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[30 Jan 2019|06:27pm]
looking for a longer-term (hopefully!) slash sl with this former piano-playing child prodigy turned dopey 20 year old. small bio here with more info, but i would love someone slightly older than him, preferring mid-20s to late-30s, maybe early 40s. comments screened, so comment here or there and we can talk!
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[30 Jan 2019|09:59pm]
A younger guy for a Zac pb possibly for a student/teacher scenario?
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[30 Jan 2019|10:33pm]
looking to come up with a relationship between two older guys to take somewhere/write as a psl that is deep, interesting, and detailed. i'd love to use kiefer sutherland and i'd love to see mads mikkelsen, but am up for discussion on that one. comment here or the screened post. threading only.
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[ viewing | January 30th, 2019 ]
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