slash storyline community's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
slash storyline community

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[31 Jan 2019|09:23am]
is there anyone else with a soft spot for unconventional/rarely used and 30+ faces that would like to form a slash psl? i'm looking for slice of life, i love writing threads/scenes, and i love allowing characters to really dig into getting to know each other. there is a screened post in the journal, if you prefer, and i'm happy to set up customs to chat.
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[31 Jan 2019|09:25pm]
Final Fantasy VIII? Found time again for my favorite game.

Squall especially but show me what you've got.

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[31 Jan 2019|09:50pm]
Any Ranger buddies wanna join me at [info]nuffsaid?
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[ viewing | January 31st, 2019 ]
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