15 October 2008 @ 09:59 am
TEAM PHOENIX ENTRY: "Stone, Snow, and You" by Sherant  
Title: Stone, Snow, and You
Artist: Sherant
Team: Phoenix
Email: sherant [at] gmail
Genre(s): Humor/Crack & Wartime
Prompt(s): In Memoriam
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: PG, corniness
Artist's Notes/Thank you's: First I must thank and praise my amazing teammates, who were so patient and kind to me - anything good in my piece came from you! Secondly I must admit this challenge was more difficult for me than I expected, but I hope that you enjoy it at least a little bit. Note to self: never choose humor. g_g
Media used: Photoshop
Archiving/Usage permission, including the Tribute Video (only after the polls have closed and medals have been awarded): Mods may use/archive how they'd like, otherwise icons only, please.

Dial-up users beware of multiple images under cut.

Winter wartime respite, Snarry style... )
14 October 2008 @ 09:27 pm
TEAM DRAGON ENTRY: "The Twisted Mind of Severus Snape" By xbloodsugarx  
Title: "The Twisted Mind of Severus Snape"
Artist: [info]xbloodsugarx
Team: Team Dragon
Email: luciusmalfoy [at] gmx [dot] at
Genre(s): Horror
Prompt(s): Master & Servant, Masquerade
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: PG13. Drag mouse over space if you wish to know: * blood, guts, Harry with red hair. *
Artist's Notes/Thank you's: My Idea was to show Snapes's mind like you see the mind of the serial killer in "the Cell". *see under cut for notes on symbolism* Thank you that I could be part of the Games, it was a great challenge.
Media used: watercolour, pencil, coloured pencils, white ink, copics
Archiving/Usage permission, including the Tribute Video (only after the polls have closed and medals have been awarded): sure, just ask.

Dial-up users beware of large image under cut.

The Twisted Mind of Severus Snape by xbloodsugarx )
14 October 2008 @ 09:42 am
TEAM PHOENIX ENTRY: "Picture Perfect" by Accioslash  
Title: Picture Perfect
Artist: [info]accioslash
Team: Phoenix
Genre(s): Humor and/or Crack, Romance
Prompt(s): Photograph
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: PG
Artist's Notes/Thank you's: I really wanted to illustrate my idea of romance with this entry. So when I found this quote, I knew I had to use it:

"Building a romance is a lot like building a house. The large, grand gestures are like chandeliers, swimming pools, and the good china. They bring elegance and refinement and their own kind of beauty, but aren't really the foundation on which to build anything permanent. Real, long-lasting, day-to-day love is made up of countless ordinary things. The real bricks and mortar of any relationship is learning to see that all the petty irritants and odd quirks have a charm all their own."

--Gail Rossi
Married 54 years with only one instance of mysterious food poisoning. So far.

Special thanks to the Mod Squad and Team Phoenix, my art beta who agreed to nursemaid me through Photoshop and to my darling husband, Al, for all the romantic inspiration anyone could ever need.
Media used: Pencil and Photoshop
Archiving/Usage permission, including the Tribute Video (only after the polls have closed and medals have been awarded): Yes to the tribute video. Anyone else, please ask.

Picture Perfect, by Accioslash )
13 October 2008 @ 09:00 pm
TEAM DRAGON ENTRY: "hidden" By Glockgal  
Title: hidden
Artist: [info]glockgal
Team: Team Kickass! Dragon!
Email: glockgal AT gmail
Genre(s): Postwar
Prompt(s): photograph, hidden
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: NWS: Nudity, sexuality, slashy overtones, generally creepy
Artist's Notes/Thank you's: A HUGE thank you to my Team, who were absolutely fabulous to work and interact with. Their ideas were amazingly inspiring and their work kept my inspiration at an all-time high. *Offsite link: Please let the animation load before you click for the next page, or you could miss out. Also, look for the hidden 'Easter egg'! *
Media used: Photoshop
Archiving/Usage permission, including the Tribute Video (only after the polls have closed and medals have been awarded): Yes to everything! As long as I know what it's being used for (please ask me!). XD

