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check the journal [17 Nov 2019|06:27am]
a few ideas i would like to get filled, all slash please
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[17 Nov 2019|07:45am]
home/psl i would love a line with joe or another male, open to faces
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[17 Nov 2019|11:14am]
Thinking of starting a slash gpsl, but I need some feedback on which idea you guys want to see the most:
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[17 Nov 2019|06:40pm]
Thirsty for a Bill Hader pb for my younger man to worship. Bonus points if he's horny and depressed.
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[17 Nov 2019|07:39pm]
Going out on a limb here but I was looking to see if I could find a Mycroft Holmes or Greg Lestrade from BBC Sherlock. I have a few ideas that I am looking at but willing to discuss if you have anything you want to do.

*Warnings for ABO and MPreg*
Ideas )
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[17 Nov 2019|08:19pm]
Would love a Hank McCoy for this thirty-something Bobby Drake where they reconnect years after the OG X-Men have disbanded. Nostalgia, reminiscing, flashbacks to their youth, and reluctantly getting pulled back into superheroics?
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[ viewing | November 17th, 2019 ]
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