St. Margaret's


Layout By

October 31st, 2014



[No Subject]

Ms Edouard's Halloween Classes )



Tricks and Treats (open for reactions, guesses, etc.)

The students on Bert McColl's European History classes and Literature classes were treated to a couple surprises on Halloween. The first surprise was Bert himself. The youthful-looking teacher was dressed up for the day. He was wearing a tattered, very old-looking British schoolboy uniform. He himself looked dirty and bruised and scraped up, though none of the injuries were real. He was carrying a conch shell around with him. He challenged his classes to guess what character from literature he was, the first correct guesser in each class earning five points extra credit to go toward the next test.

The other surprise was a basket of gourmets lollipops from a specialty shop in town. Each student got to pick one at the end of class. They were large and sweet and tasted rich and flavorful. There were chocolate, raspberry, orange creamsicle and other traditional flavors as well as a few which were quite unique, including things like lobster, lemongrass, liver, sparrow, and squirrel. They were labeled with their flavors so there would be no unfortunate mistakes. At the end of the day, the leftover lollies were left in the teacher's lounge.



Thread: All Hallow's Eve [2014]

WHO: OPEN TO EVERYONE. Tag yourself in. Or build your own seperate thread.
WHEN: The night of Halloween.
WHERE: All over the Academy grounds.