hidden by glockgal )
13 October 2008 @ 10:24 am
TEAM PHOENIX ENTRY: "All shall love me" by Ships_Harry  
Title: All shall love me
Artist: [info]ships_harry
Team: Phabulous Phoenix
Email: ships.harry at gmail . com
Genre(s): AU *Hover/Click for Games Definition of Alternate Universe*, Horror
Prompt(s): Power corrupts
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: R for nudity. Drag mouse over space if you wish to know: * Heavily implied Snarry slavery, imminent non-Snarry execution, and a dark-like-whoah!Harry.
Artist's Notes/Thank you's: Thank you to my wonderful team of awesome, without whom this would be a hot mess :). The colouring in this was rather inspired by a series of still life paintings by Chris Peters - the wine glass and cherries are in fact a nod to those, borrowed from his painting "Memories of Sin" :). The pomegranate, complicated, symbology-laden, sparkly-pretty-tasty fruit that it is, is all mine :). At the risk of stating the obvious, the title is from Galadriel's wee moment where she nearly gave in to the corrupting desire to "do good" with ultimate power, and the full quote is, of course, "All shall love me and despair".
Media used: Photoshop, Wacom tablet
Archiving/Usage permission, including the Tribute Video (only after the polls have closed and medals have been awarded): The video, sure. Anything else; please check with me.

All Shall Love Me, by Ships_Harry )
02 June 2008 @ 09:16 pm
TEAM PHOENIX ENTRY: Femmequixotic "Exegesis"  
Title: Exegesis
Author: [info]femmequixotic
Team: Phoenix
Genre(s): Alternate Reality *Hover/Click for Games Definition of Alternate Reality* & Romance
Prompt(s): The Root of All Evil
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: NC-17; minor character death, religious/theological elements*
Word Count: ~49,150
Summary: Every culture has their tales regarding creatures of the night.
A/N: Many thanks and much love to [info]cursive and [info]ze_dragon for their beta work, and a huge, huge, huge debt of gratitude to [info]ze_dragon for Catholic-picking above and beyond the call of duty. Credit for various aspects of this fic must be given to Elizabeth Kostova's The Historian, Bram Stoker's Dracula, and Florescu & McNally's In Search of Dracula. Inspiration was also drawn from various film references including Nosferatu, Dracula (1931), Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992), and Van Helsing. Further elements were taken from Gypsy Law: Romani Legal Traditions and Culture, A Handbook of Vlax Romani, and the various writings of St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine.
Disclaimer: If I owned them, Deathly Hallows would have been written so very differently.

Exegesis by Femmequixotic )
01 June 2008 @ 08:40 pm
TEAM DRAGON ENTRY: I Got Tired of Waiting "Norbert et Chloë"  
Title: Norbert et Chloë
Author: I Got Tired of Waiting [info]igtow
Team: Dragon, baby!
Genre: Romance
Prompts: Separation Anxiety and Possessiveness
Rating/Warnings: 18+ :: *Mild Het, Minor OC Character Death, 98% DH and Epilogue compliant.*
Word Count: ~77,000
Summary: Norbert and Chloë are destined to be life-mates, or at least they will be, if they can just find each other. However, to gain true contentment, they have to help their respective humans find their own happiness--hopefully together. An eggsemplum on the meaning of heart's ease and the capricious nature of second chances.
A/N: My undying gratitude to [info]amand_r, [info]aseneth, and [info]jadzialove for the kick-ass beta, as well as [info]klynie1, [info]centaury_squill, and [info]mimiheart for the last read-through corrections. Awl udder mis-steaks mussed bee mind.
Dedicated to: RaeWhit aka as [info]joanwilder, a most wonderous team capitan and this dragon's 'keeper'. ♥
To my fellow Dragons: Rooooaaaarrrrr! Now, let us partake of our competitions' giblets stories in a rum sauce spirit of fowl fair play!
To the mods: I'd like to extend my thanks for placing me on the best team ever! It's been a hoot roooaaarrr!!

Disclaimer: Nope, still not mine except for a few new characters (and Rae's mine; you can't have her, damn it!.

