring
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: ~2900

Dean rolls his eyes, gaze ending up on Bela. She's looking a little green around the gills and he can't really blame her. It reeks in here.

Oct. 17th, 2007


Fic: No Accounting For Taste (Sam/Dean, NC-17)

Title: "No Accounting For Taste"
Author: [info]snipervalentine
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17.
Word count: 1,111

Note: Spoilers through and including Season 2 finale.

Disclaimer: Characters owned by Kripke & Co, CW, WB, a lot of people who aren't me. Words are mine.

Alcohol, somehow, always makes it easier.

Sep. 29th, 2007


Fic: Cut and (Bleed) Dry - Sam/Dean (1/1)

Title: Cut and (Bleed) Dry
Author: [info]blue_soaring
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: ~5000

Lawrence is the last place Dean wants to go.

Sep. 22nd, 2007


Fic: Famous Last Words - Sam/Dean (1/1)

Title: Famous Last Words
Author: [info]blue_soaring
Pairing: Sam/Dean, underage.
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: ~1500

It's rare enough that he wants to tag along on a regular salt and burn that no way was Dean telling him no.

Sep. 21st, 2007


FIC - Like a Memory it Falls - 1/1

TITLE: Like a Memory it Falls
AUTHOR: Chalcedony Cross ( [info]chal )
PAIRING: Sam/Dean (sort of pre-slash, sort of first time ... I dunno)
RATING: NC-17 (maybe high, but ... oh, look, it's the side of caution!)
WORD COUNT: 19,000-ish
SUMMARY: Dean has always wanted to drive the Impala along US Route 666, so when the opportunity arises, Sam hasn't the heart to deny him ... but the Devil's Highway has a way of living up to its name.
WARNING: Gore. Whumping of Winchesters (whump!chester?). Incest, non-explicit underage.
DISCLAIMER: Supernatural is the property of a whole lot of talented people who are not me; this humble fan fiction is the property of only one poor and harmless person who is me.
NOTES: This was written in answer to dreamlittleyo's challenge - to write a fic based on this lovely picture. She asked for drabbles; my brain produced an entire horror movie. Welcome to Tangent City, Population: Me. But anyway, I hope I've done the pretty some kind of justice.

The link will take you to the story on my website.

( A lock this simple hadn't been enough to stop him since he was twelve years old, but Dean was a slippery mess of blood and rainwater spilling through his hands and Sam didn't have the time for any kind of finesse. )

Cross-posted to [info]spn_slash and [info]supernaturalfic.

Oh, and I add this only because someone mentioned it last time? If you wish to leave feedback but don't want to do it via email, feel free to comment to this entry, or head over to my personal journal ( [info]chal ) and highjack any entry you like to leave a comment. I am sooo not picky. I just want the love.

Sep. 11th, 2007


Fic: Rite of Passage (Sam/Dean - NC-17)

Title: Rite of Passage
Author: ruefulgirl
: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Words: about 1650
Warnings: underage
Summary: Dean teaches Sam to shave. Sex ensues.
Author’s Notes: So, basically this is shaving porn. And let me tell you, if shaving my legs was this hot I’d never leave the tub. Although I don’t really dig angst with my shaving, so maybe I would leave the tub after all … Anyhow. Inspired by notthequiettype's Two Bits which, by the way, kicks my ass when it comes to the actual shaving stuff. ;-) Beta’d by dysonrules.

Sep. 9th, 2007


Fic: Some urgency fantastic (Sam/Jess; NC17)

Title: Some urgency fantastic
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing/Characters: Sam/Jess
Rating: NC17
Wordcount: 5500
Disclaimer: Strictly for fun: I own nothing, sadly.
Beta: [info]parenthetical employed her usual beta-goddessing, cheered me on, and was generally awesome; the lovely [info]aynslee Ameri-picked and polished, and patiently answered my increasingly odd questions. I'd never have posted this thing without you guys *loves on you both*
Notes/Summary: It's a shock when Sam meets her after her last exam, walks her down to the lake and then says, 'I've been thinking... would you maybe like to... to tie me up?'
Warnings: Bondage.

Links go to my IJ:

Some urgency fantastic

Also posted to the LJ affiliate of this comm: I'm working on the assumption that some of you are not on LJ at all.

Sep. 7th, 2007


FIC - The Ornaments Look Pretty (But They're Pulling Down the Branches of the Tree) - 1/1

TITLE: The Ornaments Look Pretty (But They're Pulling Down the Branches of the Tree)
AUTHOR: Chalcedony Cross ( [info]chal )
PAIRING: Sam/Dean (established)
WORD COUNT: 5500-ish
SUMMARY: Sometimes it takes a little experimentation to learn what they both need.
WARNINGS: Explicit incest, bondage and ... uh, pseudo-bondage?
DISCLAIMER: Supernatural is the property of a whole lot of talented people who are not me; this humble fan fiction is the property of only one poor and harmless person who is me.
NOTES: This was originally written for the "Bring Back the Porn" challenge, but I'm proud enough to want to share it! =^~.o^= The title is taken from the Cake song "Love You Madly".

The link will take you to the story on my website.

( The first time Dean asked him for this, they were still coming down off a hunt in Montana, punch-drunk and deep down blood-hungry after dropping a vengeful corpse back into the dirt. )

Cross-posted to [info]spn_slash.

Sep. 2nd, 2007


Fic: (Not) Right in the Head - Sam/Dean (1/1)

Title: (Not) Right in the Head
Author: [info]blue_soaring
Pairing: Sam/Dean, underage.
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: ~8000

It's the longest fifteen minutes of his life before he finds something worth stopping for.

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August 2010



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