21 October 2006 @ 01:52 am

Original poster: djin7

Today we recognize the hard-won achievement and dedication of artists and their teams who strive for excellence in Snarry. I know that every Champion worked hard for the good of their team and they all deserve highest marks for their efforts. We were all lucky to have won something during these Games.

However, in the competition we set out to do, the Snarry Games Judges (you, the readers) have voted to score these teams, both having shown up to these Games with the most stellar of performances, allowing one to edge out the other for Gold.

Ladies and gentlemen, our Snarry Games GOLD MEDAL WINNERS, with a total of 884 out of a possible 1026 points:

Team Romance!

Congratulations to our 2006 Snarry Art Games Gold Medal Winners!

Team Romance )

And our SILVER MEDAL WINNERS, with a total of 845 out of a possible 1026 points:

Team Angst!

Congratulations to our 2006 Snarry Games Silver Medal Winners!

Team Angst )
08 October 2006 @ 11:00 am

Original poster: snarrymod

Title: Good Things Come To Those Who Wait
Artist: Team Romance Captain, [info]lizardspots
Prompt: Birthday, Lovers
Team: Team Romance! [info]teamromance_art
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: Hard R/none
Artist's Notes:Thank you to all the excellent artists on Team Romance for their advice and guidance. You guys are just wonderful. ♥!
Archiving/Usage permission (Only for AFTER the 2006 Snarry Summer Games have closed their polls): No archiving, icon usage is OK, anything else please ask me beforehand.

Good Things Come To Those Who Wait )

07 October 2006 @ 11:44 pm

Original poster: snarrymod

Title: Winter
Artist: [info]calyxess
Prompt: Winter
Team: Team Romance! [info]teamromance_art
Rating/Warnings/Kinks:PG13/none Dial-Up users beware of large image(s) behind the cut!
Artist's Notes:. This thing ate my brain and made me think I'm never going to finish it. Anyhow, it was much fun to do. Because really, this is Severus and Harry having a snowball fight...how much more sappy can they get. X)
Archiving/Usage permission (Only for AFTER the 2006 Snarry Summer Games have closed their polls): Ask/mention it to me before using it and credit

Winter <3 )

05 October 2006 @ 10:56 pm

Original poster: snarrymod

Title: unfinished business
Artist: [info]glockgal
Email: glockgal at gmail . com
Team: [info]teamromance_art Team Romance
Prompts: White, Black, Lucky
Ratings/Warnings: PG, SFW
Artist's notes: Post-war sap, ahoy! Thanks again for all the invaluable beta and suggestions from my team, especially [info]sealcat!
Archive/Usage Permission: (Only for AFTER the 2006 Snarry Summer Games have closed their polls) archive/banners: please ask artist first! icons: no need to ask. thanks!

Mod Note: This is a pinch-hit for Team Romance member [info]kungfooqueen, who was unable to compete in the Games. Thank you, Glock!

unfinished business )

05 October 2006 @ 07:52 am

Original poster: snarrymod

Title: At the End of the Day
Artist: Amy/[info]swtalmnd
Team: [info]teamromance_art Team Romance
Prompts: Sunset
Rating:PG for kissing
Warnings: None
Artist's notes: The background is traditional watercolor on Indian handmade paper, figures are digital watercolor. Thanks to Team Romance once again for their brilliant help, and to [info]dementordelta for making me draw something hard. For the record, Harry is of course 18 in the image, he's just, erm, short *cough* *innocent whistling*
Archive/Usage Permission: (Only for AFTER the 2006 Snarry Summer Games have closed their polls) No archiving, OK for icons, ask me if you want a wallpaper-sized version.

Mod Note: This is a pinch-hit for Team Romance member [info]ammonium, who was unable to compete in the Games. Thank you, Amy!

At the End of the Day )

18 September 2006 @ 10:54 pm

Original poster: snarrymod

Title: Lumos
Artist: Amy [info]swtalmnd
Prompts: Lumos
Rating: PG13, Not Work Safe
Warnings: None Dial-Up users beware of large image under the cut
Team: [info]teamromance_art Team Romance
Artist’s notes: This would have been a thousand times worse without the generous help of [info]glockgal, [info]lizardspots, and the rest of Team Romance. Thanks for all your help, guys!
Archive/Usage Permission: (Only after the Snarry Games Polls have closed) NO archiving please, OK for icons, and I'll be making wallpapers available in many sizes on my lj once the Games are done.

