
November 9th, 2007

The World of Severus Snape

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November 9th, 2007

Friday Rec ~ Funny Fiction and Pretty Artwork

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Original poster: rattlesnakeroot

Happy Friday! This week, I'd like to recommend a great funny/sweet story-in-progress by my brilliant friend [info]lemon_ashwinder .

Return of the Sexy Animagus

From the title you can see this has something to do with Sirius Black, but also has Harry asking advice from Snape's elegant and sarcastic portrait. Hilarity ensues, but there is also a chance you might have a strangely tearful moment or two. I don't know how it will end - and I don't really want it to end. Lots of snark ~ Enjoy!

Rated PG, work safe, possibility of laughter and spewing a screen

For an art recommendation, a beautiful portrait of Snape/Lily by an artist named "Lilyhbp" on DeviantArt:
DH-Lily and Severus

And I made some icons from that Here. Please credit Lilyhbp for those, thanks.

Who are we? A poll

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Original poster: sylvanawood

ETA: [info]rattlesnakeroot informed us that the name Snape's Army is already used by a group on another HP fan site. It is a valid objection, since, although we all are on the same side, we want a distinctive name for our group here.

I won't post the poll again though, we let it run its course until the 18th. Then I'll make a new poll with the suggestion to chnge from Snape's Army to Snape's Navy (that was a suggestion made by one of you), and let it run against the two other entries with the most votes, and against the simple Snape fans, which we didn't have in this round (and possible new suggestions). So, if you have more ideas and new names, now's the time to throw them at us. We are under no pressure, we can make polls and discuss this as often and as long as we want. And everyone likes polls, right? ;)

Where is everyone? Surely we don't need JKR to say something stupid to get us discussing?
I'll remind you of the November challenge: The Great Snape Escape. Fic and meta, both is welcome. There'll be fancy banners.

And here's the poll that was announced a while ago here: A name for Snape Fans

I very much hope that I have all the suggestions and didn't forget one. I had my problems with polls as of late...

The poll will be up until November 18th, midnight. It is now closed.
Poll #1085696 The name for the Snape fans
Open to: All, results viewable to: None

What should we call ourselves? Here are the suggestions from you.
View Answers

6 (7.0%)

2 (2.3%)

20 (23.3%)

Der Schnappes
2 (2.3%)

1 (1.2%)

2 (2.3%)

Logic Masters
4 (4.7%)

Friends of Severus Snape
6 (7.0%)

3 (3.5%)

12 (14.0%)

4 (4.7%)

Snape's Army
24 (27.9%)

And Severus would say to this:
View Answers

Go away or I'll hex you.
30 (35.7%)

Detention, all of you.
52 (61.9%)

Nothing like that, I comment
5 (6.0%)

Ticky box, shiny
9 (10.7%)

Lily the lily-white girl and Sev the greasy foreigner?

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Original poster: marionros

If I had to write down all the things that I loathe about the Potter series I'd had to write a book, so I'll just suffice with this little rant.

I've been a keen reader of pre-1960's childrens books and especially british ones. I love the Billy Bunter stories (I adore Quelch!) and have a soft spot for the Five Findouters and the schoolgirl stories (Clarence House and Malory Towers) of Enid Blyton. Poor Enid was heavily criticized, even banned from library shelves, in the '60s though because of her assumed 'racism' and 'elitism' (i.e., she portrayed gipsies as 'unwashed and prone to theft' and domestic servants are usually portrayed as rather stupid)
Yes,her children heroes are always upper middle class who will ask Cookie to send an extra spiffing tea to the nursery and tend to talk patronisingly down to Gladys, the maid, but they are never rude to adults, and they certainly never back-talk to teachers, set teachers on fire, steal from teachers cupboards or read teachers diaries, to name but a few things. But I digress.

There was a lot of racist typecasting in prewar books, of course. I've read several stories where a young British girl is being wooed by 'foreign' men (often French or Italian) and the cleanlimbed British Lad comes to the rescue. You can easily distinguish British Lad from Foreigner. The British Lad is sturdy and has a rosy complexion (Sports, you know. Not the bookish type, although rather good in school. But Sports are more Manly) and the Foreigner is usually dark-haired and strange-complexioned, greasy (pommade! how effiminate! not like our British Lad) and often has shifty black eyes and a hooked nose (especially when it's a Jewish Foreigner)
When I first read the way Snape was described and how Cunning and Ambition was a Slytherin trait, I thought that JKR was going to do a Wave; I thought that she would disclose in the last book that Harry would be found out to be wrong about things, realise that in fact it were the Slytherins who people were bigotted against and show her readers how easy it is to fall for such stereotyping. Hah! Was I ever wrong!

To make a long story short, when I found this funny parody on youtube I had to share it with you all. It seems as if JKR's mind really has been stuck in the 1940's. Enjoy!

Oh, sorry, I don't know how to link things properly or how to hide text under a tagline (or whatever it's called).

A couple of fic recs for this Friday

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Original poster: bohemianspirit

O.K. There's a ton of fic on [info]snape_after_dh, which I would guess most readers of this community have been busily reading for the last three weeks. ;-) But if you need a good laugh about DH, and you really want to know the Dark Lord's True Name, and you really really want to know the truth about the Harry Horcrux, then I recommend Severus Snape and the Disorderly Deathly Half-True Print. I don't think it will replace canon, but I almost found myself wishing it would. Rated PG, Snarry, but don't let that stop you if it's not a pairing you normally read.

Also... I have a (rather ambitious) series in progress, Severus Evans: An Alternative Life of Severus Snape, in which Severus, despite having won Lily and avoided joining Teh Dark Side, is still in search of his Happily Ever After. The prologue, "If I Could Choose Again," and the first five chapters of Year One, Severus Evans and the Impudent Brat, are up as of this writing. Chapter 6, covering Halloween and Harry's first Quidditch match, will be posted sometime in the next week. I'm having fun writing it, slightly tongue in cheek. Have fun reading it!

Oh, one more rec, total crack, but I'm easily amused: The Puffin. Hoot! (If Puffins would hoot... this one certainly does not.)

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