[info]my_sam_dean wrote
on April 16th, 2008 at 09:27 pm

Ballad of the Winchesters, Part 51-55, NC-17, Sam/Dean, John/Bobby

TITLE: Ballad of the Winchesters, Part 51-55
AUTHOR: my_sam_dean
PAIRING: Sam/Dean, John/Bobby
SUMMARY: Sam and Dean share their good news with John and Bobby.  Sam, Dean and Emma visit Bobby and John at the scrap yard.  Confused Emma talks to John.  Emma goes with Bobby into town.  John talks to the boys.  Sam,Dean and Emma leave the scrapyard.  John and Bobby's physical relationship moves further ahead.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own the boys, I just wish I did!


Drew returned with Emma's clothes and other personal belongings. Dean and Sam pulled Drew aside to ask him when he brought up their adoption of the baby.

"I told her about it over the phone shortly after Sam mentioned it to me," Drew said. "She's had a little bit of time to think about it, but I think she knew right away. Just how Sam helped her before had her thinking it was a good idea. When she saw how you took care of her this time, not just Sam but your whole family, that made the final decision for her."

"Do you think she'll change her mind once the baby is born or as the birth gets closer?" Dean needed Drew's opinion.

"No. Once Emma's mind is set, that's it. I doubt she'll change her mind."

"When is she due?" Sam had questions of his own.

"Middle part of January. I don't remember the exact date."

"Do you think she'll be okay with starting the paperwork now? We could just get it out of the way. She'd sign it after she gives birth."

"Sam, you can ask her yourself, you know. It's not like she doesn't know you."

Sam reddened, "I just don't want her to think I'm pressuring her."

"Trust me," Drew laughed. "She doesn't take any shit off anyone. I know she'll be fine here."

"The least we can do is provide her a safe home. You can stay here as long as you want to."

"Oh, no. I plan on getting sleep in my own bed tonight. Emma seems set. Call me if she needs anything," Drew said on his way out the door.

"We can get her anything she needs. We can provide her with room and board while she's here and make sure she gets her diploma or GED so she can be ready for college. We'll take good care of her, Drew."

"I know you will. But, I still didn't like being put in the garage while you got her shoulder in."

"If she would have seen you tense up, she would have done the same. That would have made her shoulder hurt worse or not go in at all."

Sam just smiled at Drew, "See you at class tomorrow?"

"Yeah. Plan on me being over here to study tomorrow night. I have to get focused on law. Finals are coming way too soon."

Dean and Sam both wished him goodnight and closed the door.

"Do we tell Dad and Bobby?" Sam asked Dean.

"Is there any way I could stop you?" Dean gave him that smirk.


They went into the living room where Emma was watching television with John and Bobby.

Dean clicked the television off. He and Sam stood in front of it.

"Hey, what's that for?" Bobby asked.

"Sam and I need to tell you something important," Dean smiled and held his hand out to Emma. "We need

Emma up here, too."

Emma stood up and Dean guided her to a place between him and Sam.

Sam was so excited that he just blurted out, "We're adopting Emma's baby."

John and Bobby looked at each other, more than a little confused.

Bobby was the first to speak, "You and Dean are going to raise a baby?"

"Yes, we are," Dean gave the older men that winning Winchester smile.

"Emma's baby?" John was slowly catching on.

"Yep," Emma piped in. "I am so happy to have two wonderful people to raise my baby. Now I also know you two," she indicated to Bobby and John. "And I know this baby will be showered will love and attention. "

Bobby elbowed John, "Hey, Johnny. Grandkid."

It sank in and John stood up and gave Emma a hug. "Oh, honey. That's the best gift you could ever give this family."

"Congratulations," Bobby shook the boys' hands. "Guess you're going to be daddies, huh? When the due date?"

"The middle of January," Sam could hardly contain himself. "By next Christmas, we'll have a new baby to celebrate with. This year, we'll have Emma as our special guest."

Emma started tearing up.

"Honey, are you okay?" John asked.

Emma didn't answer. John put an arm around her and led her back to the couch.

