
A Snake and a Lion

Slythindor - Drabbles



February 28th, 2007

Monday Fun New Player

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Original poster: sassy_cissa

Here I am again. We have another new player! Please welcome [info]ruinithil to Monday fun! She is ready to be tagged! If you are interested in being on the list for Monday Fun....leave a comment here and you'll be added in to the fun.

Here is the updated list:


[info]cinnamon_sins This victim has to be told specifically when she gets tagged, or things might go wonky again.


[info]faith1922 This victim needs to be told specifically when she gets tagged because her life is a mess right now and she graduates in four months.










SPANKING NEW! [info]ruinithil

March 19th, 2007

Monday Fun!

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Original poster: ruinithil

Title: Breaking the Ice
Rating: Both PG
Summary: Harry tries to woo Draco...
A/N: There are two short fics, one 100 words, the other 150 words, both called "Breaking the Ice." I was only going to do one, but Draca wanted a happy ending.
Challenge: Monday Fun at



I was tagged by  [info]kcstories  with the prompt "tea and scones"
And I tag  [info]aquila_star  with the prompt "mirror"

March 12th, 2007

Monday Fun: Anything Is Possible

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Original poster: kcstories

Title: Anything Is Possible
Author: [info]kcstories
Pairing: Harry/Draco (pre-slash)
Rating: PG at most.
Word Count: 922
Summary: Of bitter regrets, trapped fairies and unexpected second chances.
Warning: Fluff.
A/N: The Potterverse is JKR's, not mine. For the [info]slythindor100 Monday Fun challenge. I was tagged by [info]megyal, who gave me the prompt Anything is possible.

Anything Is Possible )

I tag [info]ruinithil for next Monday, with the prompt "tea and scones".

March 5th, 2007

Monday Fun!

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Original poster: megyal

The Pied Piper Complex
Author: [info]megyal
Rating: R
Summary: Harry and Draco have totally different fanclubs...
Disclaimer: The characters are not mine. No money is being earned from the writing of this fic.
A/N: For the [info]slythindor100 Monday Fun challenge from [info]facecat, for the prompt: "How do you do that?"

(read more)

I tag [info]kcstories for next Monday, with the prompt 'anything is possible'.

February 26th, 2007

Monday Fun New Player

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Original poster: sassy_cissa

Here I am again. We have 2 new players! Please welcome [info]megyal and [info]kcstories to Monday fun! They are both ready to be tagged! If you are interested in being on the list for Monday Fun....leave a comment here and you'll be added in to the fun.

Here is the updated list:


[info]cinnamon_sins This victim has to be told specifically when she gets tagged, or things might go wonky again.


[info]faith1922 This victim needs to be told specifically when she gets tagged because her life is a mess right now and she graduates in four months.








SPANKING NEW! [info]megyal and [info]kcstories

Monday Fun

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Original poster: facecat

Title: Crazy
Author: [info]facecat
Date: 2/26/07
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,347
Warnings: sheer sappiness
Disclaimer: I own nothing, sadly. If I did H/D would be canon.
Summary: Harry is smitten.
A/N: For the [info]slythindor100 Monday Fun challenge from [info]chokolattejedi, with the prompt, "Are you insane?" "Possibly." Inspired in part by the fact that I have made plans to go see Equus (Am I insane?). "Sign Your Name Across My Heart" by Terrence Trent D'Arby.

Crazy for you )

Well isn't this ironic? For next Monday I tag new member [info]megyal with the prompt of "How do you do that?"

February 19th, 2007

Happy Monday!

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Original poster: chokolattejedi

Title: Incentive
Beta: [info]mysweetkoinu
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 321
Warnings: SHMEXY!Harry. My smut!muse demands Valentine's chocolate.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: Post-everything. Non HBP-canon
A/N: For my [info]slythindor100 Monday challenge from [info]sesheta_66, with the prompt, "Explain to me why I agreed to do this again?"


Oh, and [info]facecat, tag! You're it! Your prompt is:

"Are you insane?"

February 11th, 2007

Winter Weather Woes - Slythindor100 Monday Fun

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Original poster: sesheta_66

Title:   Winter Weather Woes
Author:    [info]sesheta_66  
Rating:   PG
Genre:    Fluffy romance, pre-slash
Word Count:   1488
Challenge:   Monday Fun Tag from   [info]jean_c_pepper   “Buried By The Blizzard” 
Warnings:   No beta.  Fluff alert!
Summary:   Harry convinces Draco to go tobogganing.
Disclaimer:   The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Are you out of your mind, Potter?

