[info]my_sam_dean wrote
on April 16th, 2008 at 02:57 pm

Ballad of the Winchesters, Parts 41-45, R, Sam/Dean, John/Bobby

TITLE: Ballad of the Winchesters, Part 41-45
AUTHOR: my_sam_dean
PAIRING: Sam/Dean, John/Bobby
SUMMARY: Dean's 28th Birthday and Sam's gift.  John and Bobby come to visit.  Drew's sister is victimized.  Sam talks to Drew's sister, Emma.  Sam and Dean talk about the possibility of adopting Emma's baby.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own the boys, I just wish I did!


"Hey, Drew," Sam easily caught up to the shorter man. "Do you work tonight?"

"No. Need to study for a test I forgot about?"

"It's Dean's birthday. I was hoping you could come over for cake."

"Like your birthday? Does that mean we cook for Dean?"

"Yep. I went to the grocery store yesterday. I can do all the cooking. I actually like it."

"You're a good cook, Sam. Sure. Want a ride home?"

"That would help," Sam agreed. "Usual time and place?"

Drew nodded as he continued down the sidewalk and Sam turned off to head another way.


"Great cake," Dean said with his mouth full. "Why is it that they don't have birthday pie?"

"Would you rather have pie?"

"Yeah. Think we could do that for next year?" asked Dean, mouth still full.

"Sure, just remind me," Sam replied. "Why don't you swallow your food and then tell us what it feels like to be twenty-eight years old?"

Drew tipped back in his chair and waited with a smile for Dean's response. Drew never knew what Dean would say next, but he thought the upcoming explanation might be a good one.

"I've been driving the same car since before I had a license. I've got a job that I enjoy and a nice home. I have a great body and cool hair," Dean ran through the list and then added, "And I have the best sex life ever. Thanks, Sammy." Dean grinned from ear to ear.

Drew almost fell off his chair. He let it down with a thud and took a sudden interest in the kitchen floor.

Sam blushed and scratched his head, "Dean, you just had to embarrass our guest, didn't you?"

"Hell, I didn't embarrass Drew. I'm giving you guys hope. Progressing age doesn't mean that life gets worse," Dean took a sip from his glass and smirked at Sam as he did so. "Sorry if I did embarrass you, Drew. Didn't mean to." Dean picked up his plate anon his way to the sink he stopped next to Sam. "Had no idea you could turn red so fast, Sammy. Getting thin-skinned on me?"

Sam shook his head and Drew slowly looked up from the floor to catch Sam's glance. Drew just laughed. Sam relaxed and laughed with him.


"Sammy! Did you go down the drain in there?"

Sam nervously looked in the mirror and resisted the urge to shut off the light.

"Sammy! You still getting my present?" Dean called from the bedroom.

"Yeah. Just a minute," Sam called back. He took a deep breath, exhaled, and then stood naked in the doorway to the bedroom with the bathroom light spilling into the room all around him and the bedside lamp lighting the bedroom. "I'm your present, Dean," Sam gripped the doorway so that he wouldn't cover himself up.

"Wow, Sammy," Dean sat up in bed. "You're gorgeous. I mean, in the light . . .I didn't know. . . I love you, Sammy." Dean crawled to the foot of the bed and put his feet on the floor. He reached out his hand to Sam, who was a few feet in front of him. "Turn out the light and come to me. Please?"

Sam let out the breath he'd been holding and let relief flow over him as he saw the adoring look in Dean's eyes. He reached around to shut off the light and then slowly stepped toward Dean, proud that he'd possessed the guts to finally stand in the light.


Dean ran his hands up and down the sides of his beloved Sammy. He had memorized the striking image Sam had made, framed in the doorway.

“Dean, let me sleep. I’m so tired,” Sam mumbled into his pillow.

“Sam-my,” Dean softly called for him as he ran his hands over Sam’s ticklish spots. “I want to pla-ay”

Sam twitched as Dean ran his fingers across his intended targets. He finally gave in and rolled over to face Dean. Sam tried to sound truly annoyed but he was smiling, “Isn’t twice enough for you, Dean?”

“Not on my birthday, Sammy. Maybe any other night, but not tonight.”

“What am I going to do with you, Dean?” Sam loosely put his arms around Dean.

“Gotta love me,” Dean smirked.

With Sam’s first step into the light, he proved his strength and how much he loved Dean. With Dean’s instant adoration, he boosted Sam’s confidence, reassured Sam of the depth of his love, and eliminated the chance that Sam would avoid the light again.


