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Jul. 22nd, 2010


I can't tell everyone how annoyed I am and it really doesn't matter why, but I am deleting the wiki and moving everything to the mod journal. If you have anything important there I suggest you get it now, otherwise its gone. You have till the end of August to get it all.

Annoyed mod

May. 4th, 2010


Introduction of sorts and a heads up

Hi everyone. I'm Mandy. I think I know pretty much all of you, one way or another.

About me: 31 year old female. Mother of two boys, Matthew (11) and Anthony (8). Wife for just shy of 9 years (June 16 will be 9). Just lost my job yesterday but was the assistant manager for Murphy U.S.A. gas station.

Now, why I'm introducing myself, if you can call it an introduction since there are at least 90% of you that I know already.

Hi, I'm Marissa's co-mod. As Marissa is on an indefinite hiatus (hopefully Friday?!) I wanted to reach out to all of you and let you know that if you have anything you want to get out about this place: questions, comments, etc. Feel free to bring it to me. I can either handle myself or get it over to Marissa (since I talk with her on the phone several times a day).

Contact info: AIM: mollywobblez7, email: Heck, I'll even give you my phone number for phone calls or texting. All you have to do is ask.

Now, on a more modly note: I would love to see you guys posting more. I admit even I have been failing as of late in that department. However, with the new freedom of being unemployed I think you shall see much more of me around.

Like I said, I'm Marissa's co-mod and I'm at your disposal for all your Tainted needs. I will gladly screen comments so you can feel absolutely free to speak your mind about anything you need to vent, comment, or otherwise get off your chest.

Thanks and have a wonderful day!

Feb. 27th, 2010


Mod Post

This will also be emailed to everyone, but I felt I should post it here.

Mod Ruling )

Oct. 17th, 2009


Please welcome
Lucius Malfoy (young) - [info]the_howling, Toshiro Hitsugaya - [info]hitsugayagenius, Lizzi Johnson - [info]slytherinspy 12th Doctor - [info]wtfjellybabies, Meredith Harkness - [info]twosidesofacoin

The friends button is updated Here If you can't see it let me know, I need to add you.

Sep. 15th, 2009


Please everyone check and make sure you are friended to the mod journal, if you aren't comment to this post. Also if you haven't already done so please reply Here

Aug. 24th, 2009


Okay with all of the exits of late...and entrances the housing and class schedules are a bloody mess so here's what I need from EVERYONE...please

Character name:
If a Townie what Job
If student what class year
If Professor what are they teaching? (Taken courses are anatomy and physiology, history of the universe, physics, computer science, network security, and biology.)
Also if your character is holding down a job while in school I need to know where so I can add it to the list.
Housing Preference (If student list who you want to room with):

Thanks guys, I will soon be rehousing all students so tell me now who you want if you don't then I will pick for you.

Aug. 16th, 2009


Please welcome
Christa Gray - [info]ice_cream_theif, Ginny Weasley - [info]fieryweasley, Bella Swan - [info]his_singer

Aug. 5th, 2009


Please welcome
Nymphadora Tonks - [info]justtonks, Wesley Wyndham Pryce - [info]wearesoweak, Temperance "Bones" Brennan - [info]squintleader, The Ninth Doctor [info]_the_doctor_, Tessa Dawson - [info]dramaqueen_tess, Rose Tyler [info]thebadwolfrose, Sarah Jane Smith - [info]ohdoctor, Harry Potter - [info]the_chosenone, Claire Bennett [info]cantbebroken

Jul. 31st, 2009


Housing? Who needs Housing? If you don't know if you need housing check here and you will know where you live or if you don't have a place yet. Also please if you can please check and make sure you can see all the posts on the mod journal with all your journals..if you can't see the friend button I need to friend you. Any questions? im me seekingallthtiam on aim or email me at musescollide at live dot com.


Also in a side note...who wants to help me out by redoing the taken tables? Anyone anyone? Bueller? Bueller? Hit me up if you want to thanks.

May. 29th, 2009


OKay, I have been seeing a sad trend of late...people are posting and threads are going unanswered, or in my case because work ate my soul not posting at all so here's the deal.

So here's the deal..I know a few are on hiatus and that is fine, but there are some who aren't so for those NOT on hiatus or haven't spoken to me about why they aren't posting please make a post or comment to an empty post, get threads active!

Another thing that has been bothering me has been the short one line or even 2 line tags. I know you can't write a novel each time, but giving the other mun something to write with something to answer to.

If you have any questions please feel free to email me musescollide at live dot com or im me seekingallthtiam on aim.

