April 2nd, 2008

[info]shinywhimsy in [info]supernaturalfic

"ur team sux n u suck 2" - Jared/Jensen - NC-17

Title: ur team sux n u suck 2
Rating: NC-17
Warning(s): RPS.
Word Count: 1,387 words
Disclaimer: Much as it pains me to admit, I'm not either of them, I don't know either of them and I don't own either of them. Sad but true. Therefore, this is just the fictional whim of an overly active imagination and not meant to imply anything or cause any harm.
Additional Notes: I promise the phone-speak is only at the beginning of the fic *g* This was inspired by these pictures of cranky!Jared and Sandy at a Lakers-Mavericks game on March 2 (courtesy of wendy). Thank you, juice817, for your mad beta skillz and your expert yielding of the Mighty Pointy Stick ♥♥♥

( ur team sux. this seat sux. u suck 2. )

X-posted to [info]cw_rps, [info]padackles_slash and a few communities on LJ.