"Do you know why you're crying?" John kept his voice low.

Emma shook her head.

John laughed little bit. "It's normal, Emma. It's your pregnancy hormones. My Mary used to burst into tears for no reason on a regular basis."

"What makes it go away?" Emma asked.

"After the baby is a couple months old and your hormones are back to normal."

"Not until then?"

"Whenever your hormones decide to act up, you have four men here with two good arms to comfort you. It isn't you, honey. It's just the way it is."

Emma looked at him with tears falling down her cheeks. He put his hand on her cheek and gently pushed her toward his chest. She laid her head on his chest and one hand clutched at his flannel shirt. John just whispered to her and rubbed her back.

Bobby gave the boys hugs and tried to picture a baby in the group again. "A baby. Wow. This is out of the blue for us, guys."

"I know," Sam replied. "The opportunity just presented itself before we told you that we planned on adopting."

Bobby smiled. "That's how it goes when things are meant to be."


After Emma had gone to bed and all the goodnights had been said, Sam and Dean were finally able to celebrate in private.

"We get to be parents, Dean! Can you believe it!" Sam was bouncing off the walls.

"It's still sinking in, Sammy," Dean replied. "I don't think it's really hit me yet."

"We get to be daddies!" Sam showed no sign of settling down soon and Dean was thankful that Sam hadn't had his usual snack of candy that evening.

"I heard," Dean smiled at him. "Daddy. I like the sound of that."

Sam just beamed in reply.

"You need to calm down a little. Our baby won't be here for several more months. We still have to live between now and then."

"I know. I'm just so happy for us," Sam wrapped his arms around Dean.

Dean just held him and rubbed his back. "Relax, Sammy, or you won't get any sleep. You still have school in the morning. Try to concentrate on that. Time might pass faster for you then."


"We'll have to put the baby in our room," Sam continued not letting Dean get any sleep. "That way we would hear them right away if they needed us."

"That's fine," Dean replied. "I'd like to keep them close by at first and then move them into the study when we're ready."

"How will we hear if they need us?"

"We'll put a monitor in there," Dean looked at Sam like he'd lost his marbles. "It's not like I'd shut the kid out. Gees."

"I just can't sleep."

"I couldn't tell."

Sam sighed in frustration.

"Roll over Sam. I'll rub your back."

Sam rolled over and Dean talked to him in a soothing tone as he rubbed.

"I remember when you were learning to walk," Dean started telling stories. "You started toddling around but still had to hang onto one of my fingers. Dad thought it was a hoot. If I tried to get my finger free from your chubby little hand, you'd plop right down on your butt.

For awhile, ketchup was its own food group. You'd refuse to eat anything without ketchup to dip it in. When we had Spaghetti-Os it wasn't a big deal. But when we had mac and cheese, I couldn't watch you eat."

"I'd never put ketchup on mac and cheese, Dean."

"Oh, you just be quiet and rest," Dean told him. "I'm the one doing all the hard work here. I get to pick the stories."

Dean started to rub again and felt Sam finally began to relax.

"When I first started watching the late night horror films, you'd sneak out of bed to watch them with me. I don't know why you thought you could handle it. We'd sit under a blanket and half the time you'd have your head covered up so that you weren't watching anyway. You'd get a white-knuckled grip on the blanket and end up falling asleep with your head on my lap before the movie was half over."

Sam's breathing had evened out. Dean knew he was asleep.

"Night, Sammy," he laid down beside him and covered them up.


John and Bobby stayed until the basement was close to done. There was a working bathroom, heat, and lights. It needed to be painted, and have finishing woodwork and flooring installed. As Bobby put it, the rooms could be used as they were and they could finish when they came back for the baby's birth.

Dean and Sam said their goodbyes while getting ready for work and school. Emma came out of her room and John and Bobby gave her hugs before they left.

The boys were used to the frequent goodbyes to Bobby and John. Emma wasn't. Sam turned around to find her standing by the window with tears streaming down her face.

"Are you okay, Emma?" he asked.