Their life at home changed slightly after Dean’s birthday. Sam no longer woke up to make sure he was covered by the sheet before the sun rose. Dean didn’t need to take extra care to cover Sam, to protect him from the light.

Sam wouldn’t stroll around the house stark naked like Dean. Since Dean didn’t usually care about shutting the curtains, he caught more than one neighbor by surprise. It happened in front of he patio door. Dean was rubbing the sleep out of his eyes when he noticed the guy next door who was out in his yard. The man was looking at Dean in shock. So, in typical Dean fashion, he smiled and waved. The other man raised his hand before his mind processed what he was doing. The instant he came to his senses, his hand went down and he quickly looked away. Dean laughed and yelled, “Hey, Sammy! I know one guy who won’t be sending his kids over here on Halloween!”

Sam’s confidence in the bedroom carried over to other areas of his life. He didn’t slouch when he walked and he looked at others instead of at the ground. He smiled more and made a few acquaintances at school. Drew was still his best friend and the only other person who visited their home on a regular basis.

Dean noticed the changes in Sam, even though he didn’t mention them. He just smiled to himself and rejoiced for Sam on the inside. He’d come so far.


Valentine's Day wasn't an actual holiday because the boys did what they had to during the day and did what they wanted at night. Nothing was ever said about cards or presents. Sam might write Dean a love note and Dean might pick up some candy for Sam's sweet tooth, but they never mentioned it being Valentine's Day.

After a short phone call in which their dad did most the talking, John and Bobby headed out to stay with the boys for awhile to help finish with the rooms in the basement.

Sam and Dean purchased a double bed and set it up in their living room. They would need the bed eventually for their guest room. They were just buying it a little ahead of schedule.

"Think it will be weird to have Dad and Bobby around?" Sam asked while brushing his teeth one night.

"We're gonna have to remember that the bathroom has two doors," Dean replied. "We'll need to remember to lock and unlock both of them. I really don't want anyone walking in on anybody."

"Me either," Sam spit and rinsed. "Do they really know carpentry?"

"I don't know," Dean replied. "We don't know carpentry and we're building the rooms. I doubt they could do a worse job."


Drew came over the night John and Bobby were supposed to be in town. He wanted to meet them and help out with the construction, too. He brought his books. He and Sam studied until they heard John's truck pull up. The Winchesters love to hear their cars when they run. All that noise meant 'power' to them.

Bobby and John were tired from the long drive, but otherwise in good spirits when they arrived. Dean gave them the grand tour and a chance for them to wash up before getting Drew and Sam from the study.

"Nice place you boys have here," Bobby smiled. "Not too big, cozy, quiet neighborhood."

"We like it here," Dean told him. "I haven't even shown you the garage yet. That's what cinched the deal for me."

"What was Sam's favorite part?" John asked.

"That would be the laundry facilities and the kitchen. He's a good cook. He enjoys it. Might as well have a kitchen he likes."

Dean knocked on the door of the study.

"Come in," Sam said in response.

All three men stood in the doorway.

"Drew, I'd like you to meet my dad, John, and Bobby, my uncle," Sam introduced them.

Drew got up and shook their hands.

"Nice to meet you, Drew," John greeted him. "I hear you've been a big help to Sam and Dean. You know not to play cards or pool with Dean, right?"

Drew smiled. "Yeah. Sam told me."

"Dad," Dean said without realizing it. "You know I'd never hustle a friend." Dean realized his mistake after he saw the horrified look on Sam's face.

"Dean's called me 'Dad' for so long, now. Must have started when he lived in our neighborhood, quite some time ago." John explained to a confused Drew.

To Drew it made perfect sense that Dean would call John 'Dad'. Dean was in a relationship with his son, Sam. He never really gave it another thought.

All five of them went into the basement to assess the progress and damage to the rooms that were being roughed in.

"Looks good, boys," Bobby concluded as he evaluated the studs they'd put up. "How many rooms are you thinking of down here?"

"One or two," Sam replied. "Just a guest room in case we have company and Dean would like a game room with a pool table and bar."

John just shook his head. "Still attracted to bars, Dean?"

"No, I'm more domesticated now," Dean smirked at Sam who rolled his eyes.

Drew's cell rang and he walked upstairs for better reception. His feet pounded on the stairs as he ran down. "I have to go," the panic was clear on his face.

"Wait a minute," Sam walked up to him. "What's wrong?"

