
we put a stopper in death

The World of Severus Snape

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March 31st, 2008


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Quick, quick, something for the house warming party before it's over.

Here's a short story that is for the house warming of snapedom on IJ, and for my own story journal, Tales from the Wood..

Warnings: It's not completely beta-read yet. I only put the first chapter up, the second will come soon.


Chapter 1

Severus Snape flung the door to the Room of Requirement open and strode inside.

Finally, peace, he had thought before he’d had entered. Give me a place where I can find peace. His head hammered painfully. Teaching Potions to dunderheads hadn't become easier over the years, and the stress of constantly having to watch out for explosions and mischief, together with the backstabbing, snide remarks and sideway glances of his colleagues, didn't help. Read more... )

March 23rd, 2008

Celebrating resurrection fangirl style

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Warning: potential blasphemy

OK, Snape Fen, it has been suggested that chanting with fervour might assist in raising beloved heros.

So in honor of the Resurrection Holiday today, I remind you of this sacred chant:

Snape, Snape, Severus Snape (repeat)

March 16th, 2008

Housewarming fic: Homecoming

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This was supposed to be a short little ficlet, but as usual, I got carried away, so follow the link to my journal! ^_^ This is a story in which I tried to give Snape the respect and recognition that he deserves.

Title: Homecoming
Rating: PG
Author: [info]geri_chan
Pairing: Snape/Lupin (implied)
Word count: ~3045
Disclaimer: No money is being made off this story; consider it a little wish fulfillment on my part.

Summary: Written for Snapedom's housewarming party on Insane Journal. Severus is offered the chance to return to Hogwarts after the war is over.

March 7th, 2008

Friday rec: fic: Out of this World (Severus, Harry, PG)

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Out of this World, 2104 words, by velja. Drama, basically; not slash unless you squint reeeeeallly hard.

This short piece tries a different angle on the nature of the memories Severus gives to Harry. Rather than just being straight up experiences, they are memories of what Severus was feeling at those points in time. (It doesn't follow the DH script; they are memories pertaining to the relationship between Severus and Harry.) It's a songfic, which is usually a device I dislike, but I was able to gloss over it here because I liked the emotional content. Overall I thought a play-out like is presented in this fic would have made a better basis on which to later construct the fact of Albus Severus's name, i.e., Harry feeling empathy for Severus.


Harry watched every possible step he’d ever made in his life at Hogwarts, everything he’d ever gone through, like a movie playing before his very eyes, a silent movie, filled not with voices and sounds but with emotions.

Emotions that belonged to Snape.

Rushing through Harry’s body, through his insides and head, filling every fiber and every vein, were Snape’s feelings throughout the years they’d known each other. Anger… annoyance… fury… exasperation… irritation… dread…

And pain.

March 5th, 2008

housewarming! drabble: Make-Believe (Severus, Lily, G)

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*shy* Dunno if this suits. It's just a sugary little drabble I wrote last night. (hm, I need an ickle!Sev icon)

Title: Make-Believe
Characters: Severus, Lily
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Warnings: Excessive cuteness.
A/N: 13drabbles alpha set prompt #4, "Make believe".

Sev, what do wizard children do when they play make-believe? )

February 29th, 2008

House Warming Party

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To make all the stress and hassle of moving more bearable, let's have housewarming party.

Post an essay, creative meta, fanfic, art, video or whatever you think fits and give it the tag 'house warming'.

The party will go from today to March 15, and it is open to everyone. The word limit for fic should be around 2000 words, if the story insists on being longer, post a teaser or a chapter here and link to your journal.

For art, please post under a cut. Teaser thumbnails, around 300 px for the longest/widest side are ok.

Please use lj cuts.

Have fun.
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