slash storyline community's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
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[01 Feb 2019|11:56am]
[info]nuffsaid Joseph Mazzello, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Michael Fassbender, Joel Kinnaman, Ed Skrein, Steven Yeun, Wentworth Miller, Michael Cudlitz, Jensen Ackles & Will Smith. also: Charlie Hunnam, Gwylim Lee, Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins, Zachary Quinto would be loved as well

Open Registration ends tomorrow, so if you've been thinking about it but haven't decided, DO IT NOW!
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[01 Feb 2019|05:25pm]
would someone who's not picky about pbs be interested in joining [info]obscurum or brainstorming a supernatural/fantasy psl with wiggle room for worldbuilding, narratives/social media posts, shorter scenes, and optional messenger?
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[01 Feb 2019|06:11pm]
looking for some pure smutty fun. i have open threads in the journal, but am down to plot too. open to about anything.
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[01 Feb 2019|06:18pm]
Looking for HP OC character lines! Slash/journals only, please. More information in the journal!
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[01 Feb 2019|06:28pm]
Malex line? Up for writing either man.
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[ viewing | February 1st, 2019 ]
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