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Mar. 19th, 2008


Ok having taken a talley of the comments and the IMs I received the following characters have been abandoned.

Sam Winchester
Dean Winchester
Juliet Burke
Max Guevara
Shawn Farrell
and Tom Baldwin

I am sorry if this ruins any ones plans.

I will find replacements asap.



Peter Pevensie and Eric Forman have been removed

Mar. 18th, 2008



Everyone should give a round of applause to Katie, she is made of awesome and made our new layouts for the comms all except for News which I made. Thanks Katie, you rock much ass!

Mar. 16th, 2008


Paging all Muns!

I need the following from everyone please.

your character's birthday
Any changes that need to be made to the lists
Your personal Birthday
Anything else I should know..

and last but not least, Plot Ideas you may have.

I need responses from all the players in this game, if you don't reply and I don't talk to you otherwise you will be removed from the game.

***Edit**** You must reply to this by Tuesday March 18th at 10pm central time.

Mar. 2nd, 2008


I have been thinking of allowing a certain number of OC's in game, on a case by case basis...Is everyone okay with this?



Okay...I need to update the lists, but I don't know what to update so please tell me what needs to be changed.

Who needs housed

who needs added to the contact list

who has jobs that they haven't listed (there is a new business in town though i will get back to that)

and what classes need to be added to the class offerings.

Also I need everyone to think long and hard about your character's birthdays and when they are and comment here with them. Also please add your own birthdays. Thanks.

Now on to the new business in town. I have decided that the town of Royston is seriously lacking in a trendy coffee spot so alas there now is one. The owner came into town long enough to open it, get staff hired and trained and find on memeber he trusted before skipping town again, so now the new owner is Tish Jones...and lets just say, she is not thrilled in any way. Feel free to visit but be forwarned though she looks calm and cool on the outside she's melting down on the inside. :-)

The shop is hiring so if anyone needs a job go see her.

Also could every please put tags on their posts the tags include the character names and Incomplete or Complete and if its a naughty thread NC17 in the tags as well as the header. Thanks

and last but not least...everyone needs to go to these links and finish incompleted threads older than one week please. Thank you

Dorms Incomplete

Springs Incomplete

Campus Incomplete

I just want to let everyone know how wonderful you are to write with and thank you for being a part of this community, thank you again and lets keep up the good work...or should I call it play?

Feb. 24th, 2008


Mod Post

First and formost I want to welcome T back to the game. She has been away due to RL, but she is back now and ready for everyone please welcome her.

If anyone plays Underworld Characters or Van Helsing Characters she would be ever so happy as she needs someone for selene to play with...well and faith and kate too, but Selene needs some love too. :-D

So Welcome back T.

Now on to the busy part of business....

Please everyone check the tables, make sure no changes need to be made. If there are any changes comment here with said changes please.

If you teach a class please check the class offering grid as well and make sure your class is listed. If it isn't let me know and what time you want that class to be that doesn't conflict with any others.

Also, I need everyone's birthday's and their character's birthdays...please.

Thanks guys...

Also, we have loads of unfinished threads. Please go to each comm and check all the threads with tags that say incomplete. If that thread is complete change the tag to complete.

Also the header for each post should be this.


Thread status goes into the tags with your character name. for example...

Who: Willow and tara
Where: The town
When: Midday
What: Random girly love
Rating: PG13

tags - willow rosenberg, tara maclay, incomplete

And if your thread gets to a point where it is NC17 please add that to the tags.

If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Feb. 19th, 2008


Random update cause I'm bored!

Incomplete Threads

Read more... )

Read more... )

Read more... )

Feb. 12th, 2008



Someone suggested we have a valentine's ball in game...anyone interested?


We have been Pimped out like a 2 dollar hooker!

I just wanted to let everyone know I have posted ads in all the RP ad comms I could find and since my brain is fried I could only remember some of the requests given to me. If you want someone specific for the game let me know now and later this week I will throw my feathery pimp hat on again and troll the streets...erm the comms.


Feb. 6th, 2008


Everyone needs to check and make sure they are a member of all the communities. The comms to join are.


and friend the Mod Journal [info]springsmods

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