Posts Tagged: 'andrew+wells+%28wells%29'

2nd Apr, 2013



Spangles and I went to explore our fun new playground, and I've got to say, it's pretty damn impressive. It's underwater, by the way. There are people, a lot of people, along with transportation and parks. People and trees make me safely assume that there's oxygen, and it's an entire city. Like where we came from, just... you know, underwater. Oh, and the architecture looks like its verging on the fourties, so it's possible that the culture is that way too. It was hard to tell by watching everyone, but I guess if Capsy can adjust to our time, we could adjust to his if the time came.

The tower is there. If something happens where we could find ourselves in trouble, I have every intention on moving everybody into it.

The fact is, there are no monsters and nothing is on fire. I say it's a go.

21st Mar, 2013



So. Um. I was thinking. With all this talk and worry of the portal Glory could make leading us somewhere like, really terrible and scary, worse than this place, I tried to think of a way to make it less of a gamble. Then it came to me! Astral projection! Carter's mentioned doing it before and I think I could help someone astrally project through the whatever portal Glory makes so we can see if it's, you know, safe. And not totally awful.

I just can't project myself. That takes more power than I feel comfortable accessing right now, but using myself as an anchor, I can project someone else. There's another catch, I figure if we ask Glory to make a portal, that's it. We get that one shot. So we kinda have to be decided on that being our choice as a group, you know?

Keeping options open... so let me know. This place is really starting to give me the wiggins and I don't feel safe here. The sooner we decide, the better. Not to sound bossy or anything. It's just. I don't like this place any more.



Private to Harry Osborn )

20th Mar, 2013


Filtered away from Zudeh

Well, after a very exciting couple of journeys to both the extreme southern and northern parts of this country, I've had quite enough of travelling. Travelling and insane gods and insane amounts of magic that make me feel ill. That said, I have some information that may be of importance or use to everyone.

Going south to the portal, I attempted to study the magic powering it and figure out whether there was a counter. It took a bit of trial and error, but Life is the trick. Life vs. Death, Creation vs. Destruction. Where there was a pile of bones all bound together (wonderful imagery by the way, it will be haunting my dreams and I wouldn't suggest anyone else see it unless they have to), I placed some seeds nearby and encouraged them to grow; their presence seemed to make the portal's magic recoil. I don't know what amount it would take to properly disrupt the entire gate... but it's something. It's a definite potential, at least.

Then came the next journey, northward. I wanted to speak with this 'madgod' Glorificus myself. It was an enlightening experience and afterwards I truly realised how little taste Sirius Black has in women. Beyond that, she is capable of making a portal and getting us out of here. From the sounds of her tone, in-between the ramblings of course, she would be happy to be rid of us and relocate us elsewhere. I tried to ask her about why it was easy to send all of us through a portal and not herself, but all I got out of her was something along the lines of how I have a small brain and other insults directed towards my lycanthropy. Which she could sense. Which was another brilliant experience.

I hope this is useful. Right now my greatest desire is to leave this place before all hell breaks loose, even though I know that means potentially abandoning the locals to a very unhappy fate. But if it's what the daedra and the others want, is it really our place to say otherwise?

16th Mar, 2013


[Private to Peter Parker]

So. I've got something pretty sweet in the works.

[Private to Andrew]

How's it coming?

[Private to Jamie]

Hey, sorry I never showed up for that drink. Things have been hectic. Raincheck?

10th Mar, 2013


Alright, I want to make a few things clear.

Apparently a couple of you might know me by my face and my name. Whatever movies you saw were wrong. My father was a good man, he wasn't some monster that went around the city terrorizing people, and I'm a good person. I'm not the Green Goblin, my father wasn't the Green Goblin, and whatever fuckwad wrote that movie and directed it needs to be cut up into little pieces is a liar.

I'm a good person.

[Private to Andrew]
I saw that you were able to make brooms. What else can you make fly?

[Private to Peter Parker]
What did those comics say about my father, Peter?

6th Mar, 2013


Announcement to all transplants. )

26th Feb, 2013



For those inquiring about brooms a while back, I have a prototype ready to test! Harry and Jamie, if you're both still interested, feel free to meet me at [this location] in Central Park sometime! I figure the open air and soft, cushy grass would make a better testing ground than anything over hard floors or concrete. Just in case.

The look right now isn't polished or anything because I want to make sure the charms and spells work correctly first. But I'll gladly take design tips and take into account personal wishes for presentation! Just lemme know when you're gonna stop by. I'll be out here like, all day. And probably tomorrow too... and maybe the day after.

24th Feb, 2013



Buffy is gone. Those of you who associated with her, you have my apologies. It appears she was sent back.

21st Feb, 2013



[Private to Steve]
We need to talk.

[Private to Anna and Andrew]
So you know how everything happens for a reason?