May. 1st, 2009


This is just a reminder if you don't have your wiki's made, even if its just with a simple who plays the character, by Monday you will be removed from the game.

The only people this doesn't pertain to is those who are on Hiatus or have notified me of their absence.

Also I am going to be posting the weather soon, please pay notice to it before posting new. Thank you!


Apr. 26th, 2009


If wiki pages are not made for each of your characters I will take this to mean you don't wish to keep them. If you have already made them then great, if you are on Hiatus then ignore this

This is only for those who have not posted a Hiatus notice or talked to me first.

I also would like to see everyone posting that is not on official hiatus and active with those already in game.

If you are dropping anyone or dropping the game then you need to let me know please by commenting here.

Apr. 14th, 2009


This is a mod post, a very important set of mod announcements.

Ang and Lyn have left the game the friends button has been updated please use it.

Also if you have NOT made your wiki pages please go do so now, and go add your characters to the taken list.

And if anyone knows anyone who plays Peter Petrelli and Mohinder Surresh please let them know we are looking.

Thank you and good night.

*bows and exits stage left*

Mar. 26th, 2009


Cause I am nuts and a little bit cruel snow will be coming to Tainted again this year...have fun, be creative, and lets make some more tainted babies

Mar. 22nd, 2009


Sorry to see them go but please update your friend's list as Severus Snape, Peter Petrelli, Lucius Malfoy, Davy Gorgon, and Sylar are all gone.

Feb. 27th, 2009


Okay everyone should be added. If you are not added to the group then you need to rejoin, if you don't rejoin your characters will be given up for adoption.

In other news, I have been slow as of late, you all have probably noticed this, but some recent factors may play in me being a bit slower.

A) I have to have my laptop worked on in a couple weeks and that means I will be on a macintosh for a while. Never fear i will still be around, but I won't be as fast as the mac really sucks.

B) Yesterday as i was getting in the car i rolled my ankle and my body fell the other way which caused a crack in my ankle, well this means i am in a considerable amount of pain so its hard to focus...I am still doing my modly duties and commenting but if I miss something then please just poke me gently and tell me that I am behind on it and i will get to it.

OKay now that is out of the way I need everyone who joined in the last four days to comment here with any new characters they have brought in and their journal names so i can add you to the friends button. Thanks and have a good day.

Jan. 31st, 2009


Kay, I need EVERYONE to go through their posts in these communitys and make certain that they have the appropriate tags on them.

The appropriate tags are...The character's names and either Incomplete if its not finished or Complete if they are done. If its a NC-17 thread you need to also include NC17.

Thank you


Dec. 19th, 2008



This is to everyone in this game.

You need to reply with the following information if you wish to keep your characters.

Your name:
Your contact information:
Your characters that you are keeping:
Your characters that you are dropping:

I know this may come as harsh, but I am seeing a lot of characters unplayed, and I know why some are, but there are a lot I don't know why they are silent so, if you don't reply you are going to be replaced.

The only people exempt from this are Stacey and Sara Emma and Crystal as I have already talked to them.

This ends by friday January second. I am giving two weeks because of the holiday.

Dec. 7th, 2008


Okay all, here's the deal...

Chrissy, our amazing Teddy and Bella and such is redoing the taken list for me cause she rocks, and now all information will be in one place. On the table will be...Fandom, character, PB, Journal, where they are housed, and what they do. This should cut down A) on bandwidth, and B) on searching for the information that is needed. So everyone should thank Chrissy as she may be crosseyed from all he HTML when its done. :-)

In other news, everyone please watch the news comm [info]taintednews for weather updates because i am cruel and stuff...You have been warned.

Oct. 31st, 2008


It is sad news today that I must say that Gabby is leaving Tainted. We are sorry to see her go.

She takes with her

Rory Gilmore
Declan McDonough
Junior Davis (who is most likely dying)

I am also dropping Heaven Kogo since Fi left and took Cheryl

Unless we get a new Rory I will also be dropping Logan Huntzberger.

Oct. 25th, 2008


free logo -

We have some Birthdays, characters and Players. )

Please let me know your character's birthday as well as your own.

Oct. 23rd, 2008


Okay I have counted it, there are at least 5 posts between the comms that have not been touched, they are open and no one has tagged. I understand that people have been busy, but it is kindof annoying when people take time to post and no one touches it. If you see an open post and you don't play the character that posted open then go tag it.


Oct. 18th, 2008


halloween plot ideas? Anyone?

I know Lor is going to do her yearly halloween party at the inn, but we need plot.

Sep. 29th, 2008


Many have asked...

