Posts Tagged: 'anna+milton+%28drops_ofjupiter%29'

25th Jul, 2012



WHO: Anna Milton (drops_ofjupiter) and Cas (celestialintent)
WHEN: Wednesday morning
WHERE: First their flat, then the streets.
WHAT: Former angels can sense that something is amiss even without a massive explosion, but at the moment, all they can do is deal with the rising dead.
WARNINGS: Likely a whole lot of violence, but will update if it's necessary (I honestly don't see how).

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21st Jul, 2012



WHO: Claire Bennet (attemptno6), Anna Milton (drops_ofjupiter), Cas (celestialintent)
WHEN: Friday afternoon
WHERE: Anna (and technically Cas') apartment
WHAT: Cas invited Claire to come meet Squirtle.
WARNINGS: None expected
Notes: I'm doing double-duty as Claire and Anna here. Excuse errors. :P

I wanna be the very best. . .Like no one ever was. . . )

27th Jun, 2012



WHO: Anna Milton (dropsof_jupiter) and Cas (celestialintent)
WHEN: Wednesday night
WHERE: Winterfell
WHAT: Arcadia's playing havoc with reality and both pub and patrons seem to be in rebellion when it comes to terms of normality.
WARNINGS: For weirdness?

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25th Jun, 2012


Who: Pepper Potts (proofofhisheart)
When: Sunday
Where: At the 'Winterfell' bar.
What: Confused, disorientated and needing some time alone to think.
Warnings: Not much. Possibly swearing.
Status: Open, ongoing.

Pepper couldn't shake the feeling of being out of sync in this universe. )

24th Jun, 2012



Characters: Loki Laufeyson (thorblocked) and OPEN to [Thor, Castiel (both), Anna (both)].
When: Loki's spoken with Selyah's 'lights' in this thread.
Location: In a park, by the lake.
Warnings/Rating: Low.
Summary: Loki was fulfilling his promise.
Status: Open (to above), complete.

His posted message on the network had told the others where he would be waiting, and there he stood, staring over the water. )

20th Jun, 2012



Characters: Anna Milton (drops_ofjupiter) & Castiel (celestialintent)
When: Wednesday evening/Thursday morning
Location: Anna's apartment
Warnings/Rating: Adult situations. Possibly some language. This is basically smut, folks.
Summary: Cas interrupts Anna's private time. . .
Status: Closed/On-going

And that's alright; I found a martyr in my bed tonight )

27th May, 2012



Characters: Anna Milton (dropsof_jupiter) and Cas (celestialintent)
When: Sunday Afternoon
Location: Someplace vaguely resembling Victoria's Secret
Warnings/Rating: TBD, but mild adult themes are to be expected
Summary: Anna's dragging him shopping with her
Status: Closed, ongoing

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13th May, 2012



Who: Anna Milton (drops_ofjupiter) & open
What: Walking home.
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: On the street.
Rating/Warnings: None likely.

It was actually nice to not be looking for something to hunt. )

6th May, 2012



WHO: Anna (drops_ofjupiter) & Castiel (celestialintent)
WHAT: They've been going about this relationship backwards. Anna intends to fix this.
WHEN: Sunday
WHERE: Anna's apartment
WARNINGS: Sexual situations
STATUS: Closed/complete

And I never wanted anything from you except everything you had )

2nd May, 2012



WHO: The Doctor & everyone helping with the Grand Distraction and heist
WHEN: Wednesday afternoon
WHERE: The cult's location in the Bronx
WHAT: Distractions, killing/trapping of cultists, stealing an item of power from within
WARNINGS: Violence. Lots of violence!
NOTE: If you want to try group threading in here, it's totally your call. I'd prefer just posting narratives because it's simpler, and personally I won't have much time to dedicate to more scenes, so roll with the narratives and share what your character can do!

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