She shrugged.

Sam held his arms out and Emma walked into them. Sam just held her and talked to her in a comforting voice.

His eyes caught Dean's and Dean rolled his eyes.

"I've got to go," Dean said.

"I'll call Drew," Sam replied. "We'll be fine."

Dean picked up his lunchbox, looked at Sam and Emma one last time and disappeared into the garage. After

Sam heard the Impala pull away, he asked Emma, "Do you want something to eat?"

She nodded.

That was something Sam could fix.


Sam went to Emma’s doctor appointments with her. When it came time for her to have an ultrasound, Dean came, too.

“Wow!” was all Dean could say as he saw the baby on the screen and the radiologist pointed out body parts. No one wanted to know the sex of the baby. They even got some good pictures of their little baby. Dean couldn’t wait to show John and Bobby.


They arranged to go to Bobby’s over the 4th of July. Dean took a couple days off work and Emma was happy to see Bobby’s place.

It took longer than usual to get to Bobby’s because of Emma’s frequent rest stops. It was way past dark when they arrived. Emma had a room with a double bed upstairs. Sam and Dean had the room with the double bed and attached bathroom. There was another bathroom upstairs for Emma to use. John and Bobby were in their room just off the living room.

John and Bobby were thrilled to have them all under their roof. Bobby had always loved having his house full of people and he felt the same protective streak that John had over his boys and now Emma.

During the night, something woke John up. He laid still and listened until he heard it again. He slipped out of Bobby’s room and made his way to the kitchen. There he saw Emma crying at the kitchen table.

“Emma,” John tried to keep his voice quiet. “Are you okay?”

“I’m trying to drink some milk,” she had tears running down her face. “It’s supposed to help the baby.”

It took John a moment to realize that she expected a response. “It’s good for both of you.”

“I’ve grown to like of all of you. What happens after I have the baby? Am I just kicked out of your family?”

“This is new to all of us, Emma. You will always be family to us. Setting boundaries might be awkward but no one is going to be mean to you.”

“I won’t be forgotten?”

“No. That would never happen,” John patted her hand. “Now finish your milk so you can go to bed.”

“I just feel so alone.”

“You’re not alone. You’re in a house full of people who care about you.”

“I guess I just feel that way,” she said as she yawned.

John walked with her upstairs and she asked if he could stay with her for awhile.

“Sure,” John’s voice made her feel comfortable and safe.

Emma laid down and John covered her up. “I need to talk to you and I’d feel better if you were beside me,” Emma couldn’t look at John as she asked him to lie by her.

John was confused but slid into the other side of the bed anyway. Emma curled by him with her head on his chest.

“I’m scared about how being pregnant is going to be,” she whispered and John had to strain to hear. “I thought I could ask you because of Mary.”

“Didn’t your mom ever tell you about it?” his voice rumbled.


“Not even after you found out you were pregnant?”

“She really didn’t want to talk about it then.”

John felt upset at people he didn’t even know for sending her out into the world or at least to live with Sam and Dean uninformed. “I know what my Mary told me and how life changed at our home. Is that what you want to hear?”

Emma nodded.

“Well, Mary got morning sickness, but you already know plenty about that. She craved strange combinations of food and would cry for no reason at all. It was just hormones making her do it.”

“Did she hurt?”

“She got heartburn if she ate certain foods. So, she learned by trial and error what not to eat. In the last months she was pregnant with Sammy, she was very uncomfortable. Sammy was a big baby and Mary was a slender woman.” John had to ask, “Do you hurt, Emma?”

“I get headaches and a pulling pain in my stomach.”

“I guess Mary had headaches. Have you taken Tylenol for them?”


“Does it work?”

“Most of the time.”

“Another thing that helped was if I just rubbed her neck and shoulders,” John said. “Sam would help you with

that. Dean would, too. He just seems a little gruff.”

“Okay,” her voice was soft.

“Do you ask questions at doctor appointments?”

“Not really.”

“Because Sam is there?”

Emma shrugged.