Lumos )

04 October 2006 @ 10:52 pm

Original poster: snarrymod

Title: S + H
Artist: [info]__hibiscus
Email: gina @ hibi-esque . com
Prompt(s): Lumos
Team: [info]teamromance_art Go Team Romance, go!
Rating: G/None
Artist's Notes:I took my prompt for lumos to mean 'lit up' instead of lumos the spell, so this is my cheesy version of the two being lit up under their initials. Um yeah. :D
Archiving/Usage permission: (Only for AFTER the 2006 Snarry Summer Games have closed their polls) Icon/Archive away! But please, credit the Snarry Games and myself. Thanks!

S + H )

07 October 2006 @ 10:05 am

Original poster: snarrymod

Title: Ruby Sweet
Artist: NymAulth ([info]nym_aulth)
Email: nymaulth @ yahoo . com
Team: [info]teamromance_art Team Romance
Prompts: Taste, Don't Look
Ratings/Warnings: PG-13
Artist's notes: I had so much fun drawing this!
Archive/Usage Permission:(Only after the Snarry Games Polls have closed): Anywhere is welcome to archive this pic, just credit and send me a link so I can check out the site!

Ruby Sweet )

18 September 2006 @ 09:57 am

Original poster: snarrymod

Title: Knockturn Alley
Artist: [info]perselus
Prompts: Knockturn Alley
Rating: PG, NWS for Boy-Kissing
Warnings: None
Team: [info]teamromance_art Team Romance
Artist’s notes: Snape and Harry, shopping at Knockturn Alley.
Archive/Usage Permission:(Only after the Snarry Games Polls have closed) Yes!

Knockturn Alley )

30 September 2006 @ 11:57 pm

Original poster: snarrymod

Title:'His Despair', 'Gryffindor!', 'Unbreakable Vows', 'After All'.
Artist: Undun [info]undunoops
Prompt(s): White Light, Red Power, Blue Rain, Green Earth.
Medium: Colored Pencil
Ratings/Warnings: PG13/NWS, None (Dial-up users beware of large image under cut)
Team: [info]teamromance_art Team Romance
Artist’s notes: undun discovers the Magical World of Colour!
Archive/Usage Permission:(Only for AFTER the 2006 Snarry Summer Games have closed their polls): Only with permission, please.

His Despair', 'Gryffindor!', 'Unbreakable Vows', and 'After All' )

17 September 2006 @ 07:45 pm
TEAM ROMANCE ENTRY - Tripperfunster!  

Original poster: snarrymod

Title: Love Triangle (gawd, I’m so original!)
Artist: [info]tripperfunster
Prompts: Taste, One More Inch, Just a Scratch and Triangle.
Rating: PG, Not Work Safe
Warnings: None
Medium: Pencil, but then photoshopped them all together.
Team: [info]teamromance_art ROMANCE BABY! ALL THE WAY!
Artist’s notes: A big thanks to the rest of the team for your help and encouragement. We could have been called ‘Team Congeniality’!
Archive/Usage Permission:(Only after the Snarry Games Polls have closed) Fill your boots!

Love Triangle )

06 October 2006 @ 11:54 pm

Original poster: snarrymod

Title: Midnight Dance Lessons
Artist: [info]gnomad
Team: [info]teamromance_art Team Romance
Prompts: Lovers, Get Off
Rating: R, NWS
Artist's notes: References used: Goldfinger’s Human Anatomy for Artists.
Archive/Usage Permission:(Only after the Snarry Games Polls have closed): Permission given for Walking the Plank only. Anywhere else, please ask first.

