Mar. 26th, 2008


Revelations of A Twelve Year Old, PG

Title: Revelations of A Twelve Year Old
Author: [info]ladyrhyanne
Rating: PG
Characters: Dean, OFCs
Warnings: Swearing, vague spoiler for S1 E15.
Disclaimer: Don't own - just playing in somebody else's sandbox.
Summary: Twelve year old Dean comes to three revelations.
A/N: This was written a day or two after S1 E15 but I just never got around to posting it on any journal.

Revelations of A Twelve Year Old

Oct. 7th, 2007


Freakboy and Dykegirl, Chapter 33

Series Title: The Amazing Incredible Adventures of Freakboy and Dykegirl

Chapter 32
Rating: R for language, sex, violence
Characters: Dean, OFC x 2
Category: Gen
Warnings: Mentions of lesbian and gay sex.
Disclaimer: Supernatural belongs to the CW. I make no money off this.

Author's notes: Future fic, occurs post-series. (Somewhat AU after season 1... Daddy!Winchester is still alive.) Beta love to koyote19. Please do not spoil me for anything beyond 3x01. Seriously, y'all.

And lo, stele3 did decide that it was time to bring in Mary. And Kim said, "SHIT."

Chapters 1-29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 33