“Have Sam leave the room if you need to ask questions and don’t want to in front of him. He isn’t there to invade your privacy, he’s there for support.”

“I didn’t want to make him hate me.”

“He wouldn’t hate you, Emma. Did you know that Sam used to have a girlfriend that he loved very much?”


“Well, he did. She died and it tore him to pieces. After that is when he found Dean. Sam would understand if you needed some time with just the doctor. Just tell him and he’ll gladly wait outside.”

“How about the whole giving birth thing?”

“Wow. Nobody ever asked me that. I know that it hurt but there were medications they gave Mary so it wasn’t so bad. Your doctor could help you with the specifics, honey. Think you could ask at your next appointment?”

“I can,” Emma replied. She was quiet for a moment. “Can I ask you a personal question?”

“Sure,” more than anything else, John wanted her to feel she could ask him what was on her mind. John braced himself for the question.

“You loved Mary and now you love Bobby, right?”


“How does that work?”

It took John a minute to understand her question. “I loved Mary with all my heart. When she died I not only lost her but also myself in the process. After time had passed, I found Bobby and started to love him. I still miss Mary but I learned that it’s okay to love again.”

“Mary was a woman and Bobby is a guy.”

“Oh! That part. Sometimes love doesn’t care what package it comes in. It’s the person that matters. I had dated women before Mary, but never a guy until Bobby. Why do you ask?”

“I was jus thinking how Sam had a girlfriend and now he has Dean.”

“We’re not the easiest family to figure out,” John chuckled. “But, there’s never a lack of love.”

“I know that part,” Emma blushed. “That’s why we already have the adoption papers drawn up.”

“Do you think you’ll change your mind?”

“No. I don’t care to see the baby after it’s born. I would like to know how they’re doing, though.”

“We’re not just going to kick you out of our lives,” John ran a hand over her hair. “Is that what you were worried about?”

“I guess. I don’t know how to start my life after the baby is born.”

“We can help you with that,” John assured her. “We can help you get back on your feet in an apartment or you can stay at Sam and Dean’s for as long as you want while you recover.”

“I don’t think I could stay there with the baby.”

“Maybe you and Drew could get a place,” John suggested. “It is months in the future, Emma. I’ll give you my number so you can always call me for anything. I can’t imagine how scared you must be.”

“Some days I’m okay,” Emma told him. “It guess I just tend to worry.”

“That, my dear, is a woman thing. It isn’t just you.”

Emma laughed when she heard John chuckle.

“Do you feel better now?” John asked.

“Yeah, I do.”

“Think you can sleep?”

“Yes. Thanks for talking with me.”

“Not a problem,” John gave her a hug before he got up. “You don’t need to cry at the kitchen table. You can just come get me. You know where I am.”

Emma nodded.

“Goodnight, Emma. It’s going to work out fine.”

“Goodnight, John. Thanks again.”

John just smiled as he closed the door.


John crawled into bed hoping that Bobby was still asleep.

“Where’d ya go?” Bobby asked as John put an arm around him.

“Just helping Emma,” John replied. “She had questions about pregnancy and childbirth.”

“What did you tell her?”

“I told her about Mary and that she could ask Sam to leave during her doctor appointments. He’s just there for support anyway. Heck, she could ask questions in front of him and he wouldn’t think twice about it.”

“Sam’s pretty understanding that way.”

“She also asked how I was married to Mary and now love you.”

“How did you explain that one?” Bobby started to laugh.

“I told her that love sometimes doesn’t care about the packaging. That it’s the person that counts.”

“Good answer,” Bobby was impressed. “I doubt I could come up with an explanation so easily.”

“It’s the truth,” John replied. “Or at least I think it is. Don’t you?”

“Yeah. I just never thought about why I loved you. I just knew that I did.”

“I love you, too, Bobby,” They got curled up around each other.

“We’re gonna have another little one to teach. Think we’ll be up to it.?”

“We’ll have to be,” John whispered. “We’d let the kid down if we weren’t.”

