spaghettific - September 1st, 2013

September 1st, 2013

September 1st, 2013
10:21 am


Fic: Sterek

Title: Ye Olde Sterek
Author: Spaghettitoes
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~5.1k
Fandom/Pairing: Teen Wolf - Sterek
Warnings: British Spelling. Perilously precipitous to purple prose (say that three times fast). Kate and Peter are screwed up but in different ways. Pantaloons.  Convenient, vague lube. Historical accuracy to a point.  AU.
Summary: Stiles is a very virginal novice monk but he didn’t chose to be and Derek is a gloomy knight forced to return to a home he’d rather avoid. However, there is light in every darkness and lessons in every situation.
A/N: I don’t care about reality, monks just don’t wear underwear. Also ha – I found a way to justify using British spelling - I’m not sorry, Americans IDK what you have against the letter U. It felt more genre appropriate to have Derek be a bit more chatty than normal, OOC I know but I’ve tried to minimise that where I can. Thanks to amo_amas_amat for the Beta, although I regret I am yet to find anyone with whom I agree on the punctuation of speech. All mistakes are hers of course, even the ones I added later on - that’s why you have a beta.
Should be read in an appropriately dramatic style with an olde English accent and much aplomb.  
Declaration: I have nothing to do with this show or MTV and don’t expect I ever will now that I’ve failed my potions exam.

*bows with a dramatic cape swish*  )

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