"I can't say," Drew really looked like he wished he could. "It isn't good and it's my sister. I have to go to my parents'."

Drew turned and raced up the stairs. Sam followed and caught up to him as he was putting his shoes on. "Are you okay to drive, Drew? Want me to take you to your parents'? It's not that far away."

"I don' t know, Sam. I'm scared and nervous and mad."

"That's it. I'm driving." Sam yelled down the basement stairs that there was an emergency and he was driving Drew home. It would be a few hours before he returned.

"Drive careful!" Dean called back.

"I will," Sam replied and ran out the door.


In the darkness of the car, Drew phoned his folks and told them that Sam was giving him a ride.

After Drew hung up, Sam asked, “Any news?”

Drew shook his head. “I didn’t want to make an announcement in front of everyone but I can tell you. My sister went out on a date tonight and he attacked her.”

“Someone she knew?”

“A boy from school,” Drew sighed.

“To what extent was she attacked?” Sam chose his words carefully.

“I don’t know,” Drew replied. “Bad enough for my little sister to be in the emergency room.” Sam saw tears roll down Drew’s face. He didn’t know what to do besides drive faster.


Sam sat in the waiting room, trying to kill time reading old magazines or watching bad late night television. Neither activity made time pass faster.

He heard the doors open and looked up to see Drew walking toward him. Sam stood up, “How is she doing?”

Drew looked like he’d aged way past his years. “Can we go for a walk?”


Sam stayed silent while he allowed Drew to organize his thoughts.

“She’s refusing the morning after pill,” Drew blurted out.

Sam realized what was included in her attack and asked, “No protection?”


“They’ve taken samples and are running tests?” Sam asked.

“Yeah. She hates us all. Mom and Dad for bringing her in and pressing her to go through with the exam. And me because I suggested the pill.”

“She’s in a tough spot,” Sam told him, remembering what it felt like to feel so vulnerable again right after an incident that was out of your control. “Did she talk to anyone?”

“Refuses to.”

“What’s her reason for not taking the pill?” Sam asked.

“She said she’d rather give a baby up instead of kill it, even with how it will change her life.”

“Do you think she’ll change her mind?”

“No. She’s always been stubborn that way.”

Sam wrestled with telling Drew the he could talk to his sister because of his attack or keeping it secret. He wanted to be able to bring her any kind of comfort that he could. Sam decided to tell Drew and let him determine if Sam would be able to help in any way.

“Let’s sit down,” Sam suggested when they found some chairs in a dimly lit corridor. “I need to tell you something and I might be able to help your sister.”

Sam told Drew the bare facts of his ordeal. How he’d felt when he was under the bright lights of the emergency room. How filthy and scared that he’d felt. He suggested that going with her decision not to take the pill would give her some control back over her life.

“Sam, I’m sorry. I didn’t know,” Drew looked ready to cry.

“That is because I didn’t want anyone to know,” Sam said gently. “Do you think your sister would want to talk to me? Does she know about me?”

“Of course she does. She knows that we study together and that I’ve been helping you and Dean in the basement.”

“Does she know Dean and I are together?”


“Is that an issue for her?”


“So, what do you think?”

“I think it’s time you met my sister, Emma.”


Drew introduced Sam to his folks, who shook his hand.

"I know Emma doesn't like us right now," Drew told them. "She's refused to talk to anyone. Sam is going to see if he can talk to her."

"Why would he be any more successful than us?" his mom asked.

"Just because he's Sam," Drew answered. "It's worth a shot and I promise he won't make it worse."

"Good luck," Drew's dad said. "She's a stubborn one."

Sam gave them a little smile as he and Drew walked past.

"Thanks for not telling them," Sam whispered to Drew.

"They don't need to know about that. They need to trust me enough to know that I have her best interests in mind. Besides, after they know you, they'll understand."

The nurse led them back to Emma's room.

"Emma," Drew spoke softly. "Can I come in?"

"I'm not taking that pill!"

"That's fine. My friend Sam is here and he'd like to talk to you."


"He's one of my good friends and a good listener. You remember me talking about Sam, right?"

"He's got law class with you and lives with Dean?"

"That's him. Can he come in, Emma?"


Drew opened the door, quickly introduced Sam and Emma and told them that he'd be outside the door if they needed him.

Sam sat down in the chair by her bed. "I hear you're pretty upset with your family right now."

"Yeah. They brought me here to the nurses and doctors with prying eyes and now they want me to take that damn pill. But, what would you know about it?"

