Apr. 16th, 2008



Now that Insanejournal is back I am going to make a few announcments.

1) I have done a count of the votes made weeks ago about OCs and have decided that with a vote of 7 for OCs and 5 against OCs I am going to allow them..however they have to have a purpose in the town and will only be allowed on a case by case basis.

What do I mean by case by case? Basically when you apply you must include a history for this character and they must be brought in from an existing fandom. Also, if you are already in game you must be active and keep up with the tags you currently have. I am not going to let every OC in, for I am going to be very picky. The ones allowed will be the children of current characters...for example if someone wanted to bring in Peighton and Fred's twins that are about to be born, or whatever.

2) I need everyone once again to check the lists, tell me what needs to be added, what needs to be removed and so forth. If you see changes that need to be made comment here or email them to musescollide at gmail dot com with the following information.

3) I am going to start pimping the community out, if you want someone brought in please let me know and tell me what fandom.

4) Is there anyone who would like to assist me with advertising for this comm? If so comment below.

5) Who all is still here?

Thank you everyone.
