St. Margaret's


Layout By

November 20th, 2014


Thread: Talk & Determination

WHO: Benjamin Proctor & Jack Cavanaugh
WHEN: Tuesday
WHERE: Jack's Office, Sphinx House

Ben should have contacted and/or approached Jack the day after the attack happened... )

Texts: To Davian and to Andrei

TO: Davian
DATE: After this

You have (2) unread messages )


TO: Andrei
DATE: After this

You have (2) unread messages )



texting Bushara

To: Bushara

From: Adrian

Date: 11/19, after the pranks…

you have 2 unread messages )

Narrative: Tox Screening (Cressida)

WHO: Cressida Hallowfen
WHEN: Nov. 20, 2014
WHERE: Janitorial Closet → Biology Lab → Camden Wharf

Sure enough, the fangling was as sloppy of an eater as the mark on Leon's neck showed. )



No shirt, No shoes

Who: Corinna and Daniel
Where: Ladon kitchen
When: After Kaden told her how to not be pink
Warning: Corinna forgot human's need clothes

she greeted him cheerfully without any apparent care that she was greeting him with absolutely no clothes on )



Pink haired hind in the library

Who: Alicia and Corinna
Where: Library
When: Thursday after classes

she did the only thing she could think of. She waved and smiled brightly at the other girl )