Most beliefs have them - a place for the good and a place for the bad. Your actions in life determine where you go and what happens after. Simple enough. Or it was until the Prophecy. Something was coming. Something was building and it would affect everyone. Both sides. And neither was willing to wait.
"Thine soul is bound, the need is great, the mists have called, accept your fate"


Feb. 9th, 2020



[No Subject]

Is anyone else finding this place mind-numbingly dull?

Feb. 7th, 2020



[No Subject]

Wherein Anathema finds Crowley "caring for his plants"
Read more... )



[No Subject]

Who: Peter Parker & Morgan Stark
What: Definitely not cutting school to go get froyo
When: 6th Feb, after lunch (as a result of this)
Where: Cup of Cake
Rating: Low?
Status: In Progess

Since they were cutting the afternoon, they might as well settle in for the long haul, right? )



[No Subject]

Margarita Friday. Guess me new boss has some alright ideas.



6 February - Morgan Stark

posted before the departure announcements

I really think "National Frozen Yoghurt Day" should be one of those holidays we get off school, because I absolutely need to eat my weight in froYo right now.

Guess I'll have to wait until after school.

Feb. 6th, 2020



[No Subject]

I'm sure you;ve all noticed that comings and goings here seem to be erratic. Our liaisons have said they don't know how people are brought here or where they go when they leave. Our general assumption seems to be that they go home, but we don't even know that much for sure and let's be honest - it sucks.

I've gotten the clearance to investigate things, maybe try to come up with something to make things a little more stable and maybe even give us some agency in whether we stay or go. I don't think of this as purely a tech problem, so I'm asking for people in engineering and science as well as people who have experience with magic to help. I won't be able to put everyone on this, cause too many cooks and all, but I do want at least one representative from each of these areas, maybe two, so let me know if you're interested.



[No Subject]

Is there an archery range here I can use? Or anyone who wants to spar? I could do with working out some tension.



open network | marcus flint

You've got to be fucking kidding me.



[No Subject]

Who: Billy Kaplan & Wanda Maximoff
What: Meeting, talking, finding family
When: mid-January some time [backdated]
Where: Coffee O'Clock
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

She had a family here. )



[No Subject]

The weather certainly fits today's mood.

Filtered to Billy Kaplan
What can I do?



Text: Raksha Keller

[Billy Kaplan]
>>Want to spar?



[No Subject]

Once again I am sorry to inform you all that the following people have gone:
  • Ben Hanscom
  • Emma Swan
  • Erik Lehnsherr
  • Faith Lehane
  • Geralt of Rivia
  • Jefferson
  • Rumplestiltskin / Mr Gold
  • Teddy Altman
  • Tessa Shepard



Feb 5 | Evie Frye

I cannot say whether reading the now committed to history letters of Her Majesty the Queen Victoria and HRH Prince Albert to and about each other is a good way to spend my free time but it at least has granted me a fair share of shock, wicked amusement and a little bit of scandal.

She does not sound in these letters and journals like the woman I met or the image she projects.

...Then again, now I think about it, nine children is quite a lot even for someone needing to produce heirs and spares. Definitely not "the bare minimum"...

Feb. 5th, 2020



[No Subject]

So, I'm guessing this place isn't an hallucination. I mean, it's been days and I've never had an hallucination last this long.

Feb. 4th, 2020



04 February | Alicia Spinnet

I'm going to make a massive batch of Pappa al Pomodoro tonight. Only because someone told me it's soul day.

Anyone's welcome to come and have some.

Feb. 3rd, 2020



[No Subject]

Since the puppy is sticking around, I decided it needed a name... I think we've settled on Jubilee.

From what I've heard "puppy play dates" are a thing. If anyone is interested in that.



[No Subject]

What the fuck is with the lack of music today?

Feb. 2nd, 2020



margo hanson: narrative/open scene

Arriving in Equilibrium
[if someone wants to turn this into a log, hit me up]
Read more... )



Thread: Quentin & Eliot

Quentin Coldwater & Eliot Waugh
“Death ends a life, not a relationship.”
WHAT: Quentin and Eliot reunion - vivid hallucination?
WHEN: 2nd Feb
WHERE: Coffee O'Clock
STATUS: In Progress | Thread

Read more... )



Net Post: Ezra Bridger

I went to Checkers for lunch today and they had a special on something called tater tots. I have to say, I had no idea what I was missing because they were the best thing I've tasted in a while. I hope this isn' a one time thing.