A/N:    OK, technically it's not quite Monday yet, but I know I won't get the chance to post in the morning before work, so here it is.  Besides, it's past midnight elsewhere in the world right now.  :o)

A/N 2:  I tag  [info]chokolattejedi  (our newest newbie) for next week's Monday Fun.  Prompt:  "Explain to me why I agreed to do this again?"

February 5th, 2007

Birthday Surprise

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Original poster: pepper202

Title: Birthday Present



Word Count:1016




Disclaimer: I don’t own anything. JKR owns all. Please don’t sue.

Additional disclaimer: this author is not responsible for underage readers. Please make sure you are legally able to read this in your country of origin.

Warning: This is slash. That means male/male. If you don’t like, don’t read

Author’s notes: This is my response to the Monday fun. For next week I tag  sesheta_66, with the prompt “Buried by the Blizzard”(Sorry- we had a blizzard in my hometown this weekend and I was unable to leave my apt. for 2 days)

January 29th, 2007

New Monday Fun Player

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Original poster: sassy_cissa

Here I am again. We have another new player! Please welcome [info]chokolattejedi to Monday fun! She tells us she is ready to be tagged!

So below is the updated list:


[info]cinnamon_sins This victim has to be told specifically when she gets tagged, or things might go wonky again.


[info]faith1922 This victim needs to be told specifically when she gets tagged because her life is a mess right now and she graduates in four months.







SPANKING NEW! [info]chokolattejedi

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Original poster: aquila_star

Title: What the Devil?
Author: [info]aquila_star
Rating: NC 17
Word Count: 1155
Challenge: Monday fun, prompt of “what the devil is that?”
Notes: Just a quick little fic that came to mind after reading [info]enchanted_jae’s Riding the Tiger. *grins* I’m going to tag our newbie, [info]jean_c_pepper with the prompt ‘and that’s why I don’t…’ You can add your own end to the sentence. Have fun!

What the devil?

January 24th, 2007

New Monday Fun Player

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Original poster: sassy_cissa

We have a new player! Please welcome [info]jean_c_pepper to Monday fun! She tells us she is ready to be tagged!

So below is the updated list:


[info]cinnamon_sins This victim has to be told specifically when she gets tagged, or things might go wonky again.


[info]faith1922 This victim needs to be told specifically when she gets tagged because her life is a mess right now and she graduates in four months. *runs screaming*





SPANKING NEW! [info]jean_c_pepper

January 22nd, 2007

Monday Fun --> What We Do Have

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Original poster: house_illrepute

"Draco, please come back... lay down with me."
Harry's voice
carried little
weightwith Draco Malfoy...

Title: What We Do Have
Author: [info]paedagoge_eros
Pairing: H/D
Summary: Harry and Draco have a small lovers' squabble during their tryst in a forest in Scotland.
Prompt: [info]slythindor100's Monday-Fun; 'sleeping bag for two'.
Warning: Not really angsty. Maybe kinda? No, not really, but we -- the reader -- are being dropped at the tail-end of a row. Is 'smut-free' a warning? Maybe it should be, then? How about an warning for sappy endings? Maybe there should be, yeah? I tried to write a smut one but this came out instead. I have no editor, so please point out any mistakes. :-)

( :: Fake Cut to the Story :: )

and I tag [info]aquila_star; prompt: 'and what the devil is that supposed to be?'

January 15th, 2007

Monday Fun: The Mane Attraction

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Original poster: enchanted_jae

Title: The Mane Attraction
Author: [info]enchanted_jae
Pairing: D/H
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Suggestion
Word count: 578
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written for Monday Fun at [info]slythindor100. I was tagged by [info]faith1922 and given the prompt of bad hair day. However, Draco was not allowed to be the victim of bad hair. At first, I was vexed with Faith's rule, but I actually love what I came up with! And Faith gets a starring role...
Summary: Potter is having a bad hair day, and Draco must make it better.

The Mane Attraction )

For the next victim, er player, I tag the newbie, [info]paedagoge_eros! Your prompt is: sleeping bag for two!