Norbert and Chloë perchin' in a tree, H-I-S-S-I-N-G First comes love, then comes mating, Then comes hatchlings in the fire's grating. )

Mod note: Due to the length of this story, we will not be posting another until tomorrow Evening. Thank you.
01 June 2008 @ 11:20 am
TEAM PHOENIX ENTRY: Chazpure "Water Lilies and Lotus Seeds"  
Title: Water Lilies and Lotus Seeds
Author: [info]chazpure
Team: Phoenix
Genre(s): Postwar
Prompt(s): Career Change, Optical Illusion
Rating: NC17
Warnings/Kinks: *frottage, semi-public sex, oral*
Word Count: ~11,800
Summary: When his godson recommended a "fascinating" Muggle establishment for a relaxing experience, Harry was intrigued, but he was unprepared for finding the owner fascinating as well.
Notes: My thanks and my abject apologies to the moderators of the Games for the lateness of this submission! I had an overdose of RL that unfortunately had a serious impact on my available writing time, plus, this seems to have been another Inanimate Uncooperativeness Week. Strange, I never got the memo... Also, my thanks to my beta for hot tea & putting up with my swearing. Any errors remaining in this story are mine.

Mod note: Thank you, Chaz!

Water Lilies and Lotus Seeds by Chazpure )
01 June 2008 @ 12:38 am
TEAM DRAGON ENTRY: Carawen "Beatae Memoriae (Of Blessed Memory) "  
Title: Beatae Memoriae (Of Blessed Memory)
Author: [info]carawen **See the Author's Master List of Fics HERE: Carawen's Archive**
Team: Dragon
Genres: Postwar
Prompt: Tabloid Headlines, Time Capsule
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: PG13 *Character Death, Partner Infidelity (not Harry or Severus)*
Word Count: ~13,000
Summary: 275 years after the final battle, a young man sets out to prove that Harry Potter was not a Dark wizard.
A/N: A million thanks to the mods and their unending patience with me, and to Raewhit and Keane for their betaing skills. Also, a family tree has been posted my IJ, in case anyone is interested, or just confused about how it all connects up.
Disclaimer: Everything you recognize belongs to someone else.

Beatae Memoriae (Of Blessed Memory) by Carawen )
31 May 2008 @ 02:13 pm
TEAM PHOENIX ENTRY: Iulia Linnea "His Green Haunting"  
Title: His Green Haunting
Author: [info]iulia_linnea
Team: Phoenix! *\O/*
Genres: Alternate Universe *Hover/Click for Games Definition of Alternate Universe* and Postwar
Prompt: Pensieve
Rating/Kink: NC-17; *Voyeurism *
Word Count: ~1665
Summary: Severus works with silver to understand green.
Author's Note: Thank you, [info]alisanne, [info]fodirteg, and [info]unbroken_halo, for beta'ing.
Disclaimer: This piece is based on characters and situations created and owned by J.K. Rowling; various publishers, including, but not limited to: Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books, Raincoast Books; and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

Mod note: Thank you, Iulia!!

His Green Haunting by Iulia Linnea )

Mod note: Sorry for the delay in posting today. There will be another story posted in approx. 10 hours. Tomorrow we go back to our regularly scheduled posting, and the Games will begin its voting catch-up hiatus shortly, as our last four fics are coming right up! Thank you!
30 May 2008 @ 09:28 pm
TEAM DRAGON ENTRY: ThreeSidedOrchid "Learning to Speak"  
Title: Learning to Speak
Author: ThreeSidedOrchid ([info]synn)
Team: Dragon
Genre(s): Romance
Prompt(s): Ashes of Youth, St. Mungo's
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: Pg-13, *Pre-slash*; The shameless bastardization of beloved Dr. Seuss story for my own purposes.
Word count: Approx. 10,000
Summary: "Most men spend their lives trying to either brush off the ashes of their youth, or rekindle them. The truth is that the only way to move forward is to accept them. "
A/N: Many, many thanks to the Mods, for not only organizing the games, but also for their patience and understanding. Also, this story would not exist in any intelligible form if it weren't for the beta work of Bironic (LJ), [info]jadzialove, [info]mimiheart and [info]klynie1. I'm fairly sure I owe a portion of my soul to each of you for saving this story, Thank you. And My thanks too, to the other members of team dragon, particularly [info]joanwilder, for all of your support and encouragement along the way.
Disclaimer:The Harry Potter universe belongs to JKR, WB, and probably a few others whose names I don't know, not me. I make no money off this story, it is written for the sole purpose of attempting to entertain a few people.