Bobby’s snoring eased John’s mind about the scared girl upstairs. He drifted off to sleep, dreaming of a world where he had both Bobby and Mary.


"Good morning, Emma," Bobby greeted her from the stove. Even though he knew about Sam's cooking abilities, he wasn't going to have Sam cook during his stay.

"Morning, Bobby," Emma greeted him and then saw the other men at the table. "Morning, guys."

"Hey, Emma," John stood up. "How'd you sleep?"

"Fine," Emma replied as John gave her a hug. "Thanks for talking with me."

"That's what I'm here for," he gave her a smile. "Come sit down. We're just about to have breakfast."

Emma moved to help Bobby with the plates or something when Bobby held up a spatula as a weapon. "Oh no you don't. You sit down. If I need help, the boys can do it."

Emma had to smile at the grin on his face and the good-tempered grin Sam and Dean made at the comment. She sat at the table without much to say.

"Bobby has cleared his schedule," John told them and the boys laughed. "So we can do whatever while you're here."

John turned to Emma and explained, "Bobby runs a scrap yard. You probably didn't notice at the cars in the dark when you got here last night. He sets his own hours."

Emma nodded, getting the joke.


After breakfast was done, Sam and Dean took her on a tour of the grounds. Dean wanted to show her all the cool cars. Sam wanted to show her the quiet places he found to read. Emma's favorite place was near a stream where it was quiet except for the sounds of nature. It was a beautiful spot. She'd happened to say it would be a great place for a picnic. Right then, part of their day was planned.

"I need to run into town," Bobby said. "We need some picnic supplies. Anyone want to come with?"

"I'll go since it was my idea," Emma stood up.

"Glad to have ya," Bobby looked at the other three who made their usual excuses.

"Come on, Emma," Bobby put an arm around her shoulder. "We'll leave the couch potatoes and get out into the world."

"You ready to see a real happening town?" Bobby smiled as he started the engine. "It isn't much for show but it has what we need."

Emma was content to watch the scenery go by.

"How are things going with the boys?" Bobby asked her.

"Great," she smiled. "They take good care of me. I putter around the house during the day or go for walks. I don't go out into public much in case I decide to live there after the baby is born."

"That's understandable," Bobby replied. "Did you ask your doctor if they have a support group for other moms choosing adoption?"

"I haven't asked," Emma said. "It would be a good idea, though."

"I've known the boys almost all their lives, Emma. They'll be good to you even after the baby is born."

Emma smiled at him gratefully.

There was one grocery store/hardware store in town. They bought all their picnic items plus what Bobby had needed for the scrap yard."

Bobby drove slow and showed her his town. He told her how he'd been raised in the house he lived in. He was proud of where he came from and liked the fact that everyone either knew him or knew of him.

Emma was able to relax because the people in town were so nice. They asked where she was from and how long she'd be visiting.

Bobby, thrilled at the thought of being a Grandpa, brought her to a store to get some maternity clothes for her. She started to feel excited about being pregnant instead of ashamed. Bobby wanted her to feel pampered, and he succeeded.


Back at the scrap yard, John sat his boys down. "How are you guys doing with Emma?"

"Good," Sam replied. "Why?"

"She was in tears at the kitchen table last night," John informed them.

"She was? Why didn't she come get us?" Sam seemed hurt.

"It's not something you boys could have helped her with," John started to explain. "She asked me about pregnancy and childbirth. Not just what you learn in health class, what you hear from other mothers. Her mom didn't tell her anything after she found out she was pregnant. So, I answered her questions as best I could from what I found out from your mom.

When she gets headaches, go ahead and give her Tylenol. Make sure that you also rub her neck and shoulders in case it is caused by tension.

If she gets heartburn, make sure she has an extra pillow to sleep on.

If she even looks lonely, give her a hug. She feels all alone. Prove to her that she isn't. I know that is easier for Sam to do but Dean has to also. You need to both be supportive."

The boys nodded.

"When Sam goes to appointments, which is a good thing, make sure she has time alone with the doctor if she needs it to ask questions . Although Sam's been through so much with her already, there are some things you just don't need to know."

