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Mar. 2nd, 2009


Having The Talk

Characters: Regulus, Gaius, Cymbeline
Summary: Regulus follows through on his promise to talk to Cymbeline, and he drags Gaius along with him.

But not that kind of Talk )

Feb. 28th, 2009


Good News Travels Fast

Characters: Serenus, Tybalt, Severus, Etienne, Serafino
Summary: Serenus makes a discovery and shares it with his family; celebrations ensue

Guess what? )

Feb. 22nd, 2009


Owl to Neville Longbottom

I feel your pain. I really do. Have some soup! )

Feb. 18th, 2009


Cuddling Redux

Characters: Serenus, Tybalt
Summary: Serenus and Tybalt discuss their options for making amends to Severus.

Cuddling Redux )

Feb. 17th, 2009


Hide me!

Characters: Harry, Regulus, Gaius
Summary: Harry avoids his own home only to find more than he bargained for at Azoth House.

Feed me, too! )


It's Quiet... TOO Quiet...

Characters: Severus, Serenus, Remus, Tybalt
Summary: Serenus and Tybalt confess; Severus is disappointed.

I don't like it. )

Feb. 16th, 2009


He ain't heavy

Characters: Oliver and Faelan
Summary: The Wood brothers have a chat

He's my brother )
Tags: ,


Home Again, Home Again

Characters: Severus, Serenus, Gaius, Remus, Regulus, Tybalt
Summary: After a holiday weekend apart, the clan reconvenes to share the latest developments.

Home Again )

Feb. 14th, 2009



Characters: Severus, Remus
Summary: For Valentine's Day, Remus pays a special tribute to a deity who hasn't gotten enough attention.

I wanna praise you like I should... )

Feb. 13th, 2009


Hearts and Flowers

Characters: Tybalt, Serenus, Celestra, Ethelenda, and a whole tribe of gypsies
Summary: Tybalt has a very special Valentine's Day surprise for Serenus

I'd marry you again, and again, and again.... )

Feb. 12th, 2009


We'll Always Have Casablanca

Characters: Gaius, Regulus
Summary: Regulus has plans for Valentine's Day weekend that involves travel... and shagging.

Here's looking at you, kid )


A peck of owls

Characters: Oliver and Harry
Summary: Touching base

Or just the same one over and over )

Feb. 10th, 2009


Tell me why

Characters: Harry, Draco
Summary: Harry finally asks for answers.

Put it in writing )

Feb. 7th, 2009


You can't go fishin' in watermelon patch

Characters: Neville, Herbert and Trevor
Summary: Late in the pregnancy, Neville is feeling sorry for himself

But you can be happy if you've a mind to )

Feb. 3rd, 2009


I bet you're wondering how I knew

Characters: Hermione, Harry
Status: complete

I heard it through the grapevine )

Jan. 31st, 2009


I touched you once, I touched you twice...

Characters: Gaius, Regulus
Summary: Fears are voiced, sharing is discussed, and reassurances are given.

...I won’t let go at any price )

Jan. 29th, 2009


Tell me something....

Characters: Regulus, Harry
Summary: Harry seeks out Regulus for some perspective.

Something wise, something real )

Jan. 25th, 2009



Characters: Oliver and Harry
Summary: They had to meet up again sometime

This is awkward )

Jan. 21st, 2009


A Frank (maybe TOO frank) Discussion

Character: Regulus, Tybalt, Remus
Summary: Without their SOs, the boys have a talk about The Way Things Are, and it's not as comfortable as Remus might have hoped.

Too Much Information )


A Brotherly Chat

Characters: Severus, Serenus, Gaius
Summary: The Snape brothers catch up on each others lives, and offer advice

A little tea, a little talk, a little tickling... )

Jan. 17th, 2009


Beach Blanket "Bingo"

Characters: Serenus, Tybalt
Summary: A roaring blaze is kindled on the sand.

At least, Tybalt certainly does score. )

Jan. 13th, 2009


You can't fly away

Characters: Ron and Harry
Summary: Harry confides in his best friend.

with a heart of lead )

Dec. 31st, 2008


Making the Rounds

Characters: the entire Snape clan
Summary: The Snape entourage visit Serafina, and there are presents.

Making the Rounds )


Home for the Holidays

Characters: the entire Snape clan
Summary: The Snape horde descends on Serenus' home village for a holiday visit.

Home for the Holidays )

Dec. 30th, 2008


Ringing in another year

Characters: Oliver and Harry (references to Faelan)
Summary: New Years Eve at Haven's Loft

And good riddance to the last one )

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