Many have asked so here it is, a map of the town.,-83.108997&spn=0.018155,0.043044&z=15

Minor changes are...Tanglewood drive on the map is Tanglewood Court in game, and Rolling Hills is Rolling Heights.

Also the apartments are as follows...

Faculty Housing - The back end of Taylor, behind campus
Spring Creek - Corner of Dawkins and Main street aks franklin springs street
Spring Ridge - Corner of Hannah Road and Cook street and
Meadow Creek - Corner of Phillips and Church Street

The Police Station is on Main and Carey St Ext and handles the whole area

Dills food mart is on Cook St

and Bi Lo is on Franklin Springs Street
Painted Visions Gallery is in the same shopping center as Bi/Lo
Weasley's Wizard Wheezes is in the same shopping center as Bi/lo and Painted Visions Gallery
The Dragonfly Inn is on the corner of Rose Lane and Main Street
Luke's is across the street on Main street.
Alices Diner is on the corner of Dawkins and Main across from Spring Creek Apts
Christiensons is on Main street across from Williams Street, in its own building.
The Elementry School is on Franklin Spring Circle
The hospital is between Dovetown and Cobb memorial on Main Street but is also accessible by Cook Street
Caritas and Charmed 3 theaters and Jitters coffee shop are on Main street and Carey street next door to each other
Rising Fire Stables is on Bryant Crossing
The Garage is on Cobb Memorial
TWs bar, aka Torchwood Georgia is located on and underneath Taylor street.

If you don't see your business on here then tell me where you want it and I will try to make it happen. Thank you.

Sep. 27th, 2008


I like to think I am a very laid back mod, so when something gets to me it must be pretty

Here's the deal, I get that I am slow to do things and I understand some of the things are updated before they are actually posted in game, but if you see something on the mod journal, it does NOT mean your character can have that knowledge. Meta-gaming is a HUGE no no and only serves to annoy mods.

Another thing - If you want to post to someone you need to contact them and ask if you can first. They may have a plan in game and you might throw it off.

Everyone wants plottage, no one wants to sit still with their characters, but its just common courtesy to contact someone before anything is done.

This is not aimed at any one person or event, but felt as if it needed to be said.

*steps of soap box and goes back to obsessing over dragon eggs.*

OH and while i am at it...if you are not on the taken lists or friended to the mod journal or whatever you need to tell me..thank you.

Sep. 10th, 2008


Kay, I have changed it so only three people can post to taintednews. The two mod journals and springsnews so everyone is still a member, and should have it friended, but they won't have to post to it.

Also, what would everyone think of having a random community. Or maybe just turning tscommunication into a random/networking comm? Thoughts? Let me know.

Also can everyone check and make sure you are on all the appropriate lists (town jobs, campus jobs, classes, housing, contact info, taken) If you can't see all of these it means i need to friend you so please also let me know that. and if not which ones i need to add you to. Thanks.


Sep. 8th, 2008



Ok kiddos here is the deal. Everyone has been sticking to the same people rp wise for a while now so I wanna mix things up. Below is a list of pairings for characters to rp outside of their fandom and outside of their comfort zone. If I missed anyone please let me know and I will add them. Thank you.

Everyone should contact the person you are paired with before posting. Also this is not a requirement, its just to get things mixed up a bit and people mingling. No one has to do this, just have fun. If you don't want to do it let your partner and myself know.

And onto the list )

Sep. 1st, 2008


Weather has been updated. Everyone should check it out before posting.

Aug. 21st, 2008


You know you've done too much HTML when....

....You literally have a nightmare about the HTML you have been working on worrying that you had forgotten something....

Anyway, after many hours of coding and recoding and screaming and crying, all the tables have been redone.  Everyone please check them and make sure they are correct.

Aug. 17th, 2008


Message to all members

Please do not Lock the in game posts! All posts in taintedsprings need to remain open for all to read.

Also I think I need to give a run down of where one posts for which occasion.

If you are posting in your dorm room with your roommate or even in another dorm you post in [info]tainteddorms
If you are posting anywhere on campus aside of the dorms [info]tsoncampus
If you are posting off campus in town or in another town [info]taintedsprings_
and if you are posting a message to someone its [info]tscommunication

[info]taintednews is for any large happening and you need to get the [info]springsnews journal password to post there.

If you have any questions contact me on aim or email. Thanks.



Classes have been added to the grid, if you wish to change your classes please let me know.

Jul. 27th, 2008


MOD Post

I know I have done this before, but we have had new characters join in so, could everyone comment here with your own birthday as well as your character's birthdays. Thanks

Also if you haven't already done it please comment to This Post thank you all.


