11 October 2007 @ 11:47 pm
Title: Pietà
Artist: [info]chrysos
Team: Team Angst
Email: can be found through LJ
Genre(s): Hurt/Comfort, Fanon
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: PG. Drag mouse over space if you wish to know: * Character Death *
Artist's Notes/Thank yous/Fanfiction used: A pietà is a picture of a grieving Mary with her son Jesus on her lap after the crucifixion. This image came to me when reading a wonderful fic called "The Last Dance", by Sushi. (NC17, Warnings). Thank you Sushi for giving permission to quote from your fic! (as you will see, some artistic licence was taken by removing Harry and Severus' robes)
Media used: drawing with pencil (0.3 H), scanned, coloured using Adobe CS2, background heavily photoshopped picture of a rainy window.
Archiving/Usage permission, including the Tribute Video (only after the polls have closed and medals have been awarded): Tribute Video yeah! Otherwise: ask first.

Shaking, Severus gathered Harry's body in his weak arms for the second time )