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Dec. 4th, 2009


Fic: Due Recompense - for [info]aceia

Title: Due Recompense
Author: Is on Santa's Naughty List
Giftee: [info]aceia
Word Count: Approx 5,700
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Snape/Harry, others mentioned
Warnings: *Angst, under 18, mention of non-con (not between the main pairing), caning, toys, some D/s with sub!Harry, cross-dressing, humiliation. It's not fluffy and it's not happily ever after. No one dies.*
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: Harry always wondered why Snape never participates in the holidays and decides to find out. He really should have left Snape alone.
Author's Notes: Aceia requested something not fluffy but with the possibility of a happy ending, but with some emails between the mods, she agreed that the ending didn't have to be happy. I hope you like it, Aceia. Beta'd by R, thanks so much!

Due Recompense )

Dec. 3rd, 2009


Art: Rock and a Hard Place - for [info]jin_fenghuang

Title: Rock and a Hard Place
Artist: Maybe Dean Thomas has new a muse?
Giftee: [info]jin_fenghuang
Media/Medium: Ink pen and watercolour
Rating: R/NWS
Pairing: Snarry
Warnings: *Possible dub-con*
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: I'm not quite sure of the back story on this pic, but let's assume Harry's been a very bad boy.
Artist's Notes: All of my comments will give away my identity. *g*

Rock and a Hard Place )


Fic: His Gift of Words - for [info]stepmnstr

Title: His Gift of Words
Author: [info]sev1970/mk_malfoy on LJ
Giftee:: [info]stepmnstr
Word Count: 16,000
Rating: R
Pairing: Severus Snape/Harry Potter
Warnings: *Descriptions of boy bits and boy/boy kissing, but nothing much more, unfortunately … I did try, honestly, but it wasn’t to be for this fic. DH-compliant, but ignores epilogue*
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: Severus and Harry could never have guessed that they would one day be the subject of folklore regarding the power of words …
Author's Notes: Thanks so much to the incredibly amazing mods who graciously indulged my need for perfection … I didn’t say that, did I? My lovely, talented, and speedy beta also deserves copious amounts of praise and cookies for her help in whipping my fic into shape. Stepmnstr, it is my hope that you find this fic enjoyable. I have attempted to write you a fic that will make you smile. Happy Christmas and best wishes for a wonderful 2010.

(His Gift of Words)

Dec. 2nd, 2009


Fic: Bound and Chained (To You) - for [info]vividzephyr

Title: Bound and Chained (To You)
Author: Perhaps a Veela?
Giftee: [info]vividzephyr
Word Count: 2,900
Rating: PG
Pairing: Harry/Snape
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: Harry and Snape awake to find themselves in a cave. Both don’t know what to do until Harry summons an unbelievable ally.
Author's Notes: A great thanks to my beta, K! Happy Holidays, [info]vividzephyr!

Bound and Chained (To You) )


Fic: Northern Exposure - for [info]faeryqueen

Title: Northern Exposure
Author: Certainly not Harry Potter, either.
Giftee: [info]faeryqueen
Word Count: ~4900
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Severus/Harry
Warnings: Beyond what the rating indicates, no others of which I am aware.
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: Severus goes out on a limb and takes Harry on holiday.
Author's Notes: It's been a pleasure writing this for you, [info]faeryqueen. I hope you enjoy it. Happy holidays! :) Thank you to my betas. ♥ Any mistakes that remain are mine alone.

Northern Exposure )

Dec. 1st, 2009


Art: Protective Custody - for [info]sev1970

Title: Protective Custody
Artist: Certainly not Severus Snape
Giftee: [info]sev1970
Media/Medium: Ballpoint pen on paper
Rating: PG
Pairing: Snarry
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property
of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement
is intended.
Summary: Harry certainly didn't enjoy spending the last part of
his sixth year in detention after the Sectumsempra incident, copying
out his father's past misdeeds. Imagine having to watch over him for
hours on end, from only a few feet away, knowing what happened, what
will never be, and what's coming... Any day now.
Artist's Notes: You asked for gen, with angsty Harry and
protective Snape at Hogwarts. I hope this fits the bill! All furniture
and the knicknacks on Snape's desk, including the lopsided oil lamp
with modern lampshade on, were inspired by Snape's office as it
appeared in the CoS movie.