Jul. 19th, 2008



I want to welcome all new members to the game and thank everyone else for being a part! Everyone here is amazing and I thank you all. If you haven't had a chance to notice the Campus comm has a post from the mods for fall enrollment as fall classes start in several weeks. Also every student received an email and letter informing them of enrollment opening so please check that out and then go comment on the post in the Mod community.

In other news we have finally popped the Original Character cherry so to speak and we have three, possibly four OCs. I promise to all who were wary of allowing OCs in this game that no character will become a mary sue and all the same rules apply to them as would any other. Our curent three are Angelina Christienson, Raven Harrison, Caitlen Christienson and we could very possibly have a fourth to be named later. If you have any questions regarding the Original character policy please contact me and I will fill you in.

Also I would like to put notice out that we need a character to be Dean of the college. If you are interested in your character taking this job please let me know. As well as we need more children under the age of 17, soon we'll be opening a junior high/high school with a focus on children with special abilities IE: Anabella and her ability to freeze and Clotho, as well as Teddy Lupin. If you are interested in bringing in a child to the game please fill out the application.

Last but not least, I would like everyone to check the posts and make sure all are marked properly with your name and either incomplete or complete. If a tag needs to be added please comment here with a link to that post and what tags need to be added as all tags need to be added by a moderator. Also everyone needs to go to this post and comment with who you play and any changes that need to be made to any lists. If you need to be added to the housing, taken, jobs, or contact information please comment there with what needs to be added and the journal names for the characters.

Thank you everyone for being a part of this game and remember, have fun thats most important.

Springs Mods



Could everyone please comment here with who all they play and the journal names please. Thank you.

Jun. 30th, 2008


Please everyone update your friends lists, Dawn, aka Angel, Booth, and Illyria has been removed from the game. Thank you


Jun. 15th, 2008


Can everyone please comment to this post with not only their own birthdays but their character's birthdays as well. I am redoing the birthday calendar for the comm and need everyone to help me update it. Thanks.


Jun. 5th, 2008



Okay, well...we officially have so many characters that I had to split the Taken list up so its all updated and posted in three seperate posts....everyone should go check and make sure that its correct and i missed no one.

Also check the other lists as I have updated them as well. The only one I haven't is the contact list cause I don't know who is missing there so please comment to this post with the following information.

Who you play

If you have dropped any characters please list them below as well. Thank you


May. 28th, 2008


Friendly Reminder and OOHH lookie what I found! :-D

I need everyone to go through all the comms and please complete threads. I know I am guilty of forgetting tags sometimes too, so I am not annoyed or anything, this is just a friendly reminder :-D

And also please don't forget to check the communications community.

I have also found a way that you can have IJ email you when someone posts to the comms. Just click the links below.



On Campus

Tainted News

Tainted Communications

Springs OOC

Just be sure to check the Someone posts a new entry to (insert community name here) and the check the box that says "by email"

May. 19th, 2008



Everyone needs to remember their tags. For example... If Willow is posting to Tara and its going to be a hot smutty post in all but the communications comm the tags should be. Willow Rosenberg, Tara Maclay, NC17, Incomplete. If its any other post its the character names, and incomplete. When you finish a post you need to change the incomplete to complete.

I am seeing far more posts that don't have the incomplete in it than I would like.

Also, when you join a post then add your name.

For the Communications comm the tags should be character names and what it is. text message, email, owl post, gift, voice mail, phone call...etc etc.

Thank you.

Tags: ,

May. 15th, 2008


Is this correct?'s what I have in the way of changes that need to be made. If I have missed anyone please comment here.

The Groosalugg - Housing (apartment) and Taken list
Prue Halliwell - Housing (house) and Taken List
Donna Noble - Housing (Apartment) and Taken List
Reinette - Housing (townhouse) and Taken list
Noah Bennet - Housing (house) and Taken list
Seeley Booth - Housing (house) and Taken list
Angel - Taken list
Illyria - Taken list
Arthur and Molly Weasley - Housing (house) and Taken List
Lily and James Potter - Housing (house) and Taken List
Wallace Fennel - Taken
Alice Cullen - Housing - (dorm) and Taken
Jacob Black - Housing - (dorm) and Taken
Edward Cullen - Housing - (dorm) and Taken
Cameron Phillips Housing - (dorm) and Taken
Jake Simmonds - Housing (TARDIS) and Taken
George Lass - Housing (Dorm) and Taken
Jenny - Housing (TARDIS) and Taken
Winry Rockbell - Remove
Ziva David - Housing (Apartment) Taken and Jobs
Abby Sciuto - Housing (Apartment) Taken and Campus Staff
Sidney Prescott- Taken, Housing(Dorm) and Town Jobs (police clerk)
Catherine Willows (CSI)! taken, Housing (apartment)and Town Jobs other news. Any of the weasley's and halliwells and anyone helping plan the wedding need to tag on Patty's post in [info]taintedsprings_ thankies.

