Apr. 7th, 2018


Who: Iris and Sebastian Travers
What: Sebastian spoils his wife
Where: Their house, Tinsworth
When: Saturday Morning, April 7th before the wedding

For a man wins nothing better than a good wife, and then again, nothing deadlier than a bad one. )

Mar. 31st, 2018


Who: Followers, St Mungo's Patients & Staff, Ministry Responders
When: Saturday, March 31st, 4:00 AM
Where: St. Mungo's
What: Lucius responds to the Ministry's attack on Tinworth
Rating: Death and Violence

Lucius Malfoy led his band of Followers into St. Mungo's minutes after four o'clock in the morning. Upon entering the building the few people lingering in the lobby were immediately killed, their blood spraying across the room. Lucius didn't pause and took no prisoners. Each person he encountered was slit by the power of the Elder Wand one by one of his Followers.

They killed every person on the first floor which was sparsely populated so early in the morning. By the time they made their way to the second floor the Ministry had been alerted. Lucius paid no mind to the sound of the alarm as he made his way to the fourth floor. There were two people who remained alive while his precious Bellatrix was cold and gone. Lucius wanted to right that wrong. His followers continued their assault on the various wards as he and Lilith made their way to the Janus Thickney Ward.

Lockhart was the first to be killed. The flash of green was bright, illuminating the room. That man had always been insufferable. The Longbottoms were next. The Killing Curse was too good for them. Lucius wanted them to suffer slowly. Lucius carved into their skin with his magic, the Hallows symbol carefully cut into the skin on their chests.

The sounds of fighting began to sound from the lower floors and Lucius smiled. He could hear the screams as people began to fall at the hands of his Followers. Turning to Lilith, Lucius instructed her to stay close and listen for Rabastan. Today would not be the day he faced his friend.


June 2018




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