Posts Tagged: '%7Ejack+harkness+%28cap_jack%29'

13th Dec, 2012



Who: Captain Jack (cap_jack) and Diana or Lily
When: Back dated to before the Black City Plot
Where: The Mall
What: Jack decides to take Anwen to see Santa
Rating: PG
Status: Closed, Incomplete

You would think that growing up with a mum like Gwen Cooper would prepare you for anything. )

2nd Nov, 2012



Who: Captain Jack (cap_jack) and Gwen Cooper (welshsurvivor)
When: Backdated to the night of Gwen's arrival
Where: Not far from Jack's flat
What: The Cooper girls are in town! Jack takes them home to explain what's going on
Rating: PG-13
Status: Closed, Complete

Anyways though, just answer the question. Do the Cooper girls want to stay here, or are we going flat hunting? )

5th Oct, 2012



Who: Captain Jack (cap-jack) and [Open if anyone else is on the ship]
When: Friday
Where: Wandering the city looking for moths
What: Jack's curious about how the dust will affect him.
Status: Open if anyone's interested

Read more... )

16th Jul, 2012



Who: Doctor (living_in_light) and Jack Harkness (cap_jack)
When: July 15 afternoon
Where: 5th and 42nd to a nearby pub
What: Old friends having drinks
Warnings: ? tbd
Status: Closed, unfinished

...watched the stream.... )

24th Jun, 2012



WHO: Jack Harkness & Rose Tyler
WHEN: Backdated to Father's Day
WHERE: Rose's flat
WHAT: Drinking time and Rose has promised the Captain some hugs
WARNINGS: None at the moment, but that could change!
STATUS:Closed, ongoing

Someone promised me comfy chairs, booze, and hugs. And I've even brought additional supplies. )

7th Jun, 2012



WHO: Rose Tyler and OPEN
WHEN: Thursday afternoon/evening
WHERE: In the other dimension
WHAT: Exploring, feeling sentimental
STATUS: Open, ongoing

She was face to face with a glowing white portal that everybody else just casually ignored as if it wasn't even there. )

27th May, 2012



Characters: Jack and Gwen and/or Ten?
When: Sunday, 27 May 2012
Location: The TARDIS
Warnings/Rating: Who knows? it's Captain Jack... prolly no higher than PG-13 though
Summary: Jack figures it's about time he sees his friends in person
Status: Semi-Open/Ongoing

Part of him half expected to see Rose opening the door to greet him, or even Martha Jones. Hell... he'd even take Mickey the idiot if it meant seeing a friendly face. )

15th May, 2012



I'm seeing a lot of comments lately about jobs that people are getting, trying to get, etc. So someone care to explain for the new guy? I'm not planning on sticking around here any longer than I have to, so getting a job seems kind of pointless. But if we really are going to be stuck here long term and I can't access the funds from my accounts, then I might not have a choice.

13th May, 2012



Who: Anna Milton (drops_ofjupiter) & open
What: Walking home.
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: On the street.
Rating/Warnings: None likely.

It was actually nice to not be looking for something to hunt. )