Recs Collection Post

This year [info]snarry_holidays will be collecting links to send into the HP newsletter, the [info]daily_snitch, for both Hot Art and Hot Recs. Fic and art need three recs to qualify (can be posted on IJ, LJ, DW, or JF) and must not be locked. If you see or make any recs for any of this round's gifts, please leave them in the comments on this post. The mods will be on the lookout, too, but we might miss something!

Thanks for your help!



For many people it's a stressful (if lovely) time of year, and [info]snarry_holidays is ready to insert that special bit of Snarry into your holiday season. ;-) We'll kick start our posting tonight at 9pm EST, so please stick around if you can!

Some notes before we begin:

-- We will start posting today (yay!) December 1, and posting will run until December 23. [info]snarry_holidays will be posting this year at InsaneJournal, LiveJournal, and Dreamwidth. You may comment to any of the sites, though commenting on IJ is encouraged, if possible.

-- With around 60 submissions, we will be posting an average of two gifts per day (a mix of fic and art, of course) with several days of three gifts. We will do our best to space out long fics so that everyone doesn't become too overwhelmed.

-- If you are participating and you have an extension, please keep us updated and get your gift to us ASAP. If we have not heard from you at all, you might be in trouble! *waves modly stick*

-- Thanks so much to [info]elethian, who has agreed to help us proofread!

-- Please remember that feedback and comments are very much encouraged. That being said, please attempt to keep your comments cordial. We know people have strong feelings about Snarry and writing, fic and art, but please play nicely (i.e. no flaming, say something constructive). If you have any questions about what this might constitute, email us at snarryholiday [at] gmail [dot] com. We'll be reading all the comments.

-- We're going to be collecting recs for [info]daily_snitch, so please send us links to your fic and art recs! We're collecting the recs at this post, on IJ. Fic and art need three recs (not locked) to qualify.

-- Please spread the word!

We hope everyone enjoys the all the lovely Snarry coming in the next few weeks! Thanks to all the hard work on behalf of the participants!

Nov. 28th, 2009


Delaying posting till Dec 1

Hi everyone!

Because so many people are in transit this weekend and we're still putting together our posting schedule, we're going to delay posting until the evening of Dec 1. Sorry for any inconveniences! We can't wait to get things started, and hope you all enjoy the fest!

Snarry Holidays mods

Nov. 16th, 2009


Assignments are due TODAY

Happy November 16th! Your assignments are due today - if we haven't heard from you yet, we need to do so ASAP.

We are always happy to grant extensions, but if you need an extension, you need to ask us for an extension - your mods, contrary to popular belief, are not psychic, and do not know what you need unless you e-mail them. for all assignment submissions and extension requests - and please include your user name (the one you used when you originally signed up, unless you've notified us of a user name change) so that we don't have to spend hours trying to figure out who is.

Thanks for all the hard work you've put into making this a great fest - now all we have to do is get ready to enjoy all the wonderful Snarry! :)

Nov. 11th, 2009


Reminder: submissions due Nov 16!

This is a friendly reminder that all gifts are due to us Monday, November 16, unless you are pinch-hitting or have already requested an extension. If you need an extension or think you might, please email us at snarryholiday [at] gmail [dot] com.

We are here to answer any questions you might have!

Oct. 24th, 2009


Modly notes

First, a gentle reminder to all participants ... There are just over three weeks until submissions are due!

Second, we still need pinch-hitters ... please sign up here if you are willing and able to pinch hit for us this year!

Oct. 10th, 2009


Posting templates!

Hi everyone! In a month and a little under a week (Nov 16!) your assignments are due.

When submitting your fic or art, please include this header with the document.



