Most beliefs have them - a place for the good and a place for the bad. Your actions in life determine where you go and what happens after. Simple enough. Or it was until the Prophecy. Something was coming. Something was building and it would affect everyone. Both sides. And neither was willing to wait.
"Thine soul is bound, the need is great, the mists have called, accept your fate"


Posts Tagged: '-player:+lena'

Mar. 16th, 2020



[No Subject]

There's nothing I like more than the sound of the rain, it's bouncing off my window like the best kind of white noise.

I'll be in my office; negotiators, I'm still not sure who we're supposed to be negotiating with, but it'd be good to catch up anyway and go over some of the protocols that were already written up before I arrived.

I'm also looking for a sparring partner: any takers?

Mar. 13th, 2020



netpost :: steve rogers

There's a strange sense of familiarity in this place despite just getting here.

Mar. 12th, 2020



netpost :: steve harrington

So I guess I'm into gardening now.

Thanks, Equilibruim. I guess.

[ PLOT :: 🎬 - SIX Characters find themselves planting flowers all day today ]



mid morning march 12th

cut for image, not filtered )

I think I’m allergic and I still can’t stop planting these bloody things.

What the ever loving fuck, Equilibrium?

[💡 PLOT: SIX Characters find themselves planting flowers all day today]

Mar. 11th, 2020



[No Subject]

It is sadly my duty to inform you, that Leanne Ogden has gone. It is my belief that the people who leave us, go back to the time and place they were before joining us.

I do hope this is the case.

Mar. 9th, 2020




I'm thinking we need to have a contest tonight.

DAMON!!!!!! This means I need your help, up for the challenge?

We are going to have an abs and wet t-shirt contest!!!!!!!!

who is in? Flint? I will even let you take part if you're nice.



KATIE! ROGER! You're helping.

💡 - [TWO Adult Characters Each] start acting like teenagers. They have all of their memories and powers. Although, they can be a bit fuzzy. But, their personalities revert back to their 16 year old selves.



[No Subject]

March 3rd, after Galahad's announcement
Eliot Waugh | Margo Hanson
"There's a grief that can't be spoken"
His Room + Harmony | Adult Themes
Read more... )

Mar. 6th, 2020



06 March | Rose Ward

Well, this sure reminds me of Atlantis.

At least my skin is still normal.

🎬 - Whatever you put on today, turns blue. Everything will go back to their normal colours at midnight.



6 March | Wanda Maximoff

At this point I feel like red and black has become my signature color, but now with everything I wear turning blue, I should probably add more color variety in my wardrobe.

Filtered to Bucky
Hey. I just wanted to check in to see how you're doing with Steve being gone.

Filtered to Billy
I think we should go to Margarita Friday. Or is drinking with alternate universe children considered bad parenting?



[No Subject]

I know people disappearing is just how things go in this world, but maybe they shouldn't bring them here at all if they're just going to send them back so soon.


Can we go somewhere? I wish there was a somewhere to go that wasn't the town.

Mar. 5th, 2020



[No Subject]

Anyone else seeing the green fucking fairy flying around here?

Mar. 1st, 2020



[No Subject]

Hello, Equilibrium, I'm Vincent Keller. That's my wife, Cat, down here, and coming here wasn't exactly in our plans, but we're happy to help as much as we can. I'll be working in medical as a doctor, so uh come see me with any health concerns, I guess. This is just



01 March | Cat Chandler

I didn't know there was a National Fruit Compote Day. What exactly does one do to celebrate it?

This place is a little surprising, okay, so a little bit more than a little surprising.

I guess my husband Vincent and I are just going to have to get settled here. Not exactly Paris, but who can turn down doing something important?

Anyways, I'm Detective, again, Cat Chandler.

Feb. 25th, 2020



[No Subject]

I think I'm seeing things.

I have to be seeing things. Tell me it's not just me.


Malick's dead Isn't he?

I remember what he...what Hive asked you to do. And I know people come back from the dead here, obviously. But I...

I need you to confirm it happened. Please? ...I'm sorry Daisy

Feb. 24th, 2020



[No Subject]

I'm sure you're all aware tomorrow is Mardi Gras. Which means obviously there's a Carnivale.

Now, I thought it only polite to let you all know that masks are compulsory. And, anyone who does not wear one, will have one magically stuck to their face.

I don't make the rules, I just enforce them. Okay, that's a lie. I made the rule. But, the point still stands.



backdated: feb. 23.

Anyone else notice some of the newbies are a little on the creepy side?

Feb. 23rd, 2020



[No Subject]

Thank The Maker for Force Healing.

Mission Filter.
Everyone else okay?



filtered :: magicians

Happy Birthday, Q.

We having a fucking rager or what?



network :: roger davies

Well, fuck. What a way to start the day.

als, katie & leanne.

Feb. 22nd, 2020




The Spicy Grapefruit Margarita was a surprising hit and worth trying, but the mini margarita wins. They're cute.

🥤 - Margarita Specials at all the bars