Learning to Speak by ThreeSidedOrchid )
30 May 2008 @ 08:20 am
TEAM PHOENIX ENTRY: MistressMaraj "Into the Abyss"  
Title: Into the Abyss
Author: [info]mistressmaraj
Team: Phoenix
Genre(s): Angst
Prompt(s): Kiss, Forgiveness
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: NC-17; *Harry is 17, major character death, non-con, non-graphic torture, dark themes, swearing, homophobic terminology*
Word Count: ~14,000
Summary: Brutally attacked by a Dementor the day after the final battle, Harry struggles to find his way back to himself and defeat Voldemort...again. Will Snape, who has his own agenda, be able to save Harry from himself?
A/N: Please heed the warnings. Canon-compliant through the end of Deathly Hallows. Many thanks to my betas: [info]leela_cat, who put up with a lot of missed deadlines and cut a lot of text which will thankfully never see the light of day, as well as [info]ziasudra who jumped in to help with very little notice. This story was vastly improved with their efforts. Any remaining mistakes are my own. The lovely, hardworking mods will always have my greatest respect for running the best fest of the year and thank you for not killing me after missing a deadline or two. Thanks also to [info]perverse_idyll for some fantastic ideas and discussion on angst.
Disclaimer: Not mine. You know the drill.

Into the Abyss by Mistress Maraj )
29 May 2008 @ 09:47 pm
TEAM DRAGON ENTRY: Stepmnstr "Seeking Silence"  
Title: Seeking Silence
Author: [info]stepmnstr
Genre(s): Alternate Reality *Hover/Click for Games Definition of Alternate Reality*
Prompt(s):Flesh Memory, Treasure Hunt
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: NC17; *Adult subject matter. MAJOR kink… BDSM, Wax Play, Knife Play, Bondage, Public Play (sort of), Sensation Play, OC's.*
Word Count: ~7,000
Summary: In one seeker's search for silence he finds a new beginning.
A/N (Beta's/thank-yous/et al): [info]bella_the_dark, [info]triciagnosis,[info]florida_minxie and all of Team Dragon. Special thanks to the wonderful MODS!!!!!!
Disclaimer: If I owned them they wouldn't be found in the Kiddie Lit section of any bookstore. Actually if I owned them…

Seeking Silence by Stepmnstr )
29 May 2008 @ 07:57 am
TEAM PHOENIX ENTRY: Odogoddess "All Butterbeer & Gobstones"  
Title: All Butterbeer & Gobstones
Author: [info]psyfic
Team: Phoenix
Genre(s): Alternate Universe *Hover/Click for Games Definition of Alternate Universe*
Prompt(s): Ménage à Trois, Ashes of Youth
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: NC-17 **Het content, voyeurism, threesome (m/f/m), rimming, gender-buggery, H/C.*
Word Count: ~ 17,500
Summary: What is a bored, naked spirit to do? Aside from that...
A/N: I rather fancy the title is the wizarding equivalent of the Muggle term "All Beer and Skittles." I nearly titled it "The Sixth Realization" for reasons that shall become obvious.
Many apologies: to all the other [info]snarry_games writers whose work I was unable to read and/or view whilst I toiled over this fic. I shall have to catch up with all your lovely sounding work. Please know your efforts will be a welcome distraction from the summer blues.

MOD NOTE: Thank you, Odogoddess!

All Butterbeer & Gobstones by Odogoddess )
28 May 2008 @ 08:15 am
TEAM DRAGON ENTRY: Loupgarou1750 "Sadness of Eros"  
Title: Sadness of Eros
Author: [info]loupgarou1750
Team: Dragon
Genres: Angst
Prompt: Infidelity, Reckoning
Ratings/Warnings/Kinks: Rated NC-17. *Public sex. Het sex. Violence. Infidelity. *
Word Count: 63,000 +/-
Summary: The open palm of desire wants everything*, or Harry cheats.
AN: Thanks to [info]auctasinistra, [info]joanwilder, and [info]perfica. The most amazing betas and the best people evah to have at one's back. Without them, I would be nothing, my fic might very well be gibberish, and "heel" would consistently be spelled h-e-a-l. And many thanks to [info]centaury_squill and [info]gingertart50 for Britpicking; they never got to go through the whole fic, so any errors in usage are entirely down to me.