May. 13th, 2008


Just a quick note to let you all know that adult!Remus Lupin has been removed from the game.

- The mods -

May. 9th, 2008


So I had an idea....

Lord knows I don't need more to do, but I can't help myself LOL. So I had a brilliant idea. I know that there's at least one kid in this comm (Anabella) and I am sure others wanna bring kids in so what do you think to there being a elementry/junior high/high school as well? and or a local boarding school? just an idea, let me know.

May. 4th, 2008



1) I still need to have everyone tell me the information below. I only heard from 2 or three people. Please check the lists, tell me what changes are needed and I will get them done.

2) There are a few who haven't posted in ages, you know who you are....I am not mad at all as I know its finals time and life has a way of taking over, I just want to be sure you are still with us. If you are please comment here.

3) I am going to start pimping the community out, if you want someone brought in please let me know and tell me what fandom.

4) Is there anyone who would like to assist me with advertising for this comm? If so comment below.

5) Who all is still here?

Thank you everyone.


Apr. 27th, 2008


Thread Statuses for [info]tsoncampus

Oldest Threads that need to be tended to are listed first.

Read more... )

Open threads never tagged
Susan Pervensie - Tag here

Threads I have closed
Read more... )


Thread statuses for [info]tainteddorms

Oldest Threads that need to be tended to are listed first.

Threads still need Tagging )

Open Threads never tagged )

threads that I have closed )


Thread Statuses for [info]taintedsprings_

Oldest Threads that need to be tended to are listed first.

Open threads that need to be tagged )

Open threads never tagged )

Threads I have closed )

Apr. 16th, 2008



Now that Insanejournal is back I am going to make a few announcments.

1) I have done a count of the votes made weeks ago about OCs and have decided that with a vote of 7 for OCs and 5 against OCs I am going to allow them..however they have to have a purpose in the town and will only be allowed on a case by case basis.

What do I mean by case by case? Basically when you apply you must include a history for this character and they must be brought in from an existing fandom. Also, if you are already in game you must be active and keep up with the tags you currently have. I am not going to let every OC in, for I am going to be very picky. The ones allowed will be the children of current characters...for example if someone wanted to bring in Peighton and Fred's twins that are about to be born, or whatever.

2) I need everyone once again to check the lists, tell me what needs to be added, what needs to be removed and so forth. If you see changes that need to be made comment here or email them to musescollide at gmail dot com with the following information.

3) I am going to start pimping the community out, if you want someone brought in please let me know and tell me what fandom.

4) Is there anyone who would like to assist me with advertising for this comm? If so comment below.

5) Who all is still here?

Thank you everyone.


Apr. 14th, 2008


Very annoyed and some what lazy Mod

I am sorry if this comes off as harsh, but we have way too many incomplete threads. I know that some of the ones I am in have been completed in IMs but there are others that haven't been marked complete or what have you. There are also many threads that don't have either tag of complete or incomplete. Everyone needs to go back and fix the tags on their posts please. It should be Character names and then Complete or Incomplete and if its a NC17 post you need to mark it as such.

Check those and make sure you are caught up.

In other news, everyone needs to pay attention to the OOC comm and EVERYONE needs to check to make sure they are a member of ALL communities, including the taintednews comm. If you are NOT a member then you NEED TO JOIN ASAP!! Thank you

Apr. 5th, 2008


Who wants what where and how...

Who needs what where and how??

Okay, let me splain...

I don't know who needs what where so if you need the following comment to this post.

Classes added?
Added to taken?
A business listed?
Approved to the comm?
kicked inthe pants? wait no, won't do that.
A shiny nickle?

Basically if you needed to be added to any of the lists you need to tell me here and tell me soon kthnx

Also, everyone needs to go to their posts in the comms and make sure it has the following.

Header - who, what, where, when, and rating

Tags - character names, and incomplete or complete

For communications comm its Character name and what it is, be it email, text message, owl post so on so on

Mar. 31st, 2008


I the mod of tainted springs say that the town should get hit by a freak snow storm...yes I know georgia doesn't get much snow, and its april, but the weather this year has been off the wall

I Have Spoken!!! LET IT SNOW. This storm will last for one week, starting April 1st and ending Monday April 7th! Have fun. and remember any posts that are made between this time need to account for the wacky snow storm.


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