Jul. 26th, 2016



[No Subject]

So I was out a couple of nights ago trying to find some water pokemon. OH MY GOSH THIS POKEMON APP IS SO COOL - But anyway, uhm. This friend of mine, like "friend" of mine... He's disappeared for a while since he started remembering things.

And then he butt dials me or drunk dials me, I don't know which is worse, but it happened, and there was some super crazy-talk babbling going on there and then a splash of water?

But it's not like I can GPS his phone. I hope he's okay. YOU BETTER BE OKAY MISTER I HAVE ENOUGH TO WORRY ABOUT WITH ELSA'S COLD.

Jul. 24th, 2016



[No Subject]

You know the best part of being lucky? When a knife to the gut misses everything but your appendix. Man, a quarter of an inch up or to the left would have ruined my whole week. Lucky me, right? Who knows when that useless piece of crap was gonna rupture on me anyway.

So yeah, that was my week. Yours?

Jul. 21st, 2016



[No Subject]

I'm feeling a little under the weather today, but not so much that I'm going to call in.

Jul. 18th, 2016



msg to Tony Stark

Is it theoretically possible to punch someone over the internet?

Jul. 9th, 2016



Text to Miriel

>> I feel I've been allowed to think too much on something.
>> So I was hoping that you could offer some encouragement.
>> What, exactly, does it mean to know that you have a bound-for-life husband in one Earth
>> But have fallen in love with someone else, here?
>> Is it cheating?
>> Is Manwe looking on from somewhere, judging me?



[No Subject]

We're in the Calm Lands now, and my journey is nearly coming to an end. Everything that I ever knew about Yevon has been proven wrong. I have been put on trial for daring to learn the truth, and though I am the only Summoner to make it this far, I have been excommunicated - banished.

But I can't give up. This is all... so hard. Harder than I ever imagined it would be. Harder still now that I know love, though the extra support should make me stronger. I do not even know if they will allow me on the sacred mountain now, but I must keep going. The entire world depends on this, and I know that that may sound silly here in this real world where nothing is ever that cut and dried. In Spira, I really am their last hope.

All I can do is keep going forward. Zanarkand is waiting for us both on the other side.

[Private to Laura]
I wanted to talk to you about a few things. I know I've been quiet lately. Can we meet for... a coffee, or some dinner, perhaps?

[Private to Kate]
It's been a few months, how are you feeling?

Jul. 7th, 2016



[No Subject]

I think the boss bought WAY too many of these for Pride. We've still got a ton of them!

Read more... )

Jul. 6th, 2016



[No Subject]

Okay that's the last blind date I'll ever do. He spent half the dinner trying to mansplain computer programming to me.

Jul. 4th, 2016



message to people associated with Tony Stark. Not including Tony Stark

I'm worried about Tony. He has been acting very strange lately.I think he's sick

Jul. 2nd, 2016



[No Subject]

I'm in Glasgow with my daughters. I'll be here for a while, spoiling them.

This morning, I woke up with an uncontrollable craving for fish fingers and custard. My oldest thinks it's gross, but my youngest keeps laughing.

It doesn't taste half bad. In fact, I'd say it was delicious!

Jul. 1st, 2016



[No Subject]

okay so i totally want one

Jun. 25th, 2016



msg to Neena

You're welcome to stay with us until you get on your feet and I won't take no for an answer.

Jun. 24th, 2016



[No Subject]

My life is a confusing mess. On one side, I love my job, and staying up late isn't a problem for me to get my research done. Yet, my staying up late is probably killing me. I keep having HORRIBLE dreams when I DO finally sleep. Just... WEIRD and TERRIBLE dreams.



txt to Varda

>> My sister is going to give me gray hairs
>> Are you doing okay?

Jun. 23rd, 2016



[No Subject]

Well shit.



[No Subject]

Been a hell of a day. Long shift then a meeting with one of the teachers my sister's been giving hell. One of these days people are going to stop giving me weird looks when I tell them I'm O's legal guardian.

I could use a drink.

Jun. 22nd, 2016



[No Subject]

I'd like to arrange a meeting with the Man Upstairs so we can discuss this so-called 'luck' power I'm supposed to have. Because these past two months have been just about anything but lucky.

But hey, here's a toast to fresh starts.

Jun. 21st, 2016



[No Subject]

I need a vacation. One of our major projects here at work just died a spectacular death, thanks to ONE idiot! There's a reason we make back-ups of everything... just because the project is nearing completion does NOT mean you wipe all the old files "to make space for new ones".

We keep them because if something goes wrong and the working files get corrupted, WE HAVE A BACK-UP TO DO A RESTORE!!!

Needless to say, he's done. Fired. Canned. Sacked.

But now, my team is back to starting from scratch. The only good thing is that since it was just a patch for an existing game, it shouldn't take more than a month to redo it all. But it does mean lots of overtime, me having to work at home, AND doubling as a code monkey to get us back on track.



[No Subject]

Had the craziest...weren't no dream on account of being awake.

But it was like remembering a war. I was scalping a man, what the ever loving fuck
Old school, old west.

Jun. 20th, 2016



blocked from Helen

I worry sometimes, that I will not wake up, or that I will drown again, just as my kingdom has.

That something calls to me from beyond the veil.