Apr. 11th, 2008


Fic: I Had The Best Of Intentions, PG 13, Dean, Sam, Ruby

Title: I Had The Best Of Intentions
Author: [info]ladyrhyanne
Word Count: 2,277
Characters: Sam, Dean, Ruby and mentions of a couple others
Rating: PG 13
Warnings: Swearing
Spoilers: S2 E1 (vaguely) & 22 , S3 E1 & 3
Disclaimer: Don't own - just playing in somebody else's sandbox.
Summary: Sam doesn't find a way to break Dean's deal but that doesn't mean he's giving up and he has a plan. 
A/N: I don't know where this came from, it has nothing to do with my Darkness Undefined 'verse, nor is it my usual style of writing.  It's just something that popped into my head this morning involving dark!Dean and dark!Sam.  It's unbeta'd 'cause I just wanted it written and gone so that I could go back to finishing my Big Bang fic.  If you notice any mistakes kindly let me know.  Please and thank you.

Comments and constructive criticism snuggled

*Crossposted to live journal*

Mar. 26th, 2008


Revelations of A Twelve Year Old, PG

Title: Revelations of A Twelve Year Old
Author: [info]ladyrhyanne
Rating: PG
Characters: Dean, OFCs
Warnings: Swearing, vague spoiler for S1 E15.
Disclaimer: Don't own - just playing in somebody else's sandbox.
Summary: Twelve year old Dean comes to three revelations.
A/N: This was written a day or two after S1 E15 but I just never got around to posting it on any journal.

Revelations of A Twelve Year Old