Posts Tagged: 'castiel+%28celestialintent%29'

2nd Apr, 2013



Spangles and I went to explore our fun new playground, and I've got to say, it's pretty damn impressive. It's underwater, by the way. There are people, a lot of people, along with transportation and parks. People and trees make me safely assume that there's oxygen, and it's an entire city. Like where we came from, just... you know, underwater. Oh, and the architecture looks like its verging on the fourties, so it's possible that the culture is that way too. It was hard to tell by watching everyone, but I guess if Capsy can adjust to our time, we could adjust to his if the time came.

The tower is there. If something happens where we could find ourselves in trouble, I have every intention on moving everybody into it.

The fact is, there are no monsters and nothing is on fire. I say it's a go.

24th Mar, 2013



[dean & cas]
I tried Occlumency. I [...] have a talent for it, but the similarities to [...] well, my other powers are a little unnerving. It doesn't require any [...] but I'm still not sure it's worth the risk.

My instinct is to say no, but anything else I do to try to reinforce the wall or protect myself from what's behind it is probably going to involve something similar. Anything involving using my mind to fight it, I mean. I can talk to Anna or Peter about it to be sure, but [...]

I don't know. This is the point where I was hoping you'd tell me what you think.

[peter petrelli]
I know we haven't spoken much, but Cas told me you might be able to help me with something. Whenever you have a moment, I'd like to talk to you about it.

20th Mar, 2013


Filtered from Zudeh

Alright, here's the deal.

I spoke to Zudeh, and there's absolutely no way these people are going to allow us to close the south portal without waging war on us in return. They want whatever is going to come through, as ridiculous as it sounds.

Now here's the problem; if we stay, we will be fighting whatever comes through that portal on our own. Zudeh has no intention on fighting by our side or allowing us to fight by hers, which means the army that we have at our disposal is in this city. And it's not impressive, considering what could come through that thing.

Our options are to take Glory's offer on that portal, sit and wait for whatever comes through the Gate, or have the Daedra wage war against us.

So our option, really, is to go through that portal.



Well, you were right. At least partially. I don't know if he brought me back or not, but he [...] well. I even tried to kill him, like you said. But not because he lied.

I also found out more about what's going to happen to me. Or more accurately, we did. Dean watched it with me. So he knows this already, but [...] pain. Physical pain helps.

More than that, though, I'm going to need you to look after Dean if I fall apart.

17th Mar, 2013



[Private to Anna (dropsof_jupiter)]
It has been a year...

...Do you still have that green dress?



[Private to Cas]

Congratulations! I get first dibs on babysitting, right? :P

16th Mar, 2013



So, Cas and I are figuring it's safe now to mention this, since it's been three months.

But just so everyone knows, I am. . .currently, about three months pregnant.


So, that's why I'm not drinking. And not on patrols. And maybe now Izzie and Nathan will stop giving me suspicious looks every time they see me.

. . .As you were. :P

12th Mar, 2013


Curious technology. Curious location. Evacuated recently? Due to danger? Deadly virus? Other cause? Cityscape carries heavy sense of abandonment.

Signs of life, however. Any information that can be shared would be appreciated. In the meantime, will be studying local flora. Very bright. Likely poisonous.

8th Mar, 2013



I've comprised a list of patrol teams for the time being, - I expect each of you to put aside any potential differences and do what is necessary to defend this city during times of escalated activity regarding the supernatural beings. These are of course, subject to change but I encourage you to think of the mission at hand. As for further volunteers, I will always accept them.

The list is as follows )

7th Mar, 2013


Alright boys and girls, as the Major has said before, the party is now at my place. There are a few rules.

The security of the tower is in the process of being changed, but I still need to make sure everyone who needs to get in can, and everyone who shouldn't, can't. Good news for us, there aren't too many of us that would make the process unmanageable, so I need all of you to stop at the tower within the next 24 hours in order to scan your eyes. The only way to get to a different floor in the tower is to scan your retina to open the elevator, from there you can get anywhere you need to go. I say 24 hours because I like deadlines, and I don't think any of you have dinner plans you need to cancel.

As for the rules. The hospital will be on the bottom floor, it's the safest place to be if something happens, but you'll be able to go anywhere in the tower. We have people living here, so unless you're going to the medical center or a conference room, don't go anywhere else, it's most likely a residential floor. I think we've learned to trust each other by now, but even so, Romanoff has been put on 'security duty'. And by 'been put on', I mean claimed. She's threatened all of the residents with bodily harm if we go anywhere near her room, and we're her teammates. I don't want to imagine what she'd do to anyone else who invades her lady space.

Another rule is stay out of my lab. It's the floor above the basement, and it's a bad idea for anyone to go in there. The security of that room hasn't been changed, mostly because half of the things that are in there can seriously harm someone who doesn't know how to use them.

While you're staying at Hotel Stark, be aware that JARVIS, my AI system, will be here to satisfy your every need. He's capable of finding information and answering all questions, just don't flirt with him. He's mine, and I'm the jealous type.

If any of you have questions you can ask me, but here's a recap.

Don't touch anyone else's stuff.

Don't touch my stuff.

Follow those, and we'll all be golden.