"I was attacked a year ago. Dean brought me in to the emergency room. I hated the bright lights and people invading my privacy. Turned out, it was the only way Dean could think of to help. He knew that he loved me and he knew he couldn't fix it. So, he brought me in. If it had been something simple like a broken heart, your parents would have known what to do. When they realized what had happened, they had no choice."

"But that exam," Emma started to cry.

Sam took her hand, "I know, Emma. I know. Just let it out."

Emma cried and then said, "It was so degrading. Why'd they have to do that?"

"To get evidence to use in a case against your attacker. The medical people didn't think anything of it because it is routine to them."

"Not to me."

"I know, Emma. It was hard on me, too."

"How about Drew wanting me to take that pill?"

"He's just trying to take care of you. He doesn't want you to have to deal with a pregnancy. What are your reasons not to take the pill?"

"I can't kill a baby, even if I don't intend to keep it."

"Let's assume you are pregnant. What will you do?"

"Have the baby and give it up for adoption. I would have to start college a year later but that would be fine."

"And you could live with knowing that your baby was out there somewhere?"

"Yes, because they'd be taken care of."

"There are many people waiting to adopt. You just need to make sure that you have it in you to give the baby up and live with the consequences."

"I'd never be able to live with myself if I killed a baby. That would take a big part of me away."

"I understand," Sam put his hand on hers.


When Sam came back out to the waiting room, Drew and his folks stood up. "She understands why she had to come here. Being here, the tests and such, has made her feel awful. She couldn't live with herself if she took the pill, knowing she possibly killed a baby. I wouldn't push her on that one. I gave her my cell and told her she can call me anytime."

"Why did she talk to you?" Drew's mom asked, hurt.

"Because he's Sam," Drew broke in. "I knew he might be able to talk to her.

Drew and Sam walked out to the car.

"Do you think they got enough evidence?" Sam asked.

"Plenty to prove sex occurred," Drew replied. "The hard part is proving in was not consensual."

"She had bruises on her arms," Sam added.

"You remember the guy who got off on a murder charge because he said she liked it rough, right?"

Sam nodded.

They got to the car and Sam slid in behind the wheel. "Where to, Drew?"

"Campus," he sighed. "I can't do much more to help her."

"Okay. You can get some rest, Drew. I'll have Dean pick me up."

"Thanks, Sam."

"No problem."

"I mean talking to Emma."

"I'm glad I could help."

"I'm sorry that happened to you, Sam."

"It's all right now," Sam assured him. "They took plea agreements and are gone. Dean has been wonderful and supportive through it all."

"You could have told me," Drew told him. "I wish I could have helped."

"You did." Sam didn't take his eyes off the road. "You treated me like normal. That helped me get through my days until I was feeling more like myself."

"Let me know if you need to talk."

"Will do, Drew. You can call me anytime, you know."

"I know," Drew said sleepily.

"Just rest," Sam's voice was soothing. He saw Drew visibly relax and went back to driving.


The Impala was waiting in the parking lot when Sam drove in.

"You okay to get to your room?" Sam asked Drew.

Drew nodded.

"I'll be at our afternoon class but we can probably get notes from someone for the morning class."

"I don't know if I'll make it to the afternoon class. I'm pretty tired."

"That's fine, Drew. I'll take good notes."

"Call us if you need anything," Dean told Drew.

Drew nodded as he walked away.


Sam turned back to Dean and melted into his arms.

"Sammy, are you alright?" Dean asked as he held him close.

"I'm just thankful I have you," Sam said into Dean's leather jacket.

"I'm thankful for you, too, Dude," Dean stood there for a moment. "How about we go home?"

Sam let Dean led him to the car.

"We've been worried about you and Drew," Dean said. "Dad and Bobby insisted on staying up to make sure you're okay."

With all that had gone on, Sam had totally forgotten they were even at their house.

The older men were sitting on the couch when they walked in.

"Drew's sister, Emma, went on a date and he attacked her. She was mad at her parents and Drew. I talked to her for awhile and think she will be okay. She has my number if she wants to call."

"Just glad you're home safe," Bobby gave him a hug before he headed to the bed in the living room.

"You've always looked out for others," John gave him a hug. "You make me proud. Make sure you take care of yourself, too."

"I will, Dad."

Dean waited until Sam had collapsed into bed before asking him anything. "Are you okay?" Dean asked Sam snuggled in.

"I think so."

"Helping Drew and Emma didn't bring up anything bad?"