"Okay," Sam said. "Why didn't she just tell me?"

"Maybe she thought you'd be hurt," John replied. "I don't know for sure. Just make sure you give her time alone with the doctor if she needs it."

Sam nodded.

"Have you made any plans for her for after the baby?" John asked.

"We told her she could stay as long as she needed or we could help her get set up in an apartment."

"She doesn't want to be around the baby," John told them. "I was thinking maybe she and Drew could get a place together. She'll still need support after giving birth. Try to be there for her as much as you can. Bobby and I will be there once the baby is born to help out, too."

Dean looked like he'd spaced out.

"Dean!" John rose his voice a little. "Did you hear me about comforting and being there for Emma? She's a scared girl thrown into the world of being a woman. Take good care of her."

"I will," Dean replied. "But, Dad. Look at this!" Dean pulled one of the ultrasound pictures from his pocket. ''Take a look at your grandbaby!"

John took it and looked at it, very confused. "This is a baby?"

"Can't you see? This will be the arms," Dean started to point out body parts until John got the picture.

"That's amazing," John said in awe as he peered down at the picture. "I didn't get to see you guys until you were already out."


They spread a blanket by the stream and took in the silence around them. The birds sang. The stream splashed at times and the wind rustled the leaves.

"You sure picked a fine spot," Bobby told Emma.

Emma blushed.

"Why weren't we allowed back here when we were little?" Dean asked.

"I was afraid you'd go in the water. You had all the other parts of my land to run on. I figured that was enough to keep you busy and enough room to run. You boys scared me enough times with what you could get into when there wasn't a stream for you to fall on the large rocks in the streambed or get caught in the strong undertow that could pull you further downstream."

"With the space you had, you had plenty," John backed Bobby up. "Besides would this spot have actually interested you that much anyway? All the cool cars to climb in are near the house."

"Yeah," Dean decided. "I guess we really didn't need this area. No plug ins for music, no cars to try to fix or play games in."

"No dogs to play with," Sam joined in. "Too far to go for a drink or food."

"It's okay for you boys to come here now. If you ever need a place to gather your thoughts or ponder life, this is a great place to do it."

"Sam, tell me about Finals," John asked as he reached for his glass of lemonade.

"They're over," Sam said with a smile.

"He means how did you do on them, you knucklehead," Bobby clarified.

"Good. Passed them all. Still on track to graduate in December."

"That's great timing for the baby. Have you guys thought about daycare?" John asked.

"We'd like to have it just be us for awhile," Dean jumped in to save Sam, who was floundering for an answer. "Sam can take a break before he looks for a job."

"Bobby and I will be there, too," John reminded him. "We'll be able to help."

"I know. We just need to get used to having a baby before we let someone who isn't family take care of them," everyone saw Dean's protective streak for the unborn baby, it was blindingly bright.

"Okay," John replied. "Sounds like a good plan."


The rest of their time at Bobby's was uneventful. Emma liked to swing in the porch swing. It helped calm her mind and soothe her worries.

"How are you?" John came and sat down with Emma.

"Really good," she smiled at John. "It's so peaceful here."

"Do you feel better than when you arrived?"

"Yeah. Just spending time with the four of you put my mind at ease," Emma folded her hands in her lap.

"We tend to do that," John chuckled. "We're not a very serious group. We tend to take it in stride and crack jokes. Did we make you feel at home?"

Emma nodded.

"Well, here is my cell number," John handed her a piece of paper that she put in her pocket. "The boys have it, too, but I didn't want you to have to ask them for it if you needed to talk to me. You can call anytime, but I don't seem to have many answers."

"Just hearing about Mary made me feel more confident in myself," Emma told him. "She sounds like a wonderful lady."

"That she was," John had a faraway smile. "She had so much spirit and love of life. I'd known her since high school, ya know."


