12 October 2007 @ 08:06 am
Title: I Dare You
Artist: [info]paula_lirio
Team: Romance
Email: paula_lily_lirio AT yahoo.com.br
Genre: Fanon
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: PG, an almost-kiss.
Artist's Notes: Thank you to [info]lunnafe, [info]tachel, [info]ivi, [info]nicolle and [info]bela_chan for trying to murder me when I said it wasn't good enough. :D I still have the marks in my neck and feet. I love you guys.
Fanfiction used: The Thaw, by [info]marksy
Media used: Photoshop CS2
Archiving/Usage permission, including the Tribute Video: You can use it for icons and the Tribute Video only.

I Dare You, by Paula_Lirio. )