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[19 Nov 2019|05:59am]
still looking for either another musician for gavin or a guy for daniel johns for a psl pretty please?
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[19 Nov 2019|07:21am]
since i lost my last slp, would someone be willing to play nikki or another musician against him?
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[19 Nov 2019|01:34pm]
A pooka masquerading as a Brooklyn hipster witch tells fortunes for a living. An old fairy quirk prevents him from giving his clients the truth, something that's never bothered him until one day he reads a guy's fortune and discovers that the man is cursed.
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[19 Nov 2019|05:44pm]
Looking for a mall Santa for this younger guy who has taken a job playing an elf. At first it starts off as a one time thing because Santa is packing but things take a turn into more as my guy realizes what a caring man mall Santa is and that despite not being some muscular hunky type he treats him better than any other guy. Looking for someone like Nick Frost for pb and I'm not married to Tom for my own pb if there is someone you'd like better.
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[19 Nov 2019|06:06pm]
Does anyone still write mpreg that isn't A/B/O? Hit me up, let's plot something!
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[19 Nov 2019|07:02pm]
Looking for one or two more takers for a Prince/prince trope or possibly a prince/knight or even prince/sorcerer if that's more your speed. Medieval/High fantasy. Writing/telling a story > smut.

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[19 Nov 2019|09:49pm]
Two lonely guys meet in a chatroom late one night. Character A suffers from insomnia and often turns to the internet when he can't sleep. He's a bit of an introvert as well. Character B has a 'secret'. Maybe he has a disability, struggles with mental health, is engaged or we can brainstorm something else. I'd like them to become friends, develop some feelings, but one or the other keeps putting off meeting. Slash only.
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[ viewing | November 19th, 2019 ]
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