THE FEARLESS SPORK SQUAD - March 28th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Fearless Spork Squad

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March 28th, 2010

HEART MAKER [Mar. 28th, 2010|12:48 pm]
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Delcat: Zeiss, I have a problem.
Zeiss Manifold: What, Delly?
Delcat: Well, the snow melting, the birds singing, the sun warming the world like a little ginger kitty snuggling a toddler made of's just so darned nice, you know? I can feel my faith in humanity being restored!
Zeiss Manifold: Have you tried the usual solutions? Reading the news? Visiting an elephant graveyard? Invoking the name of Ono?
Delcat: All at the same time, even!
Zeiss Manifold: Well, I do have an idea, but it might be too much.
Delcat: I'm willing to attempt drastic measures.
Zeiss Manifold: Then open wide-

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