St. Margaret's


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Posts Tagged: 'character:+rob+smith'

May. 1st, 2014



Thread: Play time

WHO: Rob and Vixey
WHEN: Last week during the festival [backdated]
WHERE: Camden!

He was not out of shape. Definitely not. )

Apr. 22nd, 2014



Thread: Party in Camden (open to all!)

Who: Open to All!
Where: Camden
When: Wednesday evening
NPCs: high school kids from Camden and beyond, college students
Warnings: underage drinking

party night )

(OOC - Subthread as you like! Fights, dancing, flirting, drinking games, whatever you want to do, do it! Party started around 8, really started to kick into high gear around 9-10, cops showed up around 1am to break it up!)

Apr. 19th, 2014



Thread: Getting A Feel

WHO: Lucien & OTA
WHEN: Saturday morning
WHERE: Academy hallways

That was just who he was and he didn't see himself changing anytime soon. )

Apr. 18th, 2014



Easter Egg Hunt!

WHO: Ms. Menides & OPEN to all
WHEN: Friday, at 11
WHERE: The dining hall AND all over

OOC: Feel free to thread either the brunch or the hunt for the Easter Eggs below, but please: use subthreads. Individual comments count towards the House score of that character(unless your character is explicitly not looking for eggs). Talking about the Easter Hunt on the journals will also count towards your score. Have fun!

Apr. 13th, 2014



Thread: Bathroom Breakdown

Who: Rob and Open (okay as a narrative if no one jumps on it)
Where: boys' room
When: Friday afternoon (backdated)
NPCs: students and teachers, Harmony mentioned with permission
Warnings: brief, vague mentions of arousal and taking care of said arousal

denial )

Apr. 4th, 2014



Thread: Facing the Giants

Who: Rob and Open
Where: School soccer field
When: Saturday afternoon
NPCS: Travis, Rob's 4 year old brother!

Why am I always the Giants? )

Mar. 26th, 2014



Thread: Picture Perfect

WHO: Valentin Graff & OPEN
WHERE: the School Grounds
WHEN: afternoon of the 26th

Mar. 19th, 2014



Thread: The Mice Will Play

WHO: Trent & Anybody that wants to come along
WHEN: 21st March 2014 [Forward Posted], Late, very late ;)
WHERE: Abandoned house
OOC: Tag yourselves in, folks!

The party was in full swing and had been for a few hours now, people enjoying themselves to different extremes. )

Mar. 1st, 2014



Thread: Sylvan Rave

WHO: Andrei & OPEN to all students
WHERE: An abandoned maintenenance building in the wood
WHEN: Saturday Night