Sam frowned. "It made me remember, but it also showed me that others react to the lights and people prodding at them like I did."

"I don't imagine it's an easy thing for anybody."

"And Emma was upset with her parents for bringing her in and Drew for wanting her to take the morning after pill. I told her how you brought me in because you loved me and knew you couldn't help me. I think she'll forgive her folks."

"What about Drew?"

"Her reasons not to take the pill were really solid and I don't think Drew actually pushed the idea. He knows her reasons to not take it and she knows he just had her best interest at heart."

"What else did you do to make her feel better?"

"Told her something similar had happened to me. We were able to know that others felt the same when put in a victim situation. I just held her hand while she cried. Then, I gave her my number."

"Do you think he'll go to jail?"

"Don't know. They have the evidence but the defense could make it very difficult and traumatic for her."

"That sucks."

"I'm so glad I have you, Dean."


"Because you've always loved me, even when I didn't feel loveable. You chanced me hating you because you loved me enough to bring me in. You didn't let me create more barriers between me and you, although I could create them between me and the outside world. You were patient with me. Hell, you still are. You haven't pushed for more of a physical relationship, even after all this time."

"Physical love isn't as important as emotional love, Sam. I'm happy with our relationship. Even if the physical part never changes, I'll still be happy."

"You would?"

"Yep. I have all I want and need. You."

Sam kissed Dean softly. "Even when I still feel broken at times?"

"Hey. I have the one and only original Sammy Winchester. What more could I ask for?"

Sam laid his head on Dean's chest and let the steady movement of his chest and beating of his heart push him off to sleep. They murmured their 'I love yous' as they fell asleep.


Dean tried to be quiet when he got ready for work in the morning. Sam still woke up. "Morning, Dean. Are Dad and Bobby up yet?"

"Yeah, drinking coffee in the kitchen and arguing about the supplies we need for the basement. You should be able to sleep in because they won't be working downstairs until they can agree on the materials, purchase them and haul them home. It might take awhile.," Dean smiled.

"Waiting for them to agree? They might not start until tomorrow," Sam scratched his head. "Do we get a say in it since it's our house?"

"Do you want to get in the middle? I sure as hell don't."

"No, I'd rather keep my head attached and let them fight it out," Sam watched Dean get dressed, wishing he could assist him in undressing and putting off work for awhile. "Um, Dean . . ."

"I saw that look in your eye, Sammy, and the answer is 'no'. I never thought I'd be the one to turn down sex, but I do have to get to work," Dean chuckled.

"Rain check?" Sam smiled.

"You bet," Dean gave him a quick kiss. "I'll call you over lunch before you go to class."

"Love you, Dean."

"Love you, too."

Sam watched the backside that he loved to stare at walk out of the bedroom and heard Dean continue down the hall and talk to Bobby and John. Sam flopped back into bed and was asleep within minutes.


Sam was still sleepy when Dean called over lunch. Sam had done a little thinking while he was lightly sleeping. He had something he wanted to talk to Dean about, but not over the phone.

"Hey, Dean. How's work going?"

"Same 'ol, same 'ol," Dean said with a full mouth of food "Bobby and Dad agree on anything yet?"

"I haven't gone out there. I don't want to enter into their disagreement or a possible intimate situation that I'd rather not see."

"You gonna yell down the hall to announce your presence before stepping into the hall?"


"Oh, Sammy. You crack me up. You think you're going to go blind or something if you see Dad and Bobby kissing?"

"Dean, you're making my stomach churn."

"I'm just saying, it's a natural part of life and you need to get used to it just like they are getting used to us."

Sam groaned.

"I can't believe it! You are speechless because you know I'm right! That never happens," Dean stopped to take a drink of his soda

"I am taking notes over to Drew's after class. I'll check in on how he's doing and Dad or Bobby can pick me up from there."

"Poor guy. Tell him he can come over and shoot the breeze, even with Dad and Bobby here. Think it will matter if we tell them what the emergency was? They wouldn't bring it up to him, Drew would just know that he could talk about it around them and not feel awkward."

"I think he'd be okay with that. I'll fill them in before I leave. They were really worried last night."

"Okay, Sam. Well, I gotta go back to work. I'll see you at home."

"I love you, Dean."

"You, too," was all Dean could say at work in front of the guys at work, but Sam got the meaning loud and clear.


Drew looked like hell when Sam arrived at his dorm. Drew opened the door and then shuffled to the side to let Sam in.

"I come bearing gifts," Sam put a file folder down his Drew's desk. "Those are all the notes from today."

