08 May 2006 @ 05:19 pm

Original poster: snarrymod

Title: 1:1
Author: ThreeSidedOrchid (lj: [info]synn)
Rating/Warnings:Warnings/Kinks/Ratings Pop-Up
Author Notes: Many, many thanks to my (extremely) patient Beta [info]bironic for putting up with me and Snarry at the same time. Any remaining mistakes are mine and the result of ignoring my beta’s good advice (and typing at three am). Additional thanks to the [info]snarry_olympics Mods and all the members of [info]team_romance for their support and patience.
Word count: 11,439
Prompt: Team Romance Entry - Dollhouse.

Slumped in his chair, Potter looks like nothing so much as a puppet with its strings cut...

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08 May 2006 @ 05:01 pm

Original poster: snarrymod

Title: Contrapasso
Prompt: Dollhouse
Author: Rex Luscus ([info]rexluscus)
Rating/Warnings:Warnings/Kinks/Ratings Pop-Up
Disclaimer: Characters belong to JK Rowling. I intend no harm or profit in using them.
Notes: Thanks to [info]cordelia_v, [info]themostepotente, [info]schemingreader, [info]busaikko, [info]djin7, [info]maeglinyedi, [info]bethbethbeth, [info]amanuensis1 and all of [info]teamangst for their help and input with this story. I couldn't have completed it without their generous help.

Summary: contrapasso, n. the ironic cosmological law ensuring that "the punishment fits the crime."


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