"Yep. We were high school sweethearts," John got lost in his fond memories of his beloved Mary. "We dated for years before we got married. I did a tour in Vietnam, and she wrote me faithfully every single day. It was the best homecoming a man could have. Although I had seen and done things that I wanted to forget and part of me had changed, Mary was still the same. She was very patient as I got used to being home. Then, we started to plan our wedding. It's too bad that it ended so soon."

"I hope to find a love like that someday," Emma said softly.

"You will, honey," John patted her hand. "Just give it some time. You are a very special woman. You'll find the one that's meant for you."


Bobby and John waved from the porch as the Impala pulled out of the driveway. The house seemed so quiet after having company. John sat on the couch. Bobby brought them in some coffee.

“Already missing the boys?” Bobby guessed.

“It’s just so quiet here.”

“Are you sure that’s what is bothering you?” Bobby asked.

John stared into his coffee. “I’m worried about Emma. I told the boys to take good care of her, and I know Sam will. Dean is just used to sleeping with them and leaving them. He never did learn to relate to them.”

“Did you give Emma your number?”

“Yeah. I thought she might need to call,” John sipped his coffee.

“I saw how you were with Emma, Johnny. You gave her the answers that she needed and handled her with so much love and care.”

“I could only relay how life had been with Mary. Somehow that doesn’t feel adequate.”

“It’s more than her folks gave her. They sent her without any information. The fact that you were able to get past her embarrassment about the pregnancy and childbirth issues proves what a gentle person you are. It made me love you more, if at all possible.”

“Really, Bobby?” John set his cup on the coffee table.

“Yeah,” Bobby placed his cup next to John’s. Bobby stood up and held his hand out to John. “Come with me.”

John looked up at Bobby as he took his hand. Bobby led him into their bedroom and closed the bedroom door.

Bobby took the initiative and kissed John while he unbuttoned his shirt. Bobby ran his fingers through the thick hair on his chest before pushing the shirt off his shoulders. When John reached for his belt, Bobby batted his hands away Bobby wanted to be in control, which was unusual since John tended to take the first step toward intimacy.

When Bobby had John naked, he had John lie down on the bed. John had grabbed for Bobby’s shirt, wanting it off. “No, Johnny. Today I am loving you.”

John fell back against the pillows and watched Bobby get the lubricant out of the drawer. John was so relaxed that he zoned out a little until Bobby was back to kissing him, rubbing the muscles in his chest, abdomen, and still further down. John sucked in a little air when Bobby grasped him, his hand already slicked up.

He watched Bobby make love to him through heavy-lidded eyes. He was absorbing the pleasure that was running through his body with every move Bobby made.

Bobby moved one hand below the shaft and found John’s tight entrance. He added more lubricant without John even noticing. John was just soaking in all that Bobby had to give. When Bobby brought his finger to the entrance, John’s eyes flew open.

“Remember all those things you told me when our positions were changed?” Bobby’s voice had a soft gruffness to it. “I recall how it felt. I want to make you feel so good, John. Just close your eyes and let me.”

John looked a Bobby a moment longer and saw how much love was in his eyes. John knew Bobby wouldn’t hurt him, so he let his eyes close.

Bobby carefully inserted one finger and held it still. When the muscles loosened up a little, he stroked John slowly, in time with his other hand that was grasped around him. He watched John’s face closely, looking for any sign of discomfort. When he didn’t find any, he added another finger and felt along John’s inner walls. John started moaning when Bobby’s fingers ran across a certain spot.

John gripped the sheets as he was overwhelmed by the stroking outside and the massaging inside of that bundle of nerves. Bobby watched John start to glisten with sweat, making sounds and not words.

At that point, Bobby added a third finger and then he swiped the spot inside again, John came undone. His body shook, and he called out Bobby’s name. Bobby left his fingers inside, feeling the muscles clench down. He stroked John through it until John was spent. Then, he slowly removed his fingers and leaned up to give John a kiss.

“Oh, Bobby,” John’s voice was hoarse. “How did you know what I needed?”

“I can read your body, John. As for the new twist, I’ve known for some time that you’d like to try that. I just didn’t work up enough courage until today.”

“I like your courage,” John’s laugh made Bobby smile.

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