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[18 Nov 2019|06:30pm]
[info]sunset an ex with a messy past to come back in his life to see if they can make it work once more. Not picky about who you play.
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[18 Nov 2019|07:00pm]
david harbor to call daddy would be hella great.
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[18 Nov 2019|07:52pm]
Partner in crime needed for a fun action and adventure romp. Something with the feel of The Mummy (the good 1999 version) and Indiana Jones type scavenger hunts, with larger than life, kickass characters and textbook evil guys.

If you're into world-building (and not flaking), then I have a screened post waiting for you!
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[18 Nov 2019|08:45pm]
Wondering if there is an Elio out there for my Oliver. Or a Timothee for my Armie!
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[18 Nov 2019|09:22pm]
Long-term OC slash line that we mayyyyyybe bring into a comm?
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[ viewing | November 18th, 2019 ]
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