During the battle with Kovira in the Spirit Wilds of Republic City, Avatare Korra uses the Avatra State to protect Kovira from the Spirit Energy Canon blast. This tore a hole between worlds, and transported the Avatar and her friends through the weakened barrier between not only the spirit world, but also the world of Thedas.

Arriving in the village of Haven, and surprising the few remaining guards of the Inquisition, they discovered a world that was both similar and yet different to their own.


Posts Tagged: 'chrestomanci+chronicles:+mordecai+robert'

May. 10th, 2022



Journal Post: Merrill

[OOC: Backdated to before leaving]

[Mission Teams: Zevran, Mordecai, Ezio, Buffy, Lucy, Balthier, and Fran]
Hello! Some of you know me, I think. I've seen most of you about Skyhold. If you don't, I'm Merrill. I came from Kirkwall to join the Inquisition, but I spent the first part of my life in Ferelden which is why - one of the reasons why, I'm sure - I've been asked to help with this.

I tend to ramble, sorry. The village of Crestwood seems to have been having some trouble with dead bodies of people and animals, and the important people, you know, up top, think it's worth looking into. Since you were all so much help with the rift and, we hoped you might be willing to help with this, as well. It's a few days traveling, if you're all right with that, so best to pack well, but pack lightly.

And if you carry any healing potions or that sort of thing, it might be a good idea to bring them. Just in case.

[Hawke + Anders]
I'm going out of Skyhold for a bit. Don't worry about me, I'll have some of the new people with me and a couple few of them seem sensible. And Zevran, of course.

May. 6th, 2022



[No Subject]

For those I haven't met. My name is Jospehine Montilyet. I'm the Inquisition's Ambassadotr. Part of my job is to organise our formal engagements, and parties. As such, I have organised a party, to welcome all of our guests from other worlds to Thedas, tomorrow night. I know that being here is no one's choice. But, I hope that this will start to make you feel welcome here, while we work on figuring out a way to get you all home.

Apr. 24th, 2022



[No Subject]

Testing. Testing. Can everyone see this?

I sure hope so, because working on this was absolutely fascinating, and very exciting. And, if it doesn't work it will take far too long to figure out why. And, I rather think we need this sooner rather than later.

Anyway, in the hope you can all see this. Hello, I'm Dagna and I'm an Arcanist. I'm partly responsible for creating this method of communication. Which should be pretty secure, providing you use the instructions I provided with each journal. Still, if you have any questions, please let me know.

Apr. 23rd, 2022



Log: Mordecai Roberts + Open

WHO :: Mordecai Roberts, Throgmorten + Open
WHEN :: 13 April
RATING :: PG + Mild language
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Sep. 7th, 2021



Arrival Narrative: 2 Solace (July) 9:45 Dragon

WHO :: Peter Pevensie, Mordecai Roberts, Throgmorten, NPC Soldiers
WHEN :: 2 Solace (July)/Early Morning
WHERE :: Chrestomanci Castle/Lantern Waste/Skyhold
RATING :: G (In progress)
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Sep. 4th, 2021



Journal Post: 4 Kingsway 9:45 Dragon

I have to compliment the Skyhold library. It's a broad collection from the informative to the entertaining, and provides some fascinating possibilities for experimentation once I've actually in the future. I'm feeling a bit adventurous today. Would anyone else be interested in a tramp through the mountains?

Sep. 3rd, 2021



[No Subject]

I've only been back a month, and I do believe I eaten my own weight in cheese at least ten times already. Honestly, the lack of cheese is the worst thing about the fade.

Okay, perhaps that's not entirely accurate. The very worst thing was being away from you.

How are you feeling, my love?

Aug. 7th, 2021



[No Subject]

It's been a good many years since I wished I wasn't a mage. So, why is it now that I suddenly can't do magic?

Jan. 11th, 2021



[No Subject]

I may one day get used to this incredible view, but I somehow suspect it will be quite some time from now.

[After being recruited for the mission]

I'm going to be out of Skyhold for a time. Could I prevail on you to check in on Throgmorten? He's quite good at taking care of himself, really, but I don't want him thinking he's been abandoned.

Jan. 10th, 2021



[No Subject]

Not quite how I envisioned celebrating my birthday this year.

Wow, that's a big word. Willow would be proud that I'm expanding my volcabulary. Still, Happy Birthday to me, I guess.

Jan. 9th, 2021



[No Subject]

Hello? I do hope I am using this device properly. This is King Peter... Pevensie, though I suppose my title means little in this new realm I seem to have stumbled into. Is there truly no way back to Narnia from here?



[No Subject]

11th - 24th Wintermarch


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Jan. 8th, 2021



[No Subject]

I get the feeling I'm not wearing the right shoes for this. Or clothes. Good thing they've asked me to make clothes, really.

Dec. 27th, 2020



Journal Post:

Backdated to the 20th

Is anyone else being importuned by a singing apparition of some sort? The tune is rather catchy, but it does get old, and the thing doesn't respond to banishing or Throgmorten's attempts to bat it out of the air.

Dec. 5th, 2020



5 Haring 9:45 Dragon

[Ellana + Mages (i.e. all magic users) + Alistair + Dagna]
There seems to be another incident in Haven. Objects falling through. I suggest a mage and templar-trained warrior meet the guards at the portal so we can determine if we're dealing with some kind of enchanted objects before we transport them to the undercroft.

Cullen Rutherford

Oct. 21st, 2020



21 Harvestmere 9:45 Mordecai Roberts

Has anyone seen a ginger tomcat with a ragged ear? Possibly stalking birds? He's having a sulk at the moment, and I don't want him terrorizing unsuspecting getting into too much trouble.

He answers to Throgmorten when he's in the mood to do so.

Oct. 9th, 2020



9 Harvestmere 9:45 Dragon

We have a situation in Haven. Demons are coming through the Rift in force.

Inquisition soldiers should already have your orders. Any other experienced fighters and mages willing to help, report to the portal kindly? set up by two of our newest mages.

Healers, prepare to receive the injured.

Oct. 1st, 2020



[No Subject]

Climbing mountains is one of my least favorite things to do.

Seriously, if your people do this regularly, how do you not already have a portal between that little ruin where the rift is, and wherever it is I'm being taken?



[No Subject]

Testing. Testing. Can everyone see this?

I sure hope so, because working on this was absolutely fascinating, and very exciting. And, if it doesn't work it will take far too long to figure out why.

Anyway, in the hope you can all see this. Hello, I'm Dagna and I'm an Arcanist. I'm partly responsible for creating this method of communication. Which should be pretty secure, providing you use the instructions I provided with each journal. Still, if you have any questions, please let me know.

Sep. 27th, 2020



Narrative: Mordecai Roberts

WHO :: Mordecai Roberts, Throgmorten, NPC Soldiers
WHEN :: 24 Kingsway (September)/Early Morning
WHERE :: Chrestomanci Castle/Haven/Skyhold
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