Midnight Dance Lessons )

30 September 2006 @ 07:41 am

Original poster: snarrymod

Artist: Eruwen ([info]eruwen310780)
Email: eruwen AT gmx DOT de
Prompt(s): Green, Sight, Power
Team: [info]teamromance_art Team Romance
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: Soft R, NWS. Drag mouse over space if you wish to know: * slight D/s elements *
Artist's Notes: I want to express my sincerest thanks to the teammates of Romance. They've all given invaluable suggestions and help without which this would not have come out the way it did. Most of all I want to thank [info]lizardspots for her beta and the great job she did as our most esteemed Captain. I say she deserves all the bottles of rum available ;)
Archiving/Usage permission (Only for AFTER the 2006 Snarry Summer Games have closed their polls): Yes to archive usage, but please credit if you want to use it for icons or graphics.

This isn't fluffy romance, by any stretch of the imagination. In my opinion, Snape just doesn't do fluff, or so the Snapemuse kept insisting; and who am I to oppose the muse? But then, romance isn't based on fluff but on love and trust and the acceptance of what we are. For me, it's the sweetest thing to imagine the depth of feeling between those two, without which such a scene would not be imaginable. So profound, in fact, that however we look at it, we will be intruding.  )

17 September 2006 @ 01:16 pm

Original poster: snarrymod

The 2006 Art Games begin posting tonight. We are all very excited about the fantastic and original art that has been pouring in, and I mean pouring, folks. We are anticipating more than 70 (SEVENTY) submissions before this is over.

On that note, I provide the final Master List of chosen Prompts for Team Angst and Team Romance, so you may whet your appetite for what's to come.


Reminder to the (current) Team Members: You cannot vote on these entries, but you can review and pimp your team's entries to help promote them in the Games. Good luck, all of you!

Current Mood: excited
29 September 2006 @ 07:26 am
How are you enjoying the Games so far?  

Original poster: snarrymod

Pro-D Day for the Mods, Catch-Up Day for the Judges/Fans

The mods are taking the day off, so that everyone can catch up on the voting and reviewing!

There are so many fabulous and original entries here to enjoy and comment on. Please take your time to do so today, especially if you haven't yet had the chance. The artists and teams want to very much hear from you, their fans and judges.

28 September 2006 @ 10:47 pm

Original poster: snarrymod

Title: Quiet Morning
Artist: [info]andreanna
Prompt: Winter
Team: Team Romance! [info]teamromance_art
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: PG13, NWS for nudity Dial-up users beware of large image under the cut
Artist's Notes: This was so exciting to do! And quite the challenge on my CGing skills. It was a privilege to have Snarry up on my desktop for a few weeks even if it earned my some weird looks from my flatmates >_>'''
Archiving/Usage permission (Only for AFTER the 2006 Snarry Summer Games have closed their polls): Please ask for permission :D

A Quiet Morning )

17 September 2006 @ 03:29 am

Original poster: snarrymod


Thank you, [info]nefyr

03 October 2006 @ 11:22 pm

Original poster: snarrymod

Title: It Burns
Artist: [info]paula_lirio (Paula Lírio)
Email: paula_lily_lirio @ yahoo . com . br
Team: [info]teamromance_art Team Romance
Prompts: Lovers and Light
Rating: PG-13, NWS
Warnings: None
Artist's notes: Author Notes: This lovely candle fire is a photoshop brush made by Falln-Brushes. This is actually my first Snarry art, and my second photoshop art ever.
Archive/Usage Permission: You're free to use it for banners, icons, etc. Just don't change the art, and send me the link when it's done, ok? ;)

Mod Note: This is a pinch-hit for Team Romance member [info]lethelynn, who was unable to compete in the Games. Thank you, Paula!

It Burns )

28 September 2006 @ 07:41 am

Original poster: snarrymod

Title: Take me
Artist: [info]a_belladonna
Prompt: Sunset, Take Me, Water, Moon
Team: Team Romance! [info]teamromance_art
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: G, WS
Artist's Notes: Watercolour and ink.
Archiving/Usage permission (Only for AFTER the 2006 Snarry Summer Games have closed their polls): In the unlikely event that anyone would want to archive/use this, just ask first. :)

Take Me )

15 September 2006 @ 08:49 pm

Original poster: snarrymod


Thank you, [info]calyxess!