Nov. 24th, 2007



Title: Satellite
Author: [info]makishef
Pairings: Sam/Dean, Sam/Jess
Rating: PG
Prompt: 01. Moon
Summary: Pre-series. Sam’s seen too many bodies burned in his life to recall the spirit or its story, but he remembers Dean’s smile in the unnatural beam of the flashlight.
Notes: Written for [info]50_elements. The character is Sam Winchester, and the overall theme is "earth."

Read it here.

Sep. 9th, 2007


Fic: Some urgency fantastic (Sam/Jess; NC17)

Title: Some urgency fantastic
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing/Characters: Sam/Jess
Rating: NC17
Wordcount: 5500
Disclaimer: Strictly for fun: I own nothing, sadly.
Beta: [info]parenthetical employed her usual beta-goddessing, cheered me on, and was generally awesome; the lovely [info]aynslee Ameri-picked and polished, and patiently answered my increasingly odd questions. I'd never have posted this thing without you guys *loves on you both*
Notes/Summary: It's a shock when Sam meets her after her last exam, walks her down to the lake and then says, 'I've been thinking... would you maybe like to... to tie me up?'
Warnings: Bondage.

Links go to my IJ:

Some urgency fantastic

Also posted to the LJ affiliate of this comm: I'm working on the assumption that some of you are not on LJ at all.