Edit: Followed up in The Mane Attraction 2: Miss Matchmaker

January 10th, 2007

An updated list for the Monday-Fun Players

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Original poster: faith1922

You know, it's hard to stay away. So here's an updated list of the players for you to refresh your memory on who you can tag. I think some people get more prompts than others. It's not nice, you know?


[info]ginnyatheart This victim has to be told specifically when she gets tagged, or things might go wonky again.


[info]faith1922 This victim needs to be told specifically when she gets tagged because her life is a mess right now and she graduates in four months. *runs screaming*




SPANKING NEW! [info]paedagoge_eros

To be added, leave a comment.

June 19th, 2006

Monday-Fun II

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Original poster: faith1922

I'm stupid, an idiot and incompetent. I suck. I forgot to spit out the list of players. So now [info]enchanted_jae had to tag me again. I guess I deserve it.... *grumbles*.

Here we go:


[info]ginnyatheart This victim has to be told specifically when she gets tagged, or things might go wonky again.


[info]faith1922 This victim needs to be told specifically when she gets tagged because her life is a mess right now and she graduates in four months.




To be added, leave a comment.

January 8th, 2007

Monday Fun, don't you think?

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Original poster: faith1922

Title: Old and New
Words: 902
Prompt: Answer to my Monday prompt, Out with the old, in with the new.
A/N: I went and got all sappy. Bwah. Must shower, NOW.

”Out )

For next week I tag…..[info]enchanted_jae, mostly because I don’t have the web access right now to check who else I could pick. Your prompt is bad hair day and to make it a bit less obvious, Draco must not be the one suffering from terrible hair.

Other than that, I’m resigning from the Monday Fun. I’m graduating in four months and I barely get to read my flist as it is. I’ll also open this Comm up for everyone to post challenges. Sorry bout that. The alternative would be for someone else to take over? Yeah, didn’t think so.

So this is goodbye then, at least until June. Stay pretty, boys and girls.

December 31st, 2006

Monday Fun

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Original poster: sassy_cissa

12/30/06 (very late for Monday, 12/25/06)
Title: A Slight Misunderstanding
Author: [info]bslehofer
Rating: R for sexual situations
Word Count: 294
Challenge: Written for the Monday Fun drabble challenge at [info]slythindor100, with the prompt of "Missionary Sex"
Warnings: totally silly and ridiculous
Disclaimer: The only thing I should be sued for is for the silliness of this story.
Author's note: The ending was borrowed from something I read and I can't for the life of me remember where. If it was yours...I apologize and will credit if you tell me.

A Slight Misunderstanding )

Ok, for the next Monday fun I tag [info]faith1922 with a prompt of "out with the with the new". Have fun!

December 18th, 2006

Monday Fun

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Original poster: blaithacs

Title: A Madman's Wish
Author: [info]blaithacs
Pairing/Characters: Harry/Draco, Snape/Lupin (implied), Hermione
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: language, slash, boytouching-kissing, flangst, humor
Word count: 2987 ( it's supposed to be an entry for a drabble challenge *le sigh* )
Summary: Harry has been hit by a spell and Draco faces the consequences...
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of J.K.Rowling.
Many thanks to my beta [info]raisinous_fiend! :)
Author's note: Written for [info]slythindor100's Monday Fun, where I was tagged by [info]facecat with the prompt "Harry takes Draco -or vice versa- to his 1st visit to Santa Claus". Well; first of all, I did the vice versa thing (Draco takes Harry to Santa) and, erm, it's kinda...different from what you would probably expect but really, the damn plot bunny insisted and... voila! Thoughts and opinions, always and very much appreciated :)

A Madman's Wish

For next week, i tag..[info]bslehofer with the prompt...*hehehe evil chuckle* : "missionary sex" :P Have GREAT fun!!

December 11th, 2006

Monday Fun

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Original poster: facecat

Title: Who knew what a glass of chocolate milk could do?
Author: Facecat
Pairing: D/H established relationship
Rating: PG
Warning(s): 1. The title is nearly as long as the drabble 2. I stole the disclaimer from Jae 3. Possible mis-use of chocolate sauce.
Word count: 177
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Prompt: Monday Fun prompt of chocolate milk from [info]aquila_star

Got Milk? )

Hmmmm - for next week I tag [info]blaithacs. Prompt - Harry takes Draco (or vice versa) on his 1st visit to Santa (hope that's not been done before). Thanx.

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