July 22nd, 2017

[info]georgiest in [info]snitchers

Who: George Weasley and Penny Clearwater
What: Taking a shower and talking
Where: Her house in glasgow
When: Friday evening

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[info]snitchersmods in [info]snitchers

Official Ministry Owl

To: The Greengrass Household
From: Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Office of the Magical Rehabilitation Act

Dear Mister Greengrass,

As a well established and upstanding family within the magical world, we are honored that you would take part in the important Magical Rehabilitation Act program. Our Disciples are entrusted to only the finest families to ensure they will be cared for, educated, and rehabilitated to become members of our society once again.

After interviews with your family, colleague and neighbors and our extensive review of your home, we have concluded that you have been approved as a Guide and will be assigned a Disciple.

Dean Thomas has been scheduled to be moved from Phase One of the program and into Phase Two. He will be residing at your home under your care. As you have already attended our training sessions for Guides, there is no need to delay his placement in your own. Disciple Thomas will arrive on Monday, July 24th at 9 o'clock in the morning. Please ensure your entire household is home at that time to welcome your Disciple into your home.

If you have any questions or concerns, please advise us as soon as possible.


Irene MacFusty
Assistant to the Director of the Magical Rehabilitation Act

[info]black_enough in [info]snitchers

Who: Andromeda Black and Anthony Goldstein
When: Saturday Night, July 22nd
Where: Leaky Cauldron to start
What: Spiraling.
Warnings: Adult things & Alcohol Abuse
Rating: High

Sometimes you just need to make some mistakes. )

[info]seemiarun in [info]snitchers

Who: Amelia and Luna
What: A checkup
Where: I'm going to say Susan's, as long as that's okay with Katy
When: Saturday afternoon
Rating: Pretty low?

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[info]gryffinrebel in [info]snitchers

Who: Helen and Neville
What: I think Neville is due a distraction
Where: A somewhat cheap muggle hotel in West Bromwich
When: Backdated to Friday night
Rating/Warnings: High. Sexual content.

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June 2018



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