Posts Tagged: '%7Espike+%28man_enough%29'

24th Aug, 2012



TARDIS and Sunshowers

Who: Doctor (living_in_light) and everyone at the party
When: 24 August -- Day of the Sunshowers
Where: Bryant Park Fountain terrace off 6th Avenue
What: Open-TARDIS party
Warnings: probably not high, not expecting more than perhaps some language
Status: Open, ongoing

((OOC: To give the party some organisation, there are three main threads for: Pre-Party; 3pm to 7:30 private gathering; and post-7:30 open party. I suggest within each main thread, whichever one your characters attend, that you title sub-threads with their names please. Thank you and have fun!))

The Doctor smiled )

17th Aug, 2012


WHO: Spike and Buffy
WHEN: Friday
WHERE: near Buffy's apartment
WHAT: Spike-style apology
STATUS: Incomplete.
WARNINGS: Mentions of rape.

... )

1st Aug, 2012



WHO: Anna Milton (a-fallen-star), Castiel (ofthursdays), Spike (man-enough) & Andrew Wells (wells)
WHEN: Wednesday night
WHERE: Lower East Side, Manhattan & the Fade
WHAT: Taking out the demon that's possessing Andrew and general heroics and being awesome!
WARNINGS: Vampires and angels teaming up, demon-killing, magic & mayhem! High violence factor guaranteed.

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28th Jul, 2012


Who: Spike and OPEN (the cavalry of any sort would be especially welcome)
What: Demons, demons, and more demons. For once, Spike didn't start the fight, and he can't end it alone.
Where: The street outside Grandmother's Mystical World (i.e. could be anywhere)
When: Saturday night
Warnings: V for violence, B for blood.

It all started with a girl in a red hoodie walking out of Arcadia with a basket full of blood and an escort that might as well have been wolves. )

21st Jul, 2012


WHO: Spike & Buffy Summers
WHEN: Friday night, after this
WHERE: Outside Tom's Restaurant in Morningside Heights
WHAT: Buffy's confused and tired already, but Spike needs to talk now!
WARNINGS: None expected

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20th Jul, 2012


Who: Spike and Deb Morgan
When: Thursday night
Where: Random bar
What: TBD

Innocents. )

17th Jul, 2012


Wednesday, 18 July, 10:00pm: Jailbreak!

I'm posting this on Tuesday so that we can get started with figuring out what happens, but please keep in mind that this doesn't take place until Wednesday, 18 July, starting at 10:00pm.

The short version of events as I see them:
After everyone arrives, Spike will get everyone's attention and outline the plan. They'll leave the restaurant and try to leave New York on foot, everyone under their own power. Then they'll try the various other things, like teleporting, using magic to weaken the barrier, anything else that anyone brings up. When none of the things that they had planned work, Spike will start coming up with even more things to try, and he will keep coming up with minor variations and increasingly desperate ideas of things that a group can do until (presumably) the group starts to melt away as people give up. He won't give up until the last person gives up and leaves him alone, or morning, whichever comes first.

The long version, plus Spike-specific details and possible interactions )

So, that's all I know, please fill in the rest, if your character shows up, what your character does, how they react, when they leave, etc. To keep things organised, please put summaries and OOC comments, questions, etc. as replies to the OOC comment, and if you want to thread, threads or IC specifics should go under the "IC" comment below.

30th Jun, 2012


WHO: Spike and OPEN
WHEN: Night.
WHERE: The streets.
WHAT: What would Drusilla do?
WARNINGS: Drusilla does some unpleasant things, as remembered by Spike.

He'd gone mad. There was no other explanation. )

24th Jun, 2012


Characters: Spike and OPEN
When: Sunday night.
Location: Manhattan, looking across the river toward New Jersey.
Warnings: Possible bad poetry ahead.
Summary: Spike is depressed, segue to William the Bloody Awful Poet, reprise.
Status: Incomplete.

Can you think of a rhyme for sewage? I need one. It's bloody desperate. )

22nd Jun, 2012


Who: Spike and Andrew
When: Night
Where: The streets.
What: Welcome to New York.
Warnings: None.
Status: Complete.

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