"Thanks," Drew was rubbing at his face. "There was just no way I could get to class today."

"I understand," Sam told him. "Did you talk to your folks or Emma today?"

"They got her home and she's just staying in her room. She won't come out."

"Is she eating and sleeping?"

"No. Not really. It's like she's lost in her head." Drew tried to find another way to explain it. "Maybe that's not right. She just isn't really living outside of her body."

"Have you tried talking to Emma? You're her brother. She might talk to you," Sam struggled to find a way to help.

"I could try," Drew sighed. "I think I'll look over the notes and then try giving her a call."

"Call me if you need anything. Dad and Bobby know what the emergency was, I had to tell them because they were so worried when I got home last night. Dean said you're welcome to hang out at our house any time."

Drew nodded. "I might, just so I can escape for awhile."

"You know where we are," Sam gave him a slap on the shoulder as he left. The drained look on Drew's face made Sam wish that he could do more.


Bobby was pounding away in the basement when John and Sam walked in.

"I'll go make sure he knows what he's doing. You whip up some supper," John said as he passed him.

"Why do I have to cook?"

"Because. Dean said you like to cook and you're good at it." John disappeared down the basement steps. Sam made a mental note not to confess that he liked any household duties or he'd be stuck with all of them.

Sam was busy listening to the men argue downstairs while he cooked.

Dean came in from work, "The noise is worse here than at the shop."

Sam just shook his head, tired from lack of sleep, weary of the noise. Dean wrapped his arms around Sam and Sam leaned back into him, thankful for his embrace. "Just relax, Sammy. You do your cooking thing and I'll go referee downstairs."

"Okay. What if they don't quiet down?" Sam asked.

"I'll buy you the nicest looking ear plugs," Dean smirked. "I can get them to settle down, I promise."

Sam watched Dean open the basement door and yell, "Quiet down there. Other people live here, too, ya know!"

Dean smirked at Sam before closing the basement door behind him.

With Dean keeping the ruckus down to a dull roar, Sam was able to finish supper without much trouble.

"Sam, why have you been hiding a natural talent like this?" Bobby asked half-way through his supper. "You could have been cooking at my house. I hate to cook."

"I didn't want to have to do all the cooking, that's why," Sam replied. "I enjoy cooking sometimes, not if it's always my job."

"Still, it is really good," John told him. "Did you take a class or something?"

"Nope. I just bought a couple cookbooks."

"And now I can eat something that doesn't have to be nuked at the Mini Mart," Dean smiled. "I don't miss eating like that."

They all laughed because they'd all been there. Eating on the go isn't healthy and there aren't many choices.

They retired early since they were up so late the night before.


"Dean?" Sam was waiting for Dean after he got out of the shower. "I did some thinking today."

"Haven't I warned you about doing that?" Dean hung up the towel and walked to the bed naked. "What were you thinking about?" He slid in beside Sam and propped himself up on his elbow.

Sam got an unsure look on his face, took a deep breath and then asked, "Remember when we talked about babies?"

"Yeah. The ones we can't have."

"But, we agreed that we would talk about it if the opportunity to adopt presented itself."

"Okay. What's changed?"

"What would you think about adopting Emma's baby?" Sam's big brown eyes sucked Dean in.

"We don't even know if she's pregnant yet," Dean brushed some of Sam's hair back. "And if she is, she could change her mind at the last minute."

"I know. But it's a chance that we could have a baby."

"If we find out that Emma is expecting, we can discuss it and ask her about it. I don't know if she'd want two guys raising her baby. She might be looking for a typical family with a mother and a father."

"That doesn't mean that they'd be any better at parenting than us," Sam said softly. "We'd love the baby more than anyone else could."

"I know, Sammy. Let's just not get to far ahead of ourselves here. If the opportunity presents itself, we'll go for it. How's that for a plan?"

"Thanks, Dean," Sam smiled. "I just needed to know that."

"I know. I love you, Sammy. I'd do anything to be able to adopt right now. It's just not something that we can rush."

"I love you, Dean. It makes me feel better that you understand my need to adopt."

"If I ever miss your point or get thick-skulled, just keep explaining it to me. I'll get it eventually."

"I know you will. All the things you do to try to understand me or what I need shows how much you love me. I know it isn't always easy."

"It might not always be easy but it's what I was made to do," Dean smiled and kissed Sam softly before lying his head on Sam's shoulder. "We need to get some sleep, Sammy."

"Goodnight, Dean."

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