The Snape/Lupin Newsletter - July 7th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Snupin Prophet

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July 7th, 2008

The Snupin Prophet: June 29-July 7, 2008 [Jul. 7th, 2008|07:00 pm]


Please note that the Snupin Prophet is posted on Livejournal and on Insanejournal.

Random Rec:
Trick or Treating, by arionrhod.

Fan Art:
Drawble, by ghot.

Illustration, by venturous. Remus/Severus/Draco.

Red Dawn, by skitty_kat.

RL/SS video, by sylvanwood.

Twister, by venturous.

Drabbles (200 words or less):
Bank Holiday, by ellid.

Car Trouble, by westernredcedar.

Dead Head, by ellid.

Four drabbles, by torino10154. BDSM.

Mindless, by sweetmelodykiss. Rated R, cross-dressing.

A New Life, by alisanne.

Only You, by sweetmelodykiss.

Untitled, by kirasha.

Ficlets (200-1000 words):
Conundrum, by inamac.

Conversing with a Wolf, by nimrod_9. Rated R. Mentions of watersports and bestiality.

It Was Only Gas, by sweetmelodykiss.

Just Lucky, by nimrod_9.

Lunacy, by Severed Lies.

Referee, by westernredcedar.

Vanilla, by Geri.

Fanfiction (complete):
Afraid of You, by sweetmelodykiss. Rated PG13.
Summary: Remus returns to life and goes on a hunt for his lost love.

Do It! (Because I Want You To), by snapelike. Rated NC17. Content: D/s, dirty talk.
Summary: Breakfast at Hogwarts isn't usually the time and place for revenge...

In Memorium, by nehalenia. Rated NC17. Content: non-con, group sex, double penetration, violence, Severus/Sirius, Severus/James.
Summary: Sirius is looking for Regulus. He doesn’t know it at first, but he’s found the next best thing.

Less Haste, More Sloth, by drachenmina. Rated PG.
Summary: Severus Snape just wanted two things: to become an Animagus, and to settle down with the werewolf of his dreams. He really hadn’t envisioned mortal peril and being indebted to a sloth.

Palliated, by Envinyatar. Rated R.
Summary: Severus Snape was pacing the small room from one wall to the other, the restlessness he was feeling inside growing with each passing second. A lovers' reunion during DH, and maybe a little further than that.

Private Activity, by blpaintchart. Rated PG13.

The Return of the Slytherins, by Geri. Rated PG13.
Summary: Written for Snapedom's Summer Fest exchange, and based the_bitter_word's art, Severus Crossing the Hogwarts Lake. Snape survives Nagini's attack, and returns to fight in the battle at Hogwarts--and is surprised when his Slytherins want to join him.

Who They'd Do, by alwaysasnapefan. Rated NC17. Content: underage.

Fanfiction (WIP):
Angelinus: chapters 1-3, by Les Dowich. Rated T.
Summary: Book 4 in the Snape Cycle. When Severus inherits the guardianship of a cousin’s twins, it sets off a chain of events that drag the Lupin-Snapes, Malfoys, Potters and Weasleys into a head-on clash with fanatics, drug dealers and babysitters.

Follow Me: chapter 95, by Norische. Rated M+. Content: Draco/other male, mpreg, non-con, incest, under 18.
Summary: Severus Snape never knew he had a son, not until the boy showed up in Dumbledore's office. Severus calm orderly life soon became a mass of confusion and chaos, and it was all focused on one young man. A/N: This story is not canon, Sirius is alive and well (I never could kill that man, he is just too fun to play with.) The dates are based on current dates, (I could never get the coversion correct anyway).

He Didn't Have Time: chapter 9, by Angelwings. Rated M+. Content: Harry/Draco, mpreg.
Summary: Based on the song She didn't have Time by Terrie Clark Harry is a young single Father trying to get by and make a life for his children but will he ever find the courage to open his heart again? Warring: Harry is a Hufflepuff for this story don't like don't read.

The High Cost of Living: part 16, by Jules Noctambule. Rated NC17. Content: prostitution.
Summary: After the war ends, a disgraced Snape turns to the world's oldest profession to make ends meet.

The Hogwarts Chronicles, part one: chapters 1-2, by just Renna. Rated T.
Summary: As the years past, the Hogwarts students learn to grow. Friends will be made, loved ones will be lost, and lost love will be found.

Honor: chapter 100, by morganlefay1958. Rated Adult.
Summary: Severus and Remus learn about love together, but other forces try to interfere--and it isn't who you would suspect...

Potions, Defense, and Transfiguration: chapters 1-5, by MingIsRandom. Rated T.
Summary: It is Harry Potter’s 3rd year; Remus Lupin as Defense against the Dark Arts teacher, Severus Snape as the usual Potions Master & Sirius Black is out to get ‘Harry Potter’.

Retired Nature: chapters 3-6, by Ehmaz. Rated L.
Summary: Post-war, the Light has won, and Snape finds himself on a farm that's falling apart and with no money left. Enter the ever-destitute werewolf!

That Dear Octopus: part 2, by westernredcedar. Rated PG.
Summary: Severus has cultivated a life isolated from his family, but now his estranged mother and grandmother have rescued him from the brink of death. Oh, and then there is Remus...

To the Coast!: chapter 1, by blpaintchart. Rated PG13.

Lupin_Snape is taking prompts in the Fantasy Fest prompt poll.

Snupin100 has issued Challenge #163: Holiday.

Lupin100 has issued Prompt #203.

Snape100 has issued Challenge #237: Every letter of the alphabet.

Pervy_werewolf has issued Prompt #51: On the Road Again.

Some RL/SS auctions available in livelongnmarry are listed here.

Geri has an entry on aconite.

Nymphospice is looking for "We Band of Brothers".

Leavesoflorien is looking for a RPG to play in.

blpaintchart is looking for crack!fic.

Blacite is looking for a story about forced werewolf bonding.

Geri is looking for stories in which Snape and Lupin raise Harry.

The Moonshadow archive has been updated with 0 stories this week.

Send your Snape/Lupin news to For a permanent, organized archive of these links and more, please visit our affiliate, [info]masterwolflinks.
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