*Paul Simon - Further to Fly

Sadness of Eros by Loupgarou1750 )

Mod note: Due to the length of this story, we will not be posting another until tomorrow morning. Thank you!
27 May 2008 @ 08:02 pm
TEAM PHOENIX ENTRY: TheMostePotente "A Tableau of Fire and Ice"  
Title: A Tableau of Fire and Ice
Author: [info]themostepotente
Team: Phoenix
Genre(s): Alternate Universe *Hover/Click for Games Definition of Alternate Universe*, & Angst
Prompt: Forgiveness
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: *dark romance, disturbing imagery, dub-con, bottom!Snape (one scene), docking, auto-fellatio, character deaths (not Snape or Harry)*
Summary: When an archaeological dig yields an artefact with interminable power, Harry must weigh his choices carefully - or risk catastrophic consequences.
Word Count: ~27,500 words
A/N: Huge thanks go to [info]venivincere for her thorough beta. Any mistakes thereafter are mine own. GO TEAM PHOENIX! Dedicated in the memory of D.S.

A Tableau of Fire and Ice by Themostepotente )
26 May 2008 @ 08:05 am
TEAM DRAGON ENTRY: HPStrangelove "Aberrations of Love and Hate"  
Title: Aberrations of Love and Hate
Author: [info]hpstrangelove
Team: Dragon
Genre(s): Alternate Reality *Hover/Click for Games Definition of Alternate Reality*
Prompt(s): Ritual, Inheritance
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: NC-17; *Character Death but not Snape/Harry, Frottage, Harry is 17 in part of the fic, Child Abuse, Insinuations of child sexual abuse, Bondage, NonCon, Mention of Spanking, Mention of Piercing, Mention of het, Mention of HP/DM, Non-graphic Rape*
Word Count: 58,705
Summary: Harry Evans knew he should hate Severus Snape for what he was doing to him. No matter what words Snape made Harry say as far as choice went, Snape was still effectively forcing Harry to have sex with him, or so Snape thought. But as far as Harry was concerned, it couldn't be considered force if he wanted and enjoyed all the wonderfully depraved things Snape did to him.
A/N: This story is dedicated to my lovely sister, Bella, and to Felicity Bowden, both of whom provided valuable feedback. I owe a special thanks to Ms. Bowden for the information on the Royal Free Hospital.

Thank you also to my betas: [info]rakina for Brit Pick and SPAG, [info]joanwilder for SPAG — especially for teaching me about the past perfect tense and open-ended dialogue rules — and plot, and for being such a wonderful team captain. Thank you to the entire Dragon Team for providing information and support, and to [info]djin7 and the mods for all of their hard work.
In regards to the story: I reference a book, Billy Budd, by Herman Melville. Billy Budd is a story about a man falsely accused of plotting a mutiny and accidentally killing the officer who accuses him. The book debates the idea of what justice is. I must thank LJ user kibatsu, author of the Snarry fic 'Nights of Gethsemane', for introducing me to this book.
Lastly, I want to thank you, the reader. I realize this story is one of the longer fics in the Games. I hope that when you finish reading, you don't feel that I have wasted your time. Because this is an Alternate Reality, a few things might be initially confusing. I chose the AR Genre so I could make the characters the way I wanted them to be instead of the way JK wanted them to be. The Dursleys are loving towards Harry. There are no Weasleys — the Malfoys take their place in my AR. Tom Riddle is the same age as Lily and Severus. Lily's and Severus' birth dates remain as in canon, but Harry is born in 1982, not 1980, in order to fit my timeline. The remaining changes should become apparent as you read.

