Most beliefs have them - a place for the good and a place for the bad. Your actions in life determine where you go and what happens after. Simple enough. Or it was until the Prophecy. Something was coming. Something was building and it would affect everyone. Both sides. And neither was willing to wait.
"Thine soul is bound, the need is great, the mists have called, accept your fate"


Posts Tagged: 'tony+stark+/+iron+man+%28mcu%29'

Mar. 9th, 2020




I'm thinking we need to have a contest tonight.

DAMON!!!!!! This means I need your help, up for the challenge?

We are going to have an abs and wet t-shirt contest!!!!!!!!

who is in? Flint? I will even let you take part if you're nice.



KATIE! ROGER! You're helping.

💡 - [TWO Adult Characters Each] start acting like teenagers. They have all of their memories and powers. Although, they can be a bit fuzzy. But, their personalities revert back to their 16 year old selves.



netpost :: roger davies

Boo work! Who asked me if I was okay sitting behind a desk? I'm so not okay with it! I could be playing Quidditch!


[ PLOT :: From March 8th-15th [TWO Adult Characters Each] start acting like teenagers. They have all of their memories and powers. Although, they can be a bit fuzzy. But, their personalities revert back to their 16 year old selves. ]



[No Subject]

Ugh, I hate Mondays. The weekend was only just getting started.

OOC: Tony is acting like a teenager, as per the calendar

Mar. 6th, 2020



6 March | Wanda Maximoff

At this point I feel like red and black has become my signature color, but now with everything I wear turning blue, I should probably add more color variety in my wardrobe.

Filtered to Bucky
Hey. I just wanted to check in to see how you're doing with Steve being gone.

Filtered to Billy
I think we should go to Margarita Friday. Or is drinking with alternate universe children considered bad parenting?

Feb. 25th, 2020



[No Subject]

I think I'm seeing things.

I have to be seeing things. Tell me it's not just me.


Malick's dead Isn't he?

I remember what he...what Hive asked you to do. And I know people come back from the dead here, obviously. But I...

I need you to confirm it happened. Please? ...I'm sorry Daisy

Feb. 24th, 2020



text message to mcu avengers + bucky

text message to mcu avengers + bucky )

Feb. 7th, 2020



6 February - Morgan Stark

posted before the departure announcements

I really think "National Frozen Yoghurt Day" should be one of those holidays we get off school, because I absolutely need to eat my weight in froYo right now.

Guess I'll have to wait until after school.

Feb. 6th, 2020



[No Subject]

I'm sure you;ve all noticed that comings and goings here seem to be erratic. Our liaisons have said they don't know how people are brought here or where they go when they leave. Our general assumption seems to be that they go home, but we don't even know that much for sure and let's be honest - it sucks.

I've gotten the clearance to investigate things, maybe try to come up with something to make things a little more stable and maybe even give us some agency in whether we stay or go. I don't think of this as purely a tech problem, so I'm asking for people in engineering and science as well as people who have experience with magic to help. I won't be able to put everyone on this, cause too many cooks and all, but I do want at least one representative from each of these areas, maybe two, so let me know if you're interested.



[No Subject]

The weather certainly fits today's mood.

Filtered to Billy Kaplan
What can I do?

Feb. 4th, 2020



04 February | Alicia Spinnet

I'm going to make a massive batch of Pappa al Pomodoro tonight. Only because someone told me it's soul day.

Anyone's welcome to come and have some.

Jan. 31st, 2020



[No Subject]

I have decided to name my dog Brandy. I blame Clint Barton because we somehow ended up discussing alcoholic drinks and that name stuck in my head. Thankfully she is none the worse for wear after my little Egyptian vacation.

Speaking of things that get stuck in your head. I leave you with this. You're welcome.

Jan. 30th, 2020



network :: tallie lintra

It's a strange situation knowing I'm supposed to be dead and yet I'm here. It's cofusing to say the least.

I'm Lieutenant Tallie Lintra, pilot of the Resistance and Blue Squadron commander.

Jan. 27th, 2020



[No Subject]

Does anyone know if there's somewhere I can get my hands on scrap or spare parts? Someone went face-first into a chocolate cake earlier and I need to clean him off. He's leaving chocolate half-footprints on the counter.

However, I will say that chocolate cake is quite possibly the best thing I've ever eaten. It's really rich, though.



[No Subject]

Okay so I've never done an escape room before but if that's what they're like normally then I'm pretty sure that I'd like to not do one again.

I know I'm late posting this because we got back a couple of days ago but I broke my phone and had to fix it :/ sometimes I still forget how strong I am.

Jan. 24th, 2020



Network Post: Leo Fitz

I guess this is the only thing I haven't done.

I'm Fitz. I'm engineering. If you're from our world or you've met Jemma, I'm her husband. I'm with S.H.I.E.L.D. or was or what's left of it. We're not all Hydra. I'd say it's good to be somewhere the world isn't about to end, but it's still early, isn't it?

Jan. 21st, 2020



[No Subject]

Morgan's missing.

[Scott Lang]
So, if I don't show up for work, Thumbelina, it's because I'm looking for her.

Jan. 16th, 2020



[No Subject]

You know, this isn't really what I expected dying to look like.

Hello, Equilibrium. My name is Stefan. It looks like you'll be able to find me at The Queen and the Knight most nights, but I'm happy to help wherever else I can.

Is Carol

Scott Lang
Hi, there, roomie. Looks like we're sharing an apartment.</b>

Jan. 11th, 2020



[No Subject]

Apparently it's puppy day because I got one too.

Picture under here )

Jan. 8th, 2020



Network Post: Teddy Altman

Anybody else get a mint condition comic today?

[Charlie Team - Mordecai & Oliver]
Hi both, I'm Teddy, and I am leading Charlie Team. Why me and not Cap I will never know. As you might or might not be aware but the training schedule is available to you both. Looks like we have a pretty intensive day on a Wednesday and in terms of 'Freestyle' I am open to any and all suggestions as I'm sure you both have a ton of skills that you can share with me and vice versa. If you need anything just let me know.

So... I messaged my team, the team I'm leading, and this is surreal. Really surreal. Oh my God. Also, it's National Bubblebath Day - wanna do that later?

Jan. 1st, 2020



log: morgan & tony reunion


Morgan & Tony Stark → Reunion → December
CW: Mentions Character Death
How are you here?
Read more... )