Posts Tagged: '%7Ecastiel+%28ofthursdays%29'

19th Oct, 2012



Who: Cas (ofthursdays) and Anna (a_fallen_star)
What: A revealing dream
Where: Their apartment/The Forest
When: Monday night
Rating: TBD

Tell me a fable )

7th Aug, 2012



WHO: Castiel (ofthursdays) and Cas (celestialintent)
WHEN: Tuesday night as things begin to quiet
WHERE: Angel!Cas and Anna's flat
WHAT: Just time to talk
STATUS: Closed, ongoing
WARNINGS: Discussion of adult matters and violence? And mild drug use thanks to human!Cas.

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1st Aug, 2012



WHO: Anna Milton (a-fallen-star), Castiel (ofthursdays), Spike (man-enough) & Andrew Wells (wells)
WHEN: Wednesday night
WHERE: Lower East Side, Manhattan & the Fade
WHAT: Taking out the demon that's possessing Andrew and general heroics and being awesome!
WARNINGS: Vampires and angels teaming up, demon-killing, magic & mayhem! High violence factor guaranteed.

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25th Jul, 2012



WHO: Anna Milton (a-fallen-star) & Castiel (celestialintent)
WHEN: Wednesday afternoon
WHERE: Random rooftop
WHAT: Fighting monsters in the Fade
WARNINGS: Violence and angelic true forms. Will update if necessary.

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18th Jul, 2012



Who: Cas (ofthursdays) and Anna (a_fallen_star)
What: Much needed closeness
Where: Their apartment
When: Monday night
Rating: Might get high

Eye of the storm )

1st Jul, 2012



Characters: Both Castiel's
When: Sunday evening
Where: The roof of human!Cas' apartment building.
Warnings/Rating: Smoking?
Summary: The twins haven't talked in a while - they probably need to touch base.
Status: Closed/Ongoing

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Who: Cas (ofthursdays) and Dean (Deanlovespie)
What: Job hunting!
Where: Dean's apartment
When: Saturday night (Backdated)
Rating: Some language maybe

When I grow up I wanna be a sailor, tailor, tinker, spy )

24th Jun, 2012



Who: Castiel (ofthursdays) and Anna Milton (a_fallen_star)
When: Sunday
Where: Their flat
What: Taking a bath - this is Anna giving intimacy lessons.
Warnings: Tbd. Nakedness for one. And probably silly bath hair.
Status: Closed, ongoing

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Characters: Loki Laufeyson (thorblocked) and OPEN to [Thor, Castiel (both), Anna (both)].
When: Loki's spoken with Selyah's 'lights' in this thread.
Location: In a park, by the lake.
Warnings/Rating: Low.
Summary: Loki was fulfilling his promise.
Status: Open (to above), complete.

His posted message on the network had told the others where he would be waiting, and there he stood, staring over the water. )

7th Jun, 2012



Characters: Castiel (ofthursdays) and Anna Milton (a_fallen_star)
When: Sometime Thursday
Location: Going through the portal
Warnings/Rating: Likely none unless affection frightens you.
Summary: The angels go exploring through one of the portals.
Status: Closed, ongoing

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