Posts Tagged: '%7Ehanna+%28missd_yur_heart%29'

17th Aug, 2012



Who: Hanna (missd_yur_heart) and utena tenjou (ohtorirose)
When: 11 August afternoon (backdated)
Where: Vin-taj Music
What: Meeting, making friends
Warnings: pg probably
Status: Closed, ongoing

It's a nice day )

30th Jun, 2012



Characters: Hanna and Anna (a_fallen_star)
When: Backdated to Monday afternoon
Location: Hanna's flat
Warnings/Rating: None anticipated
Summary: Anna told Hanna she'd bring her a mint chocolate coffee.
Status: Closed, ongoing

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13th Jun, 2012



Who: Susan Pevensie (ladyofnarnia) and Hanna (missd_yur_heart)
When: Backdated to June 9th
Where: Indoor shooting range in SoHo
What: Friendly shooting contest between the archer and the solider.
Warnings: Probably tame
Status: Closed, unfinished

After texting Hanna the address of the range Susan slung her gear over her shoulder and set out. She had a cover story of being on a school team along with being a period archer for a fair in case anyone got nosy about the gear but she made it to the range without problems. She let the clerk know she was awaiting Hanna's arrival as she set up the targets and arrows, plans having been roughly made for a friendly shooting contest via the network. "But I can hope that beyond getting to shoot again maybe this will mean a new friend?" she mused as she worked. But she was adjusting to 2012 as well as could be, dressed like a modern college student in jeans and a tee shirt (which was an adjustment in itself).



Who: Hanna (missd_yur_heart) and Richard Harrow (tin_woodsman)
When: June 7
Where: By a portal and then through that portal
What: Exploring
Warnings: Probably low
Status: Closed, unfinished

She waited near the portal which had appeared at the entrance to an alleyway beside Age of Vintage, where she had been happily employed beginning not long after finding herself in this version of New York. Hanna thought it curious the apparent natives failed to see the bright white passageway. She had even seen some walk through and come out on the other side, as if they truly weren't there. So for these people, obviously, no portals existed.

It wasn't long before she saw her friend walking along. Hanna waved and waited for him to get closer. She turned off the ipod and removed the buds from her ears, slipping all into a fanny pouch at her waist. The girl dressed casually in athletic shoes, jeans, t-shirt and a green cotton vest.

2nd May, 2012



WHO: The Doctor & everyone helping with the Grand Distraction and heist
WHEN: Wednesday afternoon
WHERE: The cult's location in the Bronx
WHAT: Distractions, killing/trapping of cultists, stealing an item of power from within
WARNINGS: Violence. Lots of violence!
NOTE: If you want to try group threading in here, it's totally your call. I'd prefer just posting narratives because it's simpler, and personally I won't have much time to dedicate to more scenes, so roll with the narratives and share what your character can do!

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27th Apr, 2012



We're not in Miami any more

Who: Dexter Morgan (dexterlicious) and Hanna (missd_yur_heart)
What: Randomness in meeting
When: late Friday night
Where: somewhere on Lexington Avenue
Rating/Status: PG/Complete

A good donut is worth its weight in... gold )

17th Apr, 2012



Who: Hanna, Richard Harrow and OTA if anyone else is out
When: April 16th late/early morning April 17
Where: A small 'park' at W 34th and 6th across from Macy's
What: Reconn
Warnings: Probably low, maybe some language

'Macy's' was on the other side of a small green area. )