If you have any questions about the templates or about your assignment, email us at snarryholiday [at] gmail [dot] com or comment below.

Sep. 16th, 2009


Call for Pinch-hitters!

Hey everyone! We've already had some people express interest in pinch-hitting -- well, now is your chance to sign-up. We'll definitely need some back-up writers and artists on hand, as we'll undoubtedly have a few drop-outs during the course of the fest. Hopefully all of our artists and writers are busily and happily working on their creations for this holiday, but real life crises do crop up. If you do have to drop out, we'd appreciate it if you let us know as soon as possible.

Those who are worked into the fest within the next few weeks will become full participants (who will both write/draw a customized gift and receive one), so if you missed your chance to sign-up but would still like to participate, you may still have a chance if there are any early assignment problems/drop-outs.

Please fill out the form completely, including a working e-mail address. Thank you all in advance. We love our pinch-hitters! :)

If anyone is interested in betaing, we still need beta volunteers. Go sign-up here!

Pinch-hitter Sign Up Form

Sep. 13th, 2009


Beta sign-ups!

If you are a beta and would like to volunteer your services for our lovely participants, this is the place to do it - please fill out the following form to indicate your availability and what you are willing to beta. Our deadline this year is Nov 16. If you're a participant in search of a beta, please pay attention to the betas' specifications and choose one appropriate for your work - and give them plenty of notice, too!

If there are any questions about betaing or if you're a participant in need of a beta, email us at snarryholiday [at] gmail [dot] com.


Sep. 8th, 2009



Hi everyone.

There are still a few people who haven't confirmed their assignments. I've just sent out emails to everyone we haven't heard from. If you've not received an assignment, please let us know ASAP.

We'll give it a day or so, and then we'll post a list of the people we've not yet heard from. At some point in the near future, we'll have to assume you've dropped out, so please get in touch with us.

On that note, if anyone has run into any problems or just has questions for us, shoot an email over to snarryholiday [at] gmail [dot] com.

Thanks, again, to everyone for participating, and we hope you have fun creating your gifts.

Sep. 6th, 2009


A Reminder to Our Lovely Participants!

If you haven't already done so, please send us a quick email to let us know you've received your assignment.

Aug. 26th, 2009


Sign-ups extended!

We are extending sign-ups for [info]snarry_holidays for two more days. Sign-ups will now close on Friday, August 28 at 9PM EST.

Sign-ups are here!

Aug. 24th, 2009


Pimping Banner!

Thanks to the fabulous [info]jin_fenghuang, we have a new banner for this year's fest! It includes some of the work which was created for last year's round - art credits go to the lovely artists [info]jin_fenghuang, [info]venturous, [info]sealcat, and [info]umbrus, who were kind enough to let us use their art! Go over here to check out the full-sized images and leave the artists a comment or thirty if you like their work. :)

Without any further ado, here is our banner - please feel free to use it as you pimp our fest!

Remember, there are two days left to sign up if you want to join us for some Snape/Harry love in Snarry Holidays this year! :)

Aug. 20th, 2009


2009 Round of [info]snarry_holidays sign-ups!

Welcome to the sign up post for Snarry Holidays 2009! We will have open sign-ups from today, August 20th, through August 26th at 6pm EST--or until we reach our participant cap of 60, whichever comes first. If you dropped out of the last round or have had difficulties turning in your submission in the past, you might not be eligible to participate (only a very small number of people.) Please feel free to check with the mods at snarryholiday [at] gmail [dot] com if you have any questions about your eligibility.

We strongly encourage everyone to sign-up at IJ. If, for some dire reason you can't sign up on IJ, this post is mirrored on LJ and on DW

If you are unable to sign up because of time constraints during the sign-up period, feel free to e-mail us or to ask a friend to sign up for you by proxy.

If you have any further questions, please refer to the Rules and FAQs for Snarry Holidays 2009. Remember, everyone will receive their assignments on September 1!

Here is the template (please fill it out as clearly, concisely, and completely as possible) and post it as a comment to this entry.

Sign-ups are now open!

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