Aug. 24th, 2009


Okay with all of the exits of late...and entrances the housing and class schedules are a bloody mess so here's what I need from EVERYONE...please

Character name:
If a Townie what Job
If student what class year
If Professor what are they teaching? (Taken courses are anatomy and physiology, history of the universe, physics, computer science, network security, and biology.)
Also if your character is holding down a job while in school I need to know where so I can add it to the list.
Housing Preference (If student list who you want to room with):

Thanks guys, I will soon be rehousing all students so tell me now who you want if you don't then I will pick for you.

Mar. 22nd, 2009


Please welcome

Amelia Malfoy (younger) - [info]somagical
Amelia Malfoy (older) - [info]wildangel
Sabeena Pleasure - [info]sbeenapleasure
Chrys Warrington - [info]arithmic_ice
Amber Sweet - [info]sweetontheknife
Gideon Pruitt - [info]tricksare4gids
Remus Lupin - [info]mssr_moony
Lily Evans Potter - [info]_lilypad_
Hestia Jones - [info]loyal_lady
Edward Cullen - [info]readmymind_
Elliot Stabler - [info]elliott_s
Chloe Sullivan - [info]misssullivan
Xander Harris - [info]thezephyr
Abigail Whistler - [info]sleepingagenger
Penny Halliwell - [info]freespiritpenny
Claire Bennett - [info]cantbenormal

Mar. 12th, 2009



I need everyone, especially those who just joined to fill out the following information..I am redoing housing in the dorms as well as housing everyone TONIGHT THURSDAY MARCH 12, 2008!

Character Name:
Dorm/House/or Apartment?:
Roomate Preference:
Journal Name:
Icon for Taken Table

Also...If there has been any updates to your contact information please also tell me here. I fear I am missing some AIM names and Email addresses.

I know I am asking a lot, but with the recent mass exodous of characters I need to know who all is from what and who all I need to add. Thank you muchly.

All Comments are screened!


Jul. 19th, 2008



I want to welcome all new members to the game and thank everyone else for being a part! Everyone here is amazing and I thank you all. If you haven't had a chance to notice the Campus comm has a post from the mods for fall enrollment as fall classes start in several weeks. Also every student received an email and letter informing them of enrollment opening so please check that out and then go comment on the post in the Mod community.

In other news we have finally popped the Original Character cherry so to speak and we have three, possibly four OCs. I promise to all who were wary of allowing OCs in this game that no character will become a mary sue and all the same rules apply to them as would any other. Our curent three are Angelina Christienson, Raven Harrison, Caitlen Christienson and we could very possibly have a fourth to be named later. If you have any questions regarding the Original character policy please contact me and I will fill you in.

Also I would like to put notice out that we need a character to be Dean of the college. If you are interested in your character taking this job please let me know. As well as we need more children under the age of 17, soon we'll be opening a junior high/high school with a focus on children with special abilities IE: Anabella and her ability to freeze and Clotho, as well as Teddy Lupin. If you are interested in bringing in a child to the game please fill out the application.

Last but not least, I would like everyone to check the posts and make sure all are marked properly with your name and either incomplete or complete. If a tag needs to be added please comment here with a link to that post and what tags need to be added as all tags need to be added by a moderator. Also everyone needs to go to this post and comment with who you play and any changes that need to be made to any lists. If you need to be added to the housing, taken, jobs, or contact information please comment there with what needs to be added and the journal names for the characters.

Thank you everyone for being a part of this game and remember, have fun thats most important.

Springs Mods



Could everyone please comment here with who all they play and the journal names please. Thank you.

Jun. 15th, 2008


Can everyone please comment to this post with not only their own birthdays but their character's birthdays as well. I am redoing the birthday calendar for the comm and need everyone to help me update it. Thanks.


Jun. 5th, 2008



Okay, well...we officially have so many characters that I had to split the Taken list up so its all updated and posted in three seperate posts....everyone should go check and make sure that its correct and i missed no one.

Also check the other lists as I have updated them as well. The only one I haven't is the contact list cause I don't know who is missing there so please comment to this post with the following information.

Who you play

If you have dropped any characters please list them below as well. Thank you


Apr. 16th, 2008



Now that Insanejournal is back I am going to make a few announcments.

1) I have done a count of the votes made weeks ago about OCs and have decided that with a vote of 7 for OCs and 5 against OCs I am going to allow them..however they have to have a purpose in the town and will only be allowed on a case by case basis.

What do I mean by case by case? Basically when you apply you must include a history for this character and they must be brought in from an existing fandom. Also, if you are already in game you must be active and keep up with the tags you currently have. I am not going to let every OC in, for I am going to be very picky. The ones allowed will be the children of current characters...for example if someone wanted to bring in Peighton and Fred's twins that are about to be born, or whatever.

2) I need everyone once again to check the lists, tell me what needs to be added, what needs to be removed and so forth. If you see changes that need to be made comment here or email them to musescollide at gmail dot com with the following information.

3) I am going to start pimping the community out, if you want someone brought in please let me know and tell me what fandom.

4) Is there anyone who would like to assist me with advertising for this comm? If so comment below.

5) Who all is still here?

Thank you everyone.


Apr. 5th, 2008


Who wants what where and how...

Who needs what where and how??

Okay, let me splain...

I don't know who needs what where so if you need the following comment to this post.

Classes added?
Added to taken?
A business listed?
Approved to the comm?
kicked inthe pants? wait no, won't do that.
A shiny nickle?

Basically if you needed to be added to any of the lists you need to tell me here and tell me soon kthnx

Also, everyone needs to go to their posts in the comms and make sure it has the following.

Header - who, what, where, when, and rating

Tags - character names, and incomplete or complete

For communications comm its Character name and what it is, be it email, text message, owl post so on so on

Feb. 24th, 2008


Mod Post

First and formost I want to welcome T back to the game. She has been away due to RL, but she is back now and ready for everyone please welcome her.

If anyone plays Underworld Characters or Van Helsing Characters she would be ever so happy as she needs someone for selene to play with...well and faith and kate too, but Selene needs some love too. :-D

So Welcome back T.

Now on to the busy part of business....

Please everyone check the tables, make sure no changes need to be made. If there are any changes comment here with said changes please.

If you teach a class please check the class offering grid as well and make sure your class is listed. If it isn't let me know and what time you want that class to be that doesn't conflict with any others.

Also, I need everyone's birthday's and their character's birthdays...please.

Thanks guys...

Also, we have loads of unfinished threads. Please go to each comm and check all the threads with tags that say incomplete. If that thread is complete change the tag to complete.

Also the header for each post should be this.


Thread status goes into the tags with your character name. for example...

Who: Willow and tara
Where: The town
When: Midday
What: Random girly love
Rating: PG13

tags - willow rosenberg, tara maclay, incomplete

And if your thread gets to a point where it is NC17 please add that to the tags.

If you have any questions feel free to ask.