Aberrations of Love and Hate by HPStrangelove )

Mod note: Due to the length of this story, we will not be posting another until tomorrow morning. Thank you!
25 May 2008 @ 09:55 am
TEAM PHOENIX ENTRY: Adbaculum "Tossed Salad and Scrambled Eggs: A Comedy"  
Title: Tossed Salad and Scrambled Eggs: A Comedy
Author: [info]gnomad
Team: Phoenix
Genre(s): Romance
Prompt(s): Tip Jar, Comedy of Errors
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: NC-17, *prostitution themes abound*
Word Count: ~8300
Summary: When his lover gets himself into a bad situation, Harry comes to the rescue. Whether the stubborn git likes it or not, damn it.
A/N: A huge thank you to [info]swtalmnd, [info]treewishes, and [info]alisanne for the speedy and helpful betas! All remaining mistakes are my own. Also, thank you to [info]treewishes for helping me talk out the plot and put it into something that made (somewhat) more sense than the original idea, to [info]swtalmnd for the name of the Wizarding World's red light district, and to the Snarry Games Mods, who are awesome, patient, and have some really fucking impressive modding skills. *tips hat*

Tossed Salad and Scrambled Eggs: A Comedy by Adbaculum )
24 May 2008 @ 11:18 am
TEAM DRAGON ENTRY: Ivylady "Rights and Rituals"  
Title: Rights and Rituals
Author: [info]ivylady
Team: Dragon
Genres: Alternate Universe *Hover/Click for Games Definition of Alternate Universe*
Prompt: Miles to go Before I Sleep, Ritual
Rating/Warnings: R **non-con, minor character death, Mpreg (not graphic), est. relationship**
Word Count: ~31,000
Summary: Drastic measures were taken to ensue Severus's aid to Harry. Years later, the two discover the depths of their connection.
A/N:Thank you so very much, [info]babblingbrook42, who talked me off the ledge and gave me invaluable advice. Thanks for saving my hair! Another thank you to [info]leianora who helped immensely with the setup, outline, and editing for this fic. If it weren't for you, this story would look drastically different. Also, thanks to [info]sweetmelodykiss who helped me with the opening ritual. Thanks also to [info]perfica and [info]klynie1 for their beta reading skills. Another thanks to [info]lilyseyes for providing another set of eyes. Finally, thanks to all the members of Team Dragon. From answering questions to encouragement, it was a great pleasure. You’re all awesome! Team Dragon rocks!

Rights and Rituals by Ivylady )

Mod note: Due to the length of this story, we will not be posting another until tomorrow morning. Thank you!
23 May 2008 @ 06:37 pm
TEAM PHOENIX ENTRY: Beth H "Learning the Landscape "  
Title: Learning the Landscape
Author: Beth H / [info]bethbethbeth
Team: Phoenix
Genre(s): Alternate Reality *Hover/Click for Games Definition of Alternate Reality* & Romance
Prompt(s): Tabloid Headlines
Rating: NC-17
Warning/Kinks: * *Strong language, semi-public fellatio, anal sex, references to despicable political allegiances, hate crimes, and other criminal activities.**
Word Count: ~21,000
Summary: Second generation celebrity, pop sensation, rising movie star: Harry Potter is looking for something more meaningful in his life than mere fame. However, when he inexplicably decides to make ex-con Steven Snape part of that "something more meaningful," well...it's too much to expect the press to ignore it forever.
A/N: (a) Apart from setting this story in America in 2006, some additional liberties have been taken with the timeline: Harry's parents (and any other "Marauders" who might make an appearance), have the same birth dates they have in canon. The rest of the characters - including Harry and Snape - were all born approximately five years later than their canon birth dates...and Harry is just over 21 for those of you who care about that sort of thing.
(b) The footnotes, which are dotted throughout the story, are partly educational and partly inserted for my own amusement. If you're easily jolted out of the narrative flow of a story, don't bother clicking on them. I guarantee you won't miss anything too significant.
(c) Most importantly, though...shifting this story away from a magical world and back into the real world means that the story, of necessity, deals with some groups and ideologies that JKR was able to examine by way of metaphors in her novels. Believe me when I tell you I'm taking them very seriously.
Many thanks: to the very patient mods - and to Meri and Regan V for their speedy and exceedingly helpful betas!

Learning the Landscape by Beth H )