Posts Tagged: '%7Eviolet+baudelaire+%28ladymacgyver%29'

30th Oct, 2012



Who: Violet Baudelaire, The First in the form of Count Olaf
What: Violet gets a nasty reminder of the past
Where: Her apartment/workshop
When: Early Tuesday Monring
Rating: PG-13 just to be safe
Note: Narrative but if anyone is near feel free to check on her

Darkness never fades away, it always finds a way back. )

7th Oct, 2012



Who: Violet and OTA
What: Watching the Moths and a Parts Run
When: Tonight
Where: Somewhere near NYU
Warnings: None for now, will edit if needed.

Curious, too curious. )

20th Sep, 2012



Where: Stark Tower
When: 8PM Thursday, September 20th
Rating: R, Because we have no idea what's going to happen.
Progress: Open/Ongoing.

Everything you need to know! )

24th Aug, 2012



TARDIS and Sunshowers

Who: Doctor (living_in_light) and everyone at the party
When: 24 August -- Day of the Sunshowers
Where: Bryant Park Fountain terrace off 6th Avenue
What: Open-TARDIS party
Warnings: probably not high, not expecting more than perhaps some language
Status: Open, ongoing

((OOC: To give the party some organisation, there are three main threads for: Pre-Party; 3pm to 7:30 private gathering; and post-7:30 open party. I suggest within each main thread, whichever one your characters attend, that you title sub-threads with their names please. Thank you and have fun!))

The Doctor smiled )

15th Aug, 2012



Who: Violet Baudelaire and OTA
What: Kitsune Vs Violet
Where: Somewhere in SoHo
When: Just after nightfall
Rating: Low. Will update if needed.

Going After a Kitsune: Now This Is Fun! )

20th Jun, 2012



Who: Violet Baudelaire (ladymacgyver) and Open
When: June 20th
Where: Heading to a hardware store in Manhattan while crusing the dumpsters for parts.
What: Mission for parts to rewire the apartment for an alarm system. Hopefully she'll meet more people in the process.
Warnings: PG-13 to allow for Olaf to be spoken of.
Status